
    We began patrolling and I could tell that Bakugou was getting more and more annoyed with the speech that was being gave to us. I put my hand on his arm to remind him that that is a pro hero and if he was to attack he would surely be in trouble.

    " Ok you two, here is a question for you.  Patrols are mainly to deter villains from commiting any crimes but they also have a secondary purpose. Whaat is it?" Oh this is an easy one. Before I could answer though Bakugou spoke up.

    " If we see some bad guys we can beat them up on the spot."

    " Incorrect. The answer is, to remind people who we are. Our presence gives the public a piece of mind." He said when some fangirls started fawning over him. "This helps weave a tapestry of trust between the protectors and the protected."

    " I think you just like better recognized." Bakugou grumbled.

    " Hey I've seen that blonde guy on tv before." I could tell he was trying not to groan so the hero in charge wouldn't feel the need to lecture him more. "Yeah a news villain caught him and he almost cried like a baby" Now he's done it. You don't bring up the sludge incident.

    "WHAT DID YOU SAY???" Now the kids are crying. His hair is back to normal as well. He literally exploded his hair.

    " Did you already forget everything I told you. Cathartes a little help here." So this is what he wants me for. To deal with the boys anger issues.

   " Oi Bakugou. Remember what we talked about earlier this week? You know about talking to those in danger? Well that applies to children too. "

    " Ya ya I got it." He said and he walked up to the crying kids. " Listen up. I wasn't helpless. I was just coming up with ways to fight him. Sometimes a hero has to pretend he's been caught. You really think I would loose?" Well that's a little better but still not nice.

    " It was worth a shot. " Best Jeanist said with a sigh. I could hear cogs working in his brain.

    "Hey isn't that the couple from the Sports Festival? The one that worked together to get past the first round?" I sent a glare their way and they shut up.

    " Why did I think it would be smart to bring you if you are also going to scare people. I brought you to be an example of how he needs to act but if you're going to act like him it's pointless."

    " We are not a couple. Everyone thinks we are and it's irritating." He sighed.

    " That's one of the things you deal with as heroes. If you show any signs of being close to someone of the opposing gender, or even the same on sometimes, people think you are a couple." It's still annoying though. I walk ahead to finish the patrol and the other two get the idea.

At the hotel after patrolling

    " What do you mean one room?"

    " I mean that Mr Jeanist only reserved one room. I could call him if you'd like." Ugh I can't let him know I complained.

    " No it's fine. I was just hoping for some alone time while I was here. Come one Bakugou." I grabbed the keys from the ladies outstretched hand and made my way to the elevator.

    While in the elevator I felt my phone vibrate several times. Why is that. I look over to see Bakugou glaring at his. His was also going off.

    " They made a stupid group chat to talk about their first day at their internships. Kirishima is going of about that Testu guy. He apparently is happy to be interning there." Is he jealous that Kirishima is happy to be with another guy or jealous that he is having better time than us. Either way he is jealous.

    Ding. Fourth floor room fourohtwo. I quickly find it and unlock the door. Dangit. It does only have one bed. I guess I get the couch cause Bakugou definitely won't leave me the bed. I just got done with the couch thing now I'm back at it again.
