See You Again


Today was the day. I glanced down at the demigod camp from Half-Blood Hill that was flooded with wizards. It was satisfying to see everyone come together to try and rebuild their lives. If only I had their strength to keep moving forward instead of being kept in the past.

I took one last look before everything disappeared around me and I was faced with the chill of the underworld.

"Percy," Hades greeted him.

"Where is she?" I asked the only question on my mind.

"Follow me," he responded. I did do without hesitation, following him through the drifting souls in Asphodel, past the distant screams in the Fields of Punishment, straight towards Elysium.

Anxiety had started to overrun my mind, what if she decided to move on? Or didn't love me anymore? It had been years and she was alone here. All doubt left my mind when I spotted her golden girls and perfectly tanned skin.

She turned around and looked at me with those storm eyes that I had missed so much. Her expression was in complete shock.

"Annabeth," I whispered. It had been so long, so long to whisper her name, to see her golden hair, to see her smile as she ran towards me. I felt her body collide into mine and suddenly everything else just washed away. It was just me and her. "I missed you so much," I mumbled into her blonde curls and wrapped my arms around her waist. Pulling her into me so she was close.

"Percy..." her angelic voice replied, "please, please don't tell me you're really here."

I pulled away from her, looking straight into her grey eyes, "I'm here," I told her.

"No, no you were supposed to grow old, live out your days on the beach with your family, and-" she started to ramble off all the things she wanted me to do before I died.

"Annabeth," I cut her off, "even though I am still alive, I could never move on from you."

"You're not?" She asked in confusion, no doubt wondering how I was here. She looked over at me once again. "You're a god," she figured out in disbelief.

"It was the only way to save them...I wanted to bring you back when you...died, but Hades wouldn't let me. Although when I turned into a god, he gave me access into the underworld once a decade to visit you, visit everyone," I explained.

"Thank gods," she replied, "I thought you died and didn't get to live your life...although we won't see each other often...I am so happy to have you here with me," she said, she was almost crying out of joy. Almost, she was trying to be strong like always.

"I never want to leave you again, I would rather die than be without you," I replied and clung onto her as if my life depended on it. My life did depend on her.

"You have to, Percy. Please live for me," she told me. "Do it for me, I will always be here waiting for you each time a decade has passed. In the days without me, I want you to truly live. Promise me, please...promise me, Percy."

I looked into her eyes and knew I couldn't refuse, "I promise."

"Good. Now there are others here that I know would like to say hello as well if you would like," she told me.

I smiled, "of course I would."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I looked down upon New York, the wind flowing through my hair causing it to be what could only be described as a bird's nest. I ran my hand through Bella's fur and watched everyone below me. I could see the people walking around, even from the heights of the Empire State Building. Some of them were running from one place to another, others walking slowly lost in a daydream. Each one living in blissful ignorance of the true nature of the world. I remember when I was like that, just a troubled kid with a nasty habit of accidentally blowing things up. I lost sight of that little boy, he was covered by hate, anger, fear, loss, pain, and grief. Never again.

I will never again live within the fear of falling down forever. I will always get back up, rising higher than any cliff, mountain, or pain that is thrown at me. Rising to the needs of whoever is lost like I was. My name is Percy Jackson, the god of protection and loyalty, and the clothes of fear that I once worn are now passed on to my enemies who try to keep me down. 

 The End

I hope you all liked that story ending, and for all those who think I am cruel. I was going to kill Hazel in the last few chapters but decided against it know I am merciful.  

This Trilogy started around four years ago so completing it feel like a massive achievement, even if it isn't the best. Thank you to anyone who read it, you gave me motivation to keep on writing.  

I guess it's time I try and finish my other incomplete stories...

Please if you like Fantasy/Romance, can you try out my original novel Awakening. I guess that's all I have to say.

