I'm ready

    We made it to the train on time and got home. The train ride was uneventful. Nobody recognized us and stuck to their phones. I liked it. It gave me time to think. Now I'm home and have nothing to do. I had forgotten what it was like to live here.

    " Oh wait." I suddenly said scaring the two guys on the couch beside me.

    " What the heck was that for?" Shinsou asked.

    " I have something to show you both." I said grabbing my bag off of the floor beside me. I pulled out the envelope and they both looked at it as if I just pulled out drugs. When they saw me pull out a picture they got curious. " Me and Bakugou did something extraordinary yesterday. We took Best Jeanist sidekick test and..." I handed them the photo.

    " You both took down the number four hero?" Shinsou looked up from the photo. " That alone is shocking enough but you are standing on him."

    " Disrespectful." I heard Aizawa say.

    " Oh come on you two. You have no idea what he put us through. He treated us like dolls, dressing us up and he treated me as a suppressor for Bakugou's anger. I'm not something to use for anger issues."

    " I never said it was bad. I too have wanted to step on him." Excuse Aizawa wanted what.

    " I was mainly shocked that you two had time to take a photo before getting yelled at. How many of these do you have?" Shinsou reached for the envelope but I just put it back in the bag.

    " Enough for the class and Mic. I was going to frame that one and set it over there with the rest of the photos."

    We have fallen back into silence. Man it's boring here. Why is this place so boring? What's worse is this place wouldn't be so boring if these two knew how to hold a conversation.

     " I think I'm ready." They both looked at me again.

    " Ready for what?" Shinsou asked with a confused look.

    " For more people to know that I no longer have a mother."

    " You do know that will only lead to more questions, right?"

    " I do. It's not like I can hide it forever. If ask about living conditions I'll say I am staying with an old family friend. I won't be lying but I will be keeping you two a secret."

    " How did you suddenly decide this?" Aizawa asked.

    " Something Best Jeanist said. He said that if I keep this in I could end up hurting someone close to me. Accepting this comes with letting people know, right? Well I need to accept that this has happened even if it hurts. I don't want to hurt people. Especially those close to me." My dream from last night once again flashed through my mind.  " It's also not right to have you guys, Bakugou, and even Mic keeping this whole thing a secret. You guys could slip up at any time and then Bakugou would get mad and everyone would be looking at me with pity in their eyes. It's better to get this over with sooner rather than later."

    " Does Bakugou know you're going to do this? He seems to care about your secret more than anyone."

    " He'll know what I'm doing when I do. He was actually proud of me when I let Best Jeanist know. He'll understand." Why is everyone so protective over me? They both sighed simultaneously.

    " Go ahead and do it if you want. Just don't let anything about Shinsou slip. He still doesn't want people to know." I thank him and go back to looking through the photo app I found called Pin It.

    After a while I sent a text to the class telling them to meet me at the mall tomorrow around noon. They all began questioning why so I just told them I have something to say. This lead to a private message from Bakugou asking if I'm going to tell them about my mother. After I said yes he asked if I would need support from him because if not he would rather not go. I told him he didn't have to come if he didn't want to.  After that he didn't text back.
