King's Cross


The distant shots of the battle ring in my ear as I stand near the side of the battle. I knew Voldemort would look for him, even if Kronos was in his mind with him. I also knew that all of this was for nothing if I didn't die, after all, I was a Horcrux and he was invincible unless I died. Sneaking away from everyone was the easy part, his friends were caught up in the battle. It was all too disorientated to notice one person missing, even if it was 'the chosen one.'

I walked through the forest, not so far from where the demigods and myself were hiding, trying to find where Voldemort/Kronos had snuck off to.

"Harry Potter..." A slithering voice called out to me. I look across the treeline and saw Voldemort/Kronos standing there beside Bellatrix Lestrange. "The boy who lived, come to die. Why give yourself up when the battle is already lost? Trying to take me out on your own?"

I decided to remain silent and not answer his question. The less he knew the better. His snake slithered by his side, but for some reason, I felt it calling to me.

"It seems he doesn't want to talk my lord," Bellatrix said with amusement.

"It does not matter, whether he came here for stupidity or something else, he is going to die," Voldemort/Kronos said and lifted his wand.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" He shouted his lungs out. A green light came flashing towards me and I almost ducked away out of fear and instinct.

Then I reminded myself...this is what is needed to be done. I had to do this. I stood my ground and welcomed the green light that had always been my fear.


My eyes opened to see a white room surrounding me. Was this heaven? Was there a heaven...or was this that underworld place the demigods talked about? I had no idea what I was doing here or if I was even alive. I shouldn't be. I was hit but the death spell, and this time my mother was not there to save me.

I looked around and saw a bench in the middle of the room. Seeing that was the only thing there I decided to walk towards it. It felt as if something drew me towards it. I looked underneath the bench and saw something that utterly disgusted me. It was small and shrivelled up, it reminded me of Voldemort in the graveyard before Wormtail turned him into the being he was today.

"You can't help," a familiar voice told me. I looked up to see Dumbledore...maybe I was in some sort of dead world. "Harry, you wonderful boy, you brave brave man. Let us walk."

I did not protest, still surprised to see the man that changed so much of my life. As we walked together down the unfamiliar place I glanced around at my surroundings, trying to figure out where we were. "Professor, what is that?" I asked looking back towards the bench.

"Something beyond either of our help. A part of Voldemort sent here to die," he responded.

"And...where is here?" I asked looking around

"I was just about to ask you that. Where do you say we are?" I took another glance seeing a familiar setup of the room.

"King's Cross, right? But like...cleaner, with no trains," I responded. Trying to figure it out, although I was still unsure of my guess.

"This is as they say, 'your' party. I expect now you realise how you and Voldemort have been connected by something other than fate. Since that night at Godric's Hollow all those years ago," Dumbledore told me.

"So what Hades said was true then, sir. A part of him lives within me doesn't it?" I asked.

"Did, it was just destroyed not moments ago by Voldemort himself," Dumbledore confirmed. "You were the Horcrux he never meant to make, Harry."

"I have to go back, haven't I? They are fighting a war," I realised.

"Oh, that's entirely up to you."

I thought about what he said. "So I have a choice?" I asked.

"Of course you do. We are in King's Cross so you say. I think if so decide, you'll be able to board a train."

"And where would that take me?" I asked curiously, not knowing how this all worked.

"On," he said as if it explained everything.

"Voldemort has merged with Kronos," I stated.

"True, but you have already figured out to destroy him," he said.

"Destroy the Horcruxes...the snake..." I realised, the snake had to be the last Horcrux. That explained the feeling I had when I was near him. "Is the snake still alive?" I asked.

"Yes," he replied.

"And I've nothing to kill it with?" I said in dismay.

"You may not be at Hogwarts, but you are a Gryffindor. Hogwarts is with you and help will always be given to those at Hogwarts, Harry, to those who ask for it," Dumbledore said as if that explained the answer to all of my problems. "I've always the pride of myself on my ability to turn a phrase. Words are, in my not so humble opinion...almost inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of inflicting injury and remedies. But I would in this case...amend my original statement to this: help, will always be given at Hogwarts, to those who deserve it. Do not pity the dead, Harry... pity the living. And above all...all those who live without love. I'll be going now, Harry."

"Professor? Is this all real?" I asked the question that had been gnawing at the back of my mind this entire time. "Or is it just happening inside my head?"

"Of course it's happening inside your head, Harry. Why should that mean, that it's not real?" He replied.

"Professor? What should I do?" Suddenly everything started to shift around me. "Professor!" I called out as the white lights around me faded away.

Soon I was confronted with the smell of dirt. I was alive. I listened to my surroundings and heard nothing. I opened my eyes, looked around. Voldemort/Kronos had left with Bellatrix and his snake. The snake...I close my eyes again and asked.

When I opened them there was a soft glow, a sword appeared next to me. The sword of Gryffindor that I had lost at Gringotts. I stood up from the ground and grasped the sword by its handle. It was time to kill a snake.
