Wedding day/small house get away

It had been four days since Travis's relapse and since looking at wedding attire for them both. Now a few months later, after the events of new moon and eclipse, four days before Bella and Edward married. Travis and his soon to be wife, were both standing in front of each other taking vows, and exchanging rings. Before finally getting to be announced, as husband and wife, before sharing their first kiss as a married couple. Along with their small reception of family, before getting ready to go somewhere with Travis. For a few day get away, at least their honeymoon in four days.

Shauna waited for Travis by the front door with her backpack, she stood there playing with the ring on her finger. "Sorry to keep you waiting sweetheart. I had to find my keys." She looked up to see her husband, holding his car keys and a bag of his own. She lightly shook her head with a smile, as she pulled her backpack strap more up her shoulder. "It's alright Trav. And I see that." She said softly, before walking out the door after he had opened it.

Travis got the front door for his wife, leading her out to the car and getting the door for her. He helped her get into the car, before closing the door and hopping in the drivers side. Starting up the car, pulling it out of the driveway and driving off down the road. "So...where are we going?" He heard his wife softly ask him, causing him to glance at her. "You'll see. It's a wedding from my mom and dad. Alice helped them with it, and yes I know what it is. I just wanna surprise you instead of telling you." He told his wife, before looking back at the road continuing to drive.

He had a feeling that she was going to like the gift, even though he knew about it, he had no idea what it looked like at in or out. "That's understandable, but if Alice helped your parents then I'm sure it's a good surprise. And I know I'll love it regardless." He chuckled softly at his wife, as he also felt her pecking his right cheek gently.

"I'm sure you will." Travis told his wife, as he continued to drive to the surprise that awaited them both. He eventually pulled up, to a house deeper in the woods but not to far from the Cullens home.

"A house. Travis...your family is to kind." He chuckled softly, while looking at his wife as both of them unbuckled. "I know sweetheart. But it was my moms idea, to give us a place of our own especially with Bella going to be part of the family soon. And Alice figured, it'd be a good place for us to spend the next four days before our honeymoon. It's also private and no one around for miles, just the two of us."

With that travis got out of the car, getting the door for her and her backpack along with his back. Carrying their bags up to the front door, and unlocking it with a new key that was in his pocket. He opened the door, sitting their bags down by the door watching his wife as she walked into the house. "Wow. This is beautiful." He heard his wife say, as she looked around the room they were standing in.

Mean while he wrapped a arm around her waist, before leading her up the stairs leaving their bags by the door. He let her go into the bedroom first, before going in behind her.

"Oh my gosh. It's so beautiful and roomy." He closed the door gently, letting her look around while standing next to her with a smile. "I asked Alice to make the bedroom purple. Knowing how much you liked it and all. I knew that having one has always been a dream of yours, and I don't mind having a purple bedroom. As long as your happy then I'm happy." Travis told his wife, before gently wrapping a arm around her waist again. Pulling her close to him, kissing her temple just standing there with her.

"You didn't have to do this babe, but thank you it's really beautiful." He chuckled softly at his wife, with a smile looking at her with love and awe.
