Asking Sam

Travis pulled back from the kiss, leaning his forehead against hers. "I want to ask your brother something. Because I can't stand being without you any longer. I need you." He told her, since she kept him from going into his depressive state whenever she was around, because without her he was lost. "I know, I still have to ask your brother but I need to be with you. I have to be with you." He told her softly, but quietly.

"Then I'll go with you to talk to my brother. Because I can't stand being without you any longer either. I need you too." Shauna told him back softly yet quietly, she knew that they both needed each other especially since they both knew what it was like to go into a depressive state.


Travis and Shauna were at Sam and Emily's place, he was so nervous that his now beating heart was racing like crazy and starting to hurt. He took deep breaths trying to relax, but he soon felt a gentle hand on his back. He turned to look at Shauna whom stood next to him, with her hand gently sitting on the small of his lower back. "Babe..just breathe. I know your nervous and I am to, but it'll be okay. He can't hurt you without breaking the treaty, and the rules are a imprints can't be harmed. That is our law. Just breathe, I'm right here." She gave him a soft reassuring smile.

Travis relaxed a bit as her reassuring smile and her hand gently rubbing the small of his lower back. He nodded his head lightly, squeezing her hand knowing that she was right and he was safe by her side especially when she had him suppressed like he was now. "I know, I'm just nervous as to why he'll say. But I trust you more then anything and anyone." He told her, just as the front door opened to reveal Emily.

Emily smiled softly at Shauna, before looking at Travis as her smile faded. "Sam your sisters here." Emily said, as she waited for Sam to come to the door.

Sam heard his fiancé calling for him, as he walked to the front door where Emily had told him that his sister was there. He appeared shortly behind Emily and saw Shauna there with Travis, but Travis wasn't pale and he looked nervous about something. "Shauna why don't you go inside and chat with Emily, while I speak with Travis alone. Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt him. I just wanna talk to him." He told her.

Shauna nodded her head looking at Travis, giving him another reassuring smile and kissing him on the corner of his lips. "Good luck." She told him, before walking inside and following Emily into the kitchen, leaving the guys outside alone.

Sam walked out into the porch closing the door behind him, before looking at Travis. "Walk with me." He told him, walking off the porch and out of Shauna's ear shout. "I know your nervous about asking me something about my sister. I can see how happy you make her." Sam told him, as they walked.

Travis walked with Sam, he nodded his head. "I am. I wanted to ask you about um...Travis stuttered, as he pulled out a ring box from his pocket. Which caused Sam to look at him and make him even more nervous, which was causing his chest to hurt even more. "Marrying my sister?" Sam said for him, making him nod his head as a yes.

Sam wasn't against it, but he was unsure about it because of Shauna being a shifter and of him being a vampire. "May I see the ring?" He asked Travis, before watching him as he opened the box showing him the ring.
