Proposing short

Sam looked at the ring, before gently patting and squeezing Travis shoulder. "It's a beautiful ring. She'll love it." He told Travis, before letting go of his shoulder leaving him standing there stunned and wordless. "You have my blessing, but you better promise me that you'll take care of her. And you'll protect her no matter what." Sam told Travis, knowing that he was a good kid and did love Shauna so much.

Travis was shocked that Sam was okay with it, he nodded his head as a small smile broke out onto his face. "I....I....I think she will too." He told Sam, before closing the box and putting it back in his pocket. "Th-thank you. I uh..I ..I promise to love her and protect her, as long as I live. She is my world. I'm not gonna let anything happen to her." He told Sam, having no idea that down the road he wasn't exactly gonna be able to keep his word but not letting anything happen to her.


Shauna sat in the dining at the table talking with Emily and smiling, as she told her stories about her and Sam along with how they met. Shauna smiled and laughed, enjoying her time with Emily before hearing the door open as the boys came back. She looked up seeing Sam walking in, before seeing Travis round the corner. "Travis would like to speak with you." She heard Sam tell her, which made her confused but curious as to what he had to talk to her about. "Okay." She said, before getting up and going into the other room to talk to him.

Travis waited for Shauna to come into the other room with him, he looked up at her when she had come into the living room where he was standing. He took a deep breath, before taking her hands in his. "Shauna...I don't even know where to begin. You are a such a beautiful and incredibly amazing woman. You make me happy and make me feel like my human self again. I know, I'm not the best for you because of what I am. But I will try to be the best partner and husband that I can be, for you Shauna Renee Uley. Will you be my wife?"

He pulled out the box opening it, as he got down on one knee showing her the beautiful ring that was shaped like a heart.

Shauna brought her hands to her mouth, with a look of shock and happiness. "Y-yeah. Yes. Yes!" She said ecstatically happy to become his wife, so much that she hugged him and kissed him shortly after he slipped the ring on her finger.

Travis smiled at her reaction, before slipping the ring on her finger and standing up. He felt his vampire side returning, as he wrapped a arm around her waist feeling her warm skin against his cold one. He chuckled softly as he kissed her back, happy that she said yes to becoming his wife.
