Dreaming Next To Him


I can't believe that not even ten minutes ago we just touched hands. My heart was melting just by thinking of it I looked over at Cyrus who had the cutest smile on his face but he was shivering.

"Hey, you cold Cyrus?"

"Yeah, a little, but I'll be fine" I took off my hoodie and handed it to him, he looked at me in confusion before he took it.

"But now you'll be cold TJ"

"I'll be fine don't worry about it"

"Ok thanks TJ I'm glad to have you as a friend" I gave him a smile as we continued walking on the sidewalk. We were heading back to my place so we could watch a scary movie marathon. The walk there I talked about all the movies they were gonna show and how I still couldn't believe how I got Cyrus to go through with this.



TJ had just got us snacks so now we were just sitting in his room waiting for the first movie to start. I was a little scared and nervous but it was worth it cause I was with TJ. His hoodie was so warm and it smelt just like him.

"The first movie is about to start. You sure you can take it?" TJ teased at me laughing a little. I tried to put a serious face on but I could never be mad at him not even fake mad.

"Yeah I can take it, I'm not five. So what's the first movie?"

"Zombie Town, the best zombie movie ever"


We had just finished the fourth movie and I was getting really tired and it was getting late. I yawned trying to keep my eyes open.

"Hey TJ, I'm getting really tired can you walk me home" He didn't respond, he was too into the movie. I didn't wanna bother him I texted my mom telling her that I was going to be home late. I yawned again rubbing my eyes

"TJ's really into the movie he won't notice if I just close my eyes for a bit"

I layed down slowly not trying to disturb TJ and I closed my eyes trying to tune out the sound of screaming coming from the TV. His hoodie was like a blanket so soft and so comfortable and it smelt like him, I couldn't help but to fall asleep.

I opened my eyes and looked around and saw that I was again bound to a chair in the same class room. I tried screaming for help but nothing came out my mouth and before I knew it water came filling the classroom. I was free of the chair but I still couldn't move then all of a sudden someone grabbed me and I broke the water's surface.

I finally took a deep breath after being put on the sand. I looked around to see i was in the same beach as last time my eyes widen as I remembered.

"The anvil!"

I tried moving but it was no help I could only move my head I closed my eyes waiting to be crushed by the anvil. I heard the carton sounding ting but nothing happen I slowly opened my eyes and saw a smirking TJ holding the anvil.

"Hey Muffin" I smiled as he threw the anvil and walked towards me. He looked at me and grinned as he leaned towards me and as he did I could feel my face heating up. All of a sudden I heard TJ calling my name and I was back in his room.

"Hey sleepy head, you fell asleep" TJ smiled as he turned the light on I was kinda mad he woke me up. I looked down at my phone and saw it was 10:30 I didn't realize that I had slept that long.

"TJ why didn't you wake me up my mom is gonna be so mad"

"Muffin, calm down, I texted her on your phone she said you could sleep over. She even bought your clothes. You where out for a while" I felt a big smile starting to grow on my face, but then I just processes what he said.

"Me, sleep over, I can't what if something goes wrong?"

During my thoughts TJ tossed a bag at me, it hit my chest and fell to the ground. TJ laughed with a smirk on his face. I made of fake groan that didn't sound real at all which made him laugh more.

"Your a dork, now go get changed we still have two more movies"


I yawned stretching my arm hitting something I looked next to me and saw a still sleeping TJ. My face started to heat up I could tell that I was blushing insanely.

"I could of swore I went to sleep on the floor when did I-"

I was interpreted by TJ's groans as he stretched.

"Hey you woke me up" TJ turned to me and smiled, his messy hair made him looked even cuter. I quickly got up blushing like crazy he looked so cute.

"S-sorry" I chuckled nervously giving him a smile. "Hey how did I get in your bed?

"Oh, I put you on my bed. If you slept on the floor you back would of hurt"

"Thanks, you didn't have to do that"

"I know, I wanted to" TJ gave me a warm smile that made me smile back. I got dressed and he walked me home the rest of the day all that was on my mind was TJ, even when I was hanging out with Andi,Buffy and Jonah the thought of him didn't slip my mind
