Genius Office

    We arrive at Genius Office right before we were scheduled to meet him. Good thing we were on time. I heard he is strict.  While waiting in a specified area I see many guys mumbling and pointing at me. I don't blame them, after all I am the only girl here. And I am in my hero suit which we were told to out on to meet him.

    " Ah, I am glad you decided to join us for your internship Cathartes. I was afraid that you would be overwhelmed by the fact that it is a hero agency full of males." Oh my God, Best Jeanist is talking to me. " And the nameless hero Bakugou, I have a feeling I know why you chose to intern here." He started telling Bakugou that the main reason he picked him is to make him into more of a hero like character. He said that he is toeing the line between a hero and villain much like I said during the Battle Tournament but in different words. He also said that he noticed that I deal with him pretty well so I am here to help. Well now I know why I was chosen.

    " Um, Best Jeanist sir? Will I still get to learn from you or is my main roll here to help you reform this devilish hedgehog?" He raised an eyebrow.

    " I'm still going to let you learn. It's best to sew the characteristics of a hero in you while you're here instead of through the television. Let's get you both ready to patrol now. You can't possibly go out looking like that."

    He sent us over to a make up squad to fix us up. It didn't take long for them to figure out what to do with me but fifteen minutes later I see Bakugou come out seething with anger. They took away his find, gauntlets, and mask all while telling his hair down.

    " Now you two look better. Bakugou stop doing that with your face. A hero looks good on the inside should also look good on the outside. Therefore I am trying to make you look more approachable." I really feel bad for him. I go over to him and start to move his hair. All the guys gasp simultaneously.

    " What are you doing ma'am? Best Jeanist will get angry and this boy looks ready to kill." One of them ask.

    " Just give me a second. I'm trying to make him look more like himself yet more approachable. Plus you used too much gel in his hair." I hear the pro hero behind me saying something about not expecting me to be a problem child too.

    I wipe of most of the gel they used and spike up the front a bit to give him more of a modern look. The spikes not only look modern but can represent his quirk in a way. While I was doing all of this he glared at me. He is probably thinking I am betraying him by helping them but really I am helping him. I back up a bit and observe my work. He really looks good like this.

    " I must say he doesn't look too bad. What made you decide to do this?" Best Jeanist asked.

    " That style may work for you and almost everyone else here but with him it just looks wrong. Also he looked ready to kill and he is terrifying when angry. He most likely would have stayed angry if I left his hair like that. This style makes him look more approachable but also more like himself. "

    " Someone give me a mirror so I can see what that vulture did to me." He snapped. Apparently most of the designers got scared and dashed to find a mirror for the explosive boy.

    They came back with everything ranging from a small make up mirror to a giant full body mirror. He snagged a mirror from one of the poor men.  He looked at his reflection and huffed. Everyone in this area held their breath including me. I could tell that Best Jeanist was trying to see if the boy would need to be restrained.

     " I'm not saying that I like it but it's a lot better than what you weirdos did." Oh he totally likes it.

    " Good then let's go patrol." Best Jeanist started to walk away leaving us to follow.
