Finding out

She looked at Travis, as she felt Travis's hand rubbing her hurting tummy gently. She started to relax and ease up, as him rubbing her belly helped a little bit. Shauna was wondering if it could be her period starting with how she felt, since it was due to be starting soon but she wasn't sure. "Thanks Trav." She told her husband, as he continued to rub her belly. Before stopping, making her look at him to see him deep in thought. "Travis?" She asked him, not sure what he was thinking about or what was going on with her.

She gently touched his arm, that had a hand on her stomach. She frowned as she, kept her hand on his arm, causing him to look at her. "Yeah? Sorry sweetheart, was just thinking." His words made her wonder what he was thinking, but she wouldn't push him to say if he didn't want too. "About what?" She asked him, causing him to let out a deep sigh as he took his hand on her stomach, just gently holding her with his arms over her stomach gently. "About how your feeling. Since I know that your woman months are terrible, and make you miserable."

"Trav I'll be okay. I just need to rest for awhile and just chill. But I'll be okay, I do appreciate you being concerned about me though. And my well-being, but if it still hurts when I wake up I might end up taking a nice bath." She told him, causing him to hum softly in agreement with her. "Then why don't you rest sweetheart and I'll be sure, to help you with a bath if your tummy still hurts when you wake up." Travis told his wife, having a feeling that something was up because her stomach definitely felt bloated and a little more bumped up then usual.

"Okay. I'll rest for a little bit, but first I need to go to the bathroom." Travis relaxed his arms from around his wife and released their hood, watching her get up and go to the bathroom. He sighed quietly watching her close the door, he didn't know why but he couldn't shake the feeling of something being wrong with her. Like this wasn't normal, he got lost in his thoughts trying to figure something out, while his wife was in the bathroom doing her business. Only for her to eventually find out, that her and Travis's world was about to get flipped upside down.

Travis heard his phone ringing, he looked over at his phone on the table. He zipped over picking it up, to see his sister Alice calling him. He furrowed his brows, hoping everything was okay but the news he was going to get was gonna shake him up quite a bit. He picked up his phone, answering it only to hear Carlisle and her talking about something. "Alice?" He asked, waiting patiently for her to respond, hoping everything was okay. "Travis is Shauna alright?" He heard her ask him, sounding worried and panicked.

"Not fully. She's not feeling well. Why?" Travis asked his sister, wondering what could be going on with his wife. "Alice please tell me what's going on." Travis needed to know what was going on, he heard his wife washing her hands. "There's a chance Shauna's pregnant. Bella is on her way back with Edward. She felt something moving inside her." Travis's eyes went wide as he looked at the bathroom door, where his wife was.

Shauna was in the bathroom looking into the mirror, above the sink. She saw how tired she looked and noticed, that her stomach looked different. She tried to suck in her stomach to see if it was just weight being bloated from something, she had ate or something like usual, but she couldn't suck it in and she ended up gasping feeling something inside her moving. Causing her eyes to go wide, as she looked over at the bathroom door.
