Too Late


"Please, you have to listen to me," Fleur begged her former Headmistress.

"We have had no reports of any sort of enemy movement, actually it has been dead silent. I am not going to send everyone into a panic based on assumptions," Madame Maxime told her.

"We are not asking for you to tell everyone," Fleur reminded her, "just the teachers you trust, start working on basic defences quietly. Send the first to third years on a field trip into the mountains, out of harm's way. If we're wrong it will just be a fun day for them."

"Doing such actions takes planning and time. Permission slips would be required from their parents, we can't do that on such short notice," she argued.

"Oh for fucks sake," I said in frustration, "if we are right, and they all die. That's on you." I then started to pace around the room. Most nervous about the fact that I had to leave Bella with Bill Weasley. If she got hurt...

"Watch your language, boy," Madame Maxime scolded me. I completely ignore her comment.

"We don't know how much time you have, please just do this," Fleur pleaded. I could tell the tall woman had a soft spot for Fleur, she was probably one of her star pupils.

"I can see what I can do," she compromised.

"Thank you. Remember to keep this all secret, you never know what side people are on unless you truly know them," Fleur reminded her.

"Of course. You two can stay here until we establish if this threat is real or not," she told us, unknowing of the larger party we travelled with.

"Thank you," Fleur replied and walked out of the room, I followed her.

"Why did you come?" She asked me, noting my presence. The plan was originally for just her to talk to the headmistress. I shrugged my shoulders acting like it was because I just wanted to. Truthfully, I wanted to get a sense of who she was and I didn't want to deal with my friends questioning me. I was tired of people judging me. Although I think Thalia is finally getting used to the idea that this was what I am now.

"Ok, well Leo said we will get a call from him when Reyna? Was that her name?" I nodded at Fleur trying to remember everything. "When she is close, until then we can just chill with my sister."

I didn't reply to her, not knowing what to say. She led me out of the large tower that resided in the Headmistress's office and into another part of the building.


"You are mad," Thalia told Ron. Ron looked at her like it was a normal thing to eat 2 kilos of meat in one go. Once upon a time, I would probably agree with him. Funny how life changes people.

"I told him he was a pig," Hermione announced, "he didn't agree with me."

"I agree with you," Fleur's sister told Hermione.

"And to think I have him as a boyfriend," Hermione joked.

"Boyfriend?" Ron questioned with excitement.

"What did you think we were?" Hermione asked.

"I didn't ok," Ron stumbled, excited that Hermione made the relationship official. They smiled at each other and I couldn't help but look away. I was glad they were happy, I just didn't want to see them happy. It's a reminder of how alone I truly was.

A weird ring ton went through the air. It was time. I looked down towards Rachel's phone in Thalia's hand.

"Hello?" She answered. "Ok...yep...yeah, see you."

"Reyna has arrived?" Hermione asked. Thalia nodded. The battle was drawing close.

"They're hiding out not too far from here," she told us.

"Has Maxime moved the people away yet?" Nico asked.

"See that girl and her friends," Fleur pointed out a small group sitting not far from us, "they are at most third years, meaning she hasn't done it."

"What are we going to do?" Ron asked.

"Nothing. We can't do anything without telling Voldemort/Kronos's spies we are here," Thalia told us. "Hopefully when the fighting starts, they run."

A person suddenly ran down the corridor, sprinting as if her life depended on it. A couple more students were seen running behind her. As she came closer towards us I grabbed onto her arm, putting a halt to her frantic running. "What's happening?" I demanded of the terrified girl, she looked no older than twelve.

She broke out of my lose grip and kept running, too afraid to say anything. I looked towards the direction that multiple students were pouring out of, like water going down a drainpipe. With no hesitation I walked straight towards the place they were running from, not checking to see if the others had followed. I paused when I approached a window, looking out I could see them. I could see them all.

The monsters Kronos was rallying, the Death Eaters loyal to Voldemort, and the few Titans loyal to whoever gave them a place in the new world they hoped to create through destruction. I recognised some of them, even from this distance. Hyperion's light made him impossible to miss. I was surprised to see him after our last that place.

"They're here," Thalia mumbled. I looked around at the frightened students. They are here and Madame Maxime did basically nothing to protect her school and the children inside.

"Ok, but can we get changed before we go out to fight? No point hiding now," Ron asked, referring to his inability to move in the girl's uniform. Nico looked as if he was about to ask the same question.

"Yeah," Hermione replied reaching into her small, yet huge bag and grabbing our spare clothes. She also grabbed a bow and arrow as well as a long black sword. "Be quick," she told us. I looked at the pile of clothes, grabbing my own and wasting no time to change. My body was already calling me towards the fight, and I hated to prolong its wish.   
