
I was tagged by @nishatheweirdo
Here we go!

1. How old are you? 16
2. Who are you're favorite YouTubers? Dan, Phil, mark, jack, robertidk, Caroline dare, Nathan sharp, dolan twins, etc.
3. If you could pick any language to know, what would it be? Probably Finnish. Seems pretty.
4. Are you single or in a relationship? Single.
5. What is your favorite show? Supernatural always. Never gonna change.
6. Name 3 of your top ships. Septishuu, Clace, Fourtris
7. Favorite song? Don't have one, but LOVE  A Cappella by Chase Goehring atm
8. Favorite fanfic? Probably Louder by @antihan
Do you have a crush? Kinda???
10. Embarrassing story. Hmmm...Don't really have to many of them. Apart from fangirling in public but that happens soooooo often.

I tag...PikaPuppy11
