
Sass: what day is today

Daddy: it's baby's birthday

Sass: what did daddy get me?

Daddy: You mean what am I going to get you? I could give you a hint ;)

[dirty image that I can't remember that was flagged as inappropriate for obvi reasons]

Sass: Daddy is giving me my present tonight?

Daddy: how about you come over

Daddy: like now

Jimin threw his phone down and rushed to grab his pants, he was planning on staying in but this is more important than being lazy. He started giggling darkly as he sprayed himself with perfume and re applied his deodorant.

His phone rang and Seokjin was on the other line. "Shit."

"Hey baby, happy birthday! Eomma was thinking about you and bought you more stuffies! Want me to bring them now or to the party later?"

"T-the party, Eomma. Jungkookie wants to give me a present and I won't be home."

"Want me to drive you? Little Kookie hasn't been acting up has he?" Jimin gulped.

"Eomma, I gotta go okay. I'll call you later okay? I love you." Jimin blew a kiss and ended the call. His cheeks were cooking at 450 as he ran out the house and saw Taehyung. Taehyung wouldn't judge him.

"Tae! Car! Jungkook! Please!" He ran up to him and hugged him before he could get into the car.

"Happy birthday kiddo, and what? Want me to drive you to Jungkookie?" Jimin nods quickly and is already running to the other side of the car. Taehyung laughed and unlocked the car doors, getting in himself.

"Step on it Tae! My life depends on it!"

Taehyung, through a knowing smile, started the short journey towards their younger's friend.

"Birthday sex?" Jimin nods, staring straight ahead as his hand was on the door ready to jump out any minute.

"Relax, child."

"I'm older than you, don't call me child."

Suddenly, the car started to slow down. "Shit." Taehyung mumbled.

"What happened?!"

"Looks like we're not going anywhere." Jimin started blinking quickly and contemplating his options.

I could run out now and still make it in about 6 minutes

Or call Jin so I could save my energy

No, Jin wouldn't let me go if he found out what my plans were

But I'm 20 years old, Eomma can't hold my hand forever


"Jimin." Jimin snapped out of it and looked towards the younger. Before he could open his mouth to speak, lips met his.

Sorry for not updating for so long but I'm on break (minus night classes Monday  through Thursday) so more updates yay

What do you think is running through Taehyung's mind?

How long can Jungkook stay hard? Will he be upset with Jimin and cancel?

How does Jimin feel about the kiss?

I guess we'll find out whenever my lazy ass stops stalling lmfao
