The Last Baby Tater

I walked into my house and saw my mom sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Hey honey, how was your day?" My mom gestured me to sit with her, but I was really tired and wanted to be alone with my thoughts. I let out a small yawn while stretching my arms.

"It was good, I'm really tired acually so I'm gonna go take a quick nap before dinner"

"Aw ok honey. I'll call you down when dinner is ready" I walked upstairs to my room and put the muffin TJ gave me on my dresser. I took the paper TJ had give me and texted his number.

Hey TJ it's Cyrus

I put my phone down and got my night clothes so I could go take my shower. I took my shower and later ate dinner and had the muffin TJ gave me as dessert. I closed my eyes about to go to sleep when I heard my phone vibrate. I sat up and unlocked my phone to see a text from TJ I felt a smile growing on my face.

Hey muffin sorry I fell asleep

Its fine what are u still doing up?

I couldn't sleep I'm not tired anymore

Hey do you wanna hang tomorrow

Ya sounds cool can u come to my place?

Ya sure 12 sound good?

Ya 12 is fine I'm tired so im gonna go to bed

Oh come on little muffin just stay up a little longer

The rest of the night me and TJ texted and talked about just random things until eventually, I fell asleep texting him. Even when I'm texting him I lose track of time he's just so great.


I slowly opened my eyes groaning as I stretched in my bed. I put my hand out reaching for my phone and I saw it was 11:30. I quickly sprang out my bed and started getting ready. I got out the shower my hair still wet I looked at my phone again and saw it was 11:40. I sat down and anxiously waiting for time to pass I had no idea why I was so nervous.


I was sitting on my couch watching TV I had been ready since 10:00 I don't know why but I just couldn't wait to see Cyrus.

"Maybe I'll come early, surprise him"

A smile grew on my face at my idea as I quickly got up and headed out.


I reached his house and looked at my phone and saw it was 11:50 I know I joged here but I didn't expect to get here in 10 minutes. I rang the doorbell and anxiously tapped my foot waiting for someone to respond. The door opened and a beautiful women I assumed to be his mom.

"Hi, I'm here to hang out with Cyrus" She gestured me to come in with a bright smile on her face.

"He's right up stairs it's the second room to the right" I walked upstairs and knocked on what I believed to be his room and knocked on the door. And not even a second later it was open and I was greeted by Cyrus with a confused but happy expression.


"Hey TJ, your early" I gave TJ a nervous laugh and gestured him to come in my room. I felt butterflies in my stomach I was so nervous. "So, what do you wanna do?" I started up a conversation wanting to break the silence in the room. TJ quickly turned at me with a smile on his face.

"Well muffin,  I was thinking we could go to the spoon for a little" I gave him a small grin. just the thought of baby taters made me happy plus, being at the spoon with TJ would be perfect. He also called me muffin again, my heart pounds whenever he says that.

"That sounds good, baby taters with a not so scary basketball guy" TJ chuckled as a smile grew on his face. We sat in my room for a little bit, just talking about stuff like what we liked, I even showed him a list of things I can't to. Pretty soon after that, we were on our way to the spoon.

When we got there I was greeted by the sound of the bell of the door and the chatter of all the people. Me and TJ found a table near the window and we sat across from each other. I order baby taters as usual and TJ got a burger and a milk shake.

"Thx for hanging out with me today" I gave TJ a smile before replying to him.

"No problem Buffy, Jonah and Andi were both busy today" I popped another baby tater in my mouth as I stared at TJ trying to make it look as less creepy as possible. I reached for the last baby tater not realizing he did as well and our hands met mine on top of his.

"I um-you ca-" I was flustered in words and I could feel my face heating up. He gave me his heart pumping smile and my heart melted.

"You can have it Cy, I don't mind" He moved his hand and I wished our hands would of stayed with each other. I ate the last baby tater and soon we left the spoon.

Hey guys this is gonna be a two part chapter so ya IDK when the 2nd part will come out cause im writing this story as I go lol. If anybody would like to be a co writer that would be amazing lol so ya HMU if your intrested enjoy your day
