Here For You

(B4 this chapter starts I just wanna say thank you guys for 1,000 reads mwah. Another thing I added a little Easter egg in the story so ya lol anyway enjoy the story)


I slowly opened my eyes and squinted as the sunlight hit my face. I stretched out my legs and arms and slowly got up. I took my shower and got ready for the day.

"I'm gonna go to Cyrus's house is that ok?" My mom gave me a nod and I headed out the door. Out of excitement, I jogged to Cyrus's house with a smile on my face. I couldn't wait to see him and his cute little face blush. I knocked on the door as Cyrus's mom opened the door. Before I could ask my question she seemed to already have an answer.

"Hi Tj, Cyrus is actually sick right now, so its best if you don't see him right now"

"Oh well, can you tell him I stopped by?"

"Yes, I will" His mom gave me a slight smile before closing the door. I sighed walking back to the direction of my house and eventually walked past a jewelry store and my eyes caught the beautiful sign that said.

Curtis Jewelry

I looked through the store window and saw a beautiful necklace with a capital cursive C and coincidently next to it a Cursive T.

"Maybe I should get him a small feel better gift"

I walked into the store and was greeted by a somewhat old man behind the counter.

"Excuse me, sir, I was wondering if I could see the two necklaces on display?" He went to the display case and grabbed the necklaces and the boxes they were sitting on. I couldn't help but admire the craftsmanship of both.

"How much is one?" I gave the man a smile breaking my gaze with the shiny necklaces again.

"It's 50 bucks for one, some lucky lady hu?"

"Lucky guy actually" When I said that I could feel my face blush and heat up. The man gave me a bright smile. I pulled my wallet out of my pocket and opened it counting my money.

"Aw man, I only got 60?" I let out a sigh frowning a little. The old man smiled at me again as a paper slipped out his hand. I knelt over and picked up the paper holding it out for him to take.

"I ain't drop that you did" He smiled at me and I turned the paper over. It was handwritten and said.

Buy one necklace get another free at Curtis's jewelry

I smiled handing him the paper and giving him 50 dollars.

"Thanks, Mr.Curtis" The old man gave me a smile.

"You can call me Pony" He took out his hand out and I shook it.

"Well I have to get going, bye Mr- I mean, pony" I smiled walking out of the store with thoughts of Cyrus filling my mind.


Pony went to the back room and smiled at the picture of Johnny.

"It's been a while since you've been gone hasn't it Johnny" Pony stared at the piece of wood that had PBC+JC on it and smiled. He picked up the picture and sat on a chair.

"Stay gold Johnny Stay Gold"  



I showed Andi, Amber, Buffy and Jonah the necklace I had gotten for me and Cyrus.

"Awww that's so cute" Andi's voices reached a pitch so high even Dolphins could hear her. Buffy took the necklace and examined it.

"So who's getting what letter?"

"Oh I don't know yet"

"Well maybe you should have the C and he should have the T" Jonah chimed in with a smile on his face.

"Good idea Jonah" I responded Buffy handed me back the necklace.

"Guys I'm gonna go give it to him now, I can't wait till tomorrow" I got up with a bright smile on my face. And headed out the doors of the spoon. Soon enough I reached Cyrus's front door and I knocked. Cyrus's mom greeted me with a smile.

"Hello again Tj"

"Hi, I got this for Cyrus I was wondering if you could give it to him" I handed her the black box with velvet lacing smiling. I could feel myself blushing as she opened the box and smiled.

"This is beautiful Tj" She smiled tearing up a little.

"You must really like him?" I could feel my face heat up as she said those words to me.

"Yes, I insanely like him"

"Go give it to him then" She gave me a smile as she wiped tears from her cheek. I smiled back and ran up to Cyrus's room nearly falling down the stairs, I knocked on Cyrus's door and he opened it. I tackled him in a tight hug as soon as he opened the door. Before I could say anything our lips crashed together.

"Tj who let you in?" Cyrus's eyes were red and his voice was shaky I could tell he had been crying. I hugged him tight for a while not letting go.

"Cyrus's have you been crying?" I let go of Cyrus but he buried his face back into my chest. I held him closer to me and kissed the top of his head.

"Its alright muffin, I'm here"
