Chapter 1


"Andi c'mon a dinosaur could totally beat a giant man eating robot" Andi just laughed while eating her baby taters while I kept trying to change her mind about how dinosaurs could beat robots.

"Hey where's Buffy?" Andi interrupted me checking the time on her phone. I looked over at the door opening to see Jonah and he was soon coming over to us. I didn't like him anymore but he was still just so cute.

"Hey Andi, hey Cy guy" Jonah waved at me and took a seat next to Andi. They weren't dating anymore, Andi said they were taking things slow.

"Jonah have you seen Buffy?"Andi asked with a questioning and concerned look on her face.

"Nope haven't seen her sorry" Andi let out a sigh today was the last day of summer break and we all agreed to open our schedules together. All of a sudden Buffy came rushing through the door out of breath.

"Please...tell me you...guys didn' your schedules without me" She paused between nearly every word, trying to catch her breath we moved over so she could sit. We all put our folded schedules on the table.

"No we haven't what happened anyway?"

"I woke up late that's all. I ran because I didn't want you guys to open your schedules without me" Buffy was sweating and she gave off a laugh. She put her schedule on the table then everybody opened up their schedule. I scanned everybody else's schedules and I saw that nobody was in any of my classes.

"Aw man you guys aren't in any of my classes" I let out a disappointed sigh. "No fair"


I was just laying in bed thinking about how school would go tomorrow, despite the fact that I had no classes with my friends. I turned my lights off and closed my eyes drifting to sleep.

I opened my eyes and saw and was in a empty classroom sitting in a blue chair. It was weird. I felt stuck to the chair and I couldn't get up, I struggled rocking back and forth in the chair trying to get out, but it was no help.

"Help me please! anyone out there?!" I yelled for help but it didn't work then all of a sudden water filled the room it felt like seconds before it reached my neck. The next thing I know I was submerged under water until something grabbed me and put me on the beach.

"Hu, I'm alive and at the beach?" I was so confused, I had no idea what was happening. I looked out to the water to see a merman, but it wasn't just any merman, it was Jonah. He waved and smiled at me then pointed up. I looked up to see a giant anvil falling I screamed as seaweed binded my feet to the sand.

I closed my eyes but before the anvil crushed me I jumped up in bed sweating. I felt my body and gave out a sigh of relief.

"I'm alive. It was just a dream. phew" I layed back down hoping to have a less weird dream and slowly drifted back into a deep sleep.

I woke up and getting ready for school and before I knew it I was walking through the school doors with Buffy,Jonah and Andi.
