Night Muffin

I layed in bed coughing up a storm nothing is worse than being sick sometimes. I manage to get enough strength to sit up and look out the window to see a gloomy rainy sky. I was interrupted from looking outside to hear a ding on my phone It felt like forever but I got to my phone and saw TJ had texted me.

TJ🏀: Where were you today dork :'(

Me: I'm sick I just woke up like 5 mins ago

TJ🏀: Awww poor little sick dork

Me: Ugh shut up just because your healthy doesn't mean your better

All of a sudden my phone rang it was Andi video calling me. I press answer button and before I could even speak Andi somewhat screamed excitedly.

"Oh my god, Cyrus you like TJ!" My face heated up as it fell in shock. I was trying to think of something to say back, but my mind was to cluster of thinking of how we find out.

"No-I-I do no-" I twisted my tongue. I couldn't lie, especially when Andi just put me on the spot like that. I had fallen head over heels for the boy.

"Ugh, how did you find out?"

"Well, I saw the bracelet you had made on his wrist during lunch and I added that with the fact that you blush 99.9 percent of the time around him" I smiled out of guilt. Was it really that obvious that I like him? I blushed at just the thought of him which Andi soon saw.

"Oh my god you're thinking of him right now, aren't you Cyrus?"

"What, no" I let out a little scoff, clearly lying out of my teeth. For more than an hour, I went on a tangent of how amazing TJ was and Andi let out an Awe at everything I said about him.


I yawned finally being able to breathe out my nose. I turned over, turning on my phone I squinted my eyes at the bright screen and saw it was twelve at night. I got out of bed starving it felt like I hadn't eaten anything for hours.

"I must have passed out while talking to Andi" I crept down the stairs and to the kitchen not wanting to wake up my dad and my stepmom. I looked on the counter and saw a chocolate chocolate chip muffin on the counter. I smiled grabbing the muffin and crept back upstairs the muffin tasted insanely good I savored every bite I took and when I finished I had a sweet tooth for another one. 

I layed down and closed my eyes trying to fall asleep again when I heard something hit my window. I heard it again and decided to head towards the window and slowly opened it.

"Ow!" I whispered in an aggravated tone.

"Sorry muffin" I heard TJ's voice and my eyes widen as I saw his blond hair. "Hey, can you open the door, it's cold and I only have a hoodie and short on?" I could feel the chilling air from blow against my face. I quickly crept downstairs for a second time and once I got down there, I slowly opened the front door. TJ greeted me with that smile that seemed to always make my heart swoon.

"Sorry I'm here out of nowhere, my parents were fighting and I couldn't take it" TJ let out an exhausted sigh, I could tell he was tired. He walked in shivering a little but still had a smile on his face. It was so hard fighting the urge to just hug him right then a there.

"So what happened TJ?" We sat on the couch in the dark whispering.

"Well, after dinner my mom and dad had just been arguing and yelling and they hadn't stopped, they probably still are and you're the only person I knew would listen so I just-" I smiled and rubbed TJ's back comforting him as his voice got shaky.

"You don't have to explain everything TJ, I'm just glad you're ok" TJ embraced me in a short tight hug.


"Yeah TJ?"

"Do you mind if I stay the night" I felt my heart jump as he asked that. A whole bunch of thoughts filled my head. How would I hide him from my parents? But at the moment all I worried about was him.

"Yeah, you can stay in the guest room just be really quiet" I lead TJ to the guest room he had a duffle bag which I assumed his extra clothes were in. We sat on the bed talking about what else TJ was going through until I let out a yawn.

"I'm gonna head to bed TJ, it's late"

"Aw, alright muffin see you in the morning"
