
Sorry for all the errors in this chapter. I really can't be bothered to edit it. I just watched the Goblet of Fire and cried so now I don't feel like editing anymore. Rest in peace Cedric. Now I'm going go watch my favourite character die Sirius. Hope y'all enjoy

Severus Snape

My life went down hill faster than a fire climbing through kerosine. How did I end up here?

All I remember was a conversation with Dumbledore, myself walking from his office and then something hitting me on the head from behind.

Now I'm in a dungeon surrounded but young girls. Each of us with one thing in common, we're trapped here. With no way out. Although my mind is always trapped, now my body is too. I'm trapped both in the past and present with no hope for a future.

Listening to her voice.
Watching her smile.
Staring into her eyes.
The eyes that now belong to him.
And the girl I once knew left me alone for that swine.

I don't let a tear escape my eye. This will not be the end of me. I will not let her past choices anger me, after all it was him that took her from me.

"Thalia?" An unfamiliar voice questioned, one of the young girls I presumed. Asking their leader once again of questions she could not answer.

"Lady Artemis?" She replied back to the darkness uncertainty in her voice. Artemis? Surely the goddess would not be trapped in here.

"Yes, I'll explain later, but right now we need to leave," her voice was low and rushed.

"How?" One of the other Hunters  questioned.

"Leave that to me," she replied not revealing her plans.

"Tell us what to do," Thalia replies not questioning the goddesses thinking.

"Stay behind me. Listen to every word I say," she commands her faithful hunters. "You may follow Severus. Although I don't think escaping this place will do much to ease your pain."

I struggle to keep my face mutual as she reveals her knowledge. She knows of the secret I keep closer than any person alive. She knows how to truly hurt me if it were her will to do so. And that is not the power I like to give people I just met.

"Let it begin," she said more to herself than the rest of us watching the slight shiner of her figure in the darkness approach the door.

She drew out two twin blades that i have no idea where they came from. Perks of being a goddess it seems. She neared herself to the door and took out a pin from her hair. She silently twisted it in the lock and a click was the only noise in the deathly silent room.

The guard took no notice to it. Her thin child body slipped through the bow open door gracefully. Her blades glowing into the moonlight that swept through the room.

Thalia immediately followed her through the door and one by one the girls left the room. I did not let them leave me here alone, so out I went not bothering to close the door behind me.

I followed the trail of bodies. The goddess had no mercy on those who took what she loved. She let her rage fuel her arms, the blades just an extension of herself.

I glance at the fallen bodies, each face familiar to me as the follows of the Dark Lord. Followers that I have seen in meetings. Such a shame the Dark Lord deemed my presence unnecessary and that of a titan is more important. I could have been more useful in stopping his demise if he trusted me more.

I continued my journey through the sea of bodies. She really didn't let a single on of them have the time to kill her hunters. Their wands were still at their sides.

My torn robes dragged alone the ground as I moved with caution. Although I doubt that any one was left alive.

I left the manor with out a second thought and watched the hunt leave through the forest in the other direction. I just stood and watched them go. I had no reason to follow. Their business was not mine. I had somewhere else to go. A place called Hogwarts.

Once again I was left to travel alone. Life isn't fair. Some of us learn that the hard way.
