

"There must be another way!" Hazel yelled at her father, ignoring how disrespectful it is to scream at a god. Despite being gone Annabeth's spirit seemed to live on in all of us.

"He's right," Harry mumbled to himself, staring down at the floor as if realising it himself. Hades responded with a sly smirk and began to approach Harry. Each foot the moved, each muscle that contracted towards Harry made it seem as if time was slowing down. He cannot die. Especially not as a sacrifice.

"Harry!" Hermione shrieked in defiance, Ron holding her back from attacking the god. There was nothing we could do he was a god. Not just any god but one of the big three. The Lord of the Underworld. We cannot beat him in a battle.

"Father, don't do this," Hazel pleaded with Hades. His eyes glanced at her for only a moment.

"Pluto, is your father. Not me, " he brushed of her pleas and made no indication of slowing he walk towards Harry. I quickly try my best to think of a way put of this. To think like Annabeth.

"Wait! Hades, I have a proposal!" I shouted as loud as I could muster as Hades raises his hand towards Harry, no doubt to deliver a fatal blow power. He did not reply, so I decided finish what I was saying. "You're doing this so you can kill Kronos, right? To destroy all Horcruxes?"

"Of course," Hades replied confirming the obvious.

"If you kill him now, you'll get rid of a powerful weapon against Kronos, against Voldemort," my improvisation was coming to an end.

"What could a child like him do that I, a god, cannot?" Hades dismissed Harry's worth. Harry looked towards me with questioning eyes. I can see it in his heart that he wants this to happen, but he does not wish for anyone else to get hurt. Deep down I see the similarities between him and Percy. I wish Percy were here. I have heard that he had fought Hades in a battle and won like a true warrior. We are all just sitting ducks to him.

"He can find the other horcruxes," Hermione spoke up. "He can hear them. He has a connection to Voldemort's mind and can see what he is doing, feel him and know where the other Horcruxes are. There is no point in killing him yet because you have no idea what the other Horcruxes are," her reasoning made sense, but only prolonged his demise.

"Listen to what she is saying. She may be mortal, but she has a good mind. With you by our side we can defeat him and his army." Hazel asked of him.

"If we do this, we do it my way."

"Of course," Hermione did not protest, anything to help Harry.

Hades lowered his hand, no longer emitting anger but the traces of power never go away, " fine. But when the time comes, the boy must die."

"We will cross that bridge when we come to it," I answer, not quite agreeing to it.

"May we leave?" Luna asked, speaking for the first time. I almost forgot she was with us until her gentle voice spoke loudly.

"Yes, you may, I will send for my son." Hades closed his eyes for a moment and then annoyance seemed to overcome him. "It seems, that my son has moved from his location at camp half-blood, and I cannot seem to track him. No doubt he has left the country, out my reach. So, I guess I will do it myself," Hades mumbled irritated. Gods forbid they would ever have to do something themselves.

"Where's Nico?" Hazel asked concerned for her brother.

Hades did not reply but rather swooped his hand in an arc. Darkness swallowed us, then spat us out. The floor shifted beneath my feet. The smell of flowers captivated my nostrils. I had no idea where we were, and neither did the others.  
