So it's a date

    Why does he seem so nervous? We're just going outside to do a little training right? Right? Is he scared I'll beat him when we spar?

    Once we reach our regular sparring spot he turns around to face me. Once again I noticed how nervous he looks. What is going on with him today?

    " We don't have to train today if your don't want to." I say when he starts to flex his fingers. He only does that when he's nervous or extremely excited.

    " What make you think I don't want to train dumbass?" Oh ok. Going back to name calling I guess. Either I did something terribly wrong or the nervousness is affecting his speech.

    " Sorry. You just seem nervous is all."

    " I'm not nervous. What makes you think I'm nervous?" Something's up.

    " Sorry let's just get to our training." Maybe this has to do with the fight he had with Deku a few nights ago. Or maybe how we can't go to the internships like the ones with hero licenses.

    Halfway through our sparing match he had me pinned against the building. This is new. Usually it's the other way around. He smirked at me.

    " How about dinner next Friday?" Did he just ask me out with a smirk and a compromising position. This guy has gone mad. But my answer probably makes me even crazier.

    " Only if you win." In a second I was pinned to the ground with my hands behind my back and him pressing his knee on my wrist, holding my hands in place.

    " So it's a date?" He's a persistent one indeed.

   " Sure." He let me go. " What brought this all of a sudden?" I ask while massaging my wrist.

    " What was so sudden about it? Haven't you been getting my notes?"


    I walked into my room from a shower and saw a note on my bed. It read: you should prepare a nice outfit soon. Strange note. Maybe it was for Uraraka. Deku has been flirting with her lately.

Sometime later

    Another note? This time on my dresser. It read: maybe I'll man up soon. Kirishima? I sent him a text telling him he's plenty manly.

The next day

    Seriously what's with all of these notes? This one reads: soon I promise. What's weird is I don't even know who's sending them. I mean each one is written quickly so the handwriting is sloppy. I spend five minutes deciphering on note.

End flashbacks

    " So it was you? Well at least I think Kirishima liked the compliments."

    " What the hell? Why you giving him random compliments?" Is he jealous.

     " I thought he was questioning his manliness. His manliness is all he's got. Your notes were vague and I didn't know who wrote them."

    " I thought girls like mysterious men."

    " I'm too dumb for mysterious men. You've gotta literally scream it in my face for me to understand."

    " I LIKE YOU DUMBASS." Wow he took that literally.

     " That wasn't so hard now was it?"

    " I'm never listening to Mic again." I can't help the laughter. He did what? " What's so funny?" I just shook my head.

    " It doesn't matter. What matters is the date. I need some help to prepare. Since I didn't know that first not was indeed for me I didn't get an outfit or anything ready."
