The Nice Bakugou

BTW this is after the hero names. Yours is Scavenger Hero: Cathartes after the lesser known scavenger species. Kind of a play on Bakugou's nickname for you.

" Just take it." Bakugou has been trying to get me to take his first place medal since we have left the school. I had to use my quirk to calm him down. I was specifically told to by Aizawa after the others told him I could do it.

    " No you earned it. Even if he did use his left side you still would have won. He was exhausted and overused his quirk. Why are you even carrying it if you don't like it? It's been three days."

    " I was tired too. Did I pass out from exhaustion? No! He's just weak." He looked at the medal in his hand and did the tch if his. At first I thought he was going to throw it but then he out it on. " Next time I'm actually going to earn the right to wear one but for now I'll just hold onto this as a way to remind me that I need to get stronger."

    " There's the Bakugou I know. The one who is motivated to be the best by literally anything. That side you show to everyone else may push them away from you. Especially the recruiters from hero agencies." He glared at me.

    " So far that Kirishima guy hasn't let up. And with him comes the other two morons. If they can handle that so can pros."

    " What about the people you are rescuing? I don't think they want someone calling them a stupid extra and yelling at them to get a move on before you kill them."

    " What do mean? Everytime I got hurt or stuck my mom yelled at me." Oh my goodness.

    " Wait. Speaking of yelling why haven't you been yelling at me outside of battle like you do with everyone else? The only time I used that quirk on you since you found out was when Aizawa told me to." We rounded the corner of the road to my house and someone bumped into me heading the same direction but looking at each house. He looked familiar but I couldn't place him with the second I got to look at him.

    " Because the one time I did you reacted in a terrible way and I got in trouble." In a terrible way?

    " That wasn't the yelling. Well not totally the yelling. I've gotten used to you yelling. It bugged me at first. It was mainly you swinging your hand up. I thought you were going to hit me."

    " Why would I hit you over a stupid race?"

    " I don't know. It wouldn't be the..." Nope not yet. He already has enough information about be. But I can't expect him to drop the topic out of thin air.

    " Wouldn't be the what?" He sounds concerned yet a little angry.

    " Just drop it. I shouldn't have said anything in the first place. We are here anyways and we need to focus on schoolwork." I opened the door to the house and walked in. " Bakugou is here to help me study." I tell Mr Aizawa who is laying on the couch.

    " Ok but don't spend too long studying. We are having company."

    " Could it possibly be the strange guy going up and down the street looking at houses cause it might take him a while." He turned to me as if to say, what guy, and I just shrugged. I then proceeded to pull Bakugou into my newly erected bedroom. Yeah if got a bedroom now. Deal with it all you lucky people. I am no longer a couch sleeping peasant.

     " Tell me again why I'm teaching you english."

    " Because I don't pay attention in the boring class. The only time I do is those few times he goes off track and talks about his hero career." He grumbled and got the books out of his bag for his new teaching career. Hopefully he's not too harsh.

    Who was I kidding. He would barely pass for a hero but give this kid the name Sensei and he attacks you like that american guy Gordon Ramsey. He's called me an idiot several times now just for using the wrong there.

    " Our guest is here and stop hitting her with a notebook. You're worse than Mic was." What did Mic do.

    " Did his methods ever get through to you?"

    " Not really. Some did but I still can't use the right there sometimes."

    " Like father like daughter." He grumbled while packing up his notebook. " Well continue this lesson after your guest leaves. Go visit and I'll be in here figuring out what else your brain can't handle."

    " Rude. Whatever just don't touch the few things I have."
