
"Pst, chimchim. There's a guy at your door, he's been knocking for 20 minutes and I thought he would go away sooner or later, but now I dont think he's gonna leave any time soon."

I sat up on the couch and my eyes widened. "Tae! It's Jungkook!" His nose scrunched up and he looked at the door.

"I'll kill him."

"No! Just-look at my phone!" I showed him the message from last night and he gasped.

"Oh my gosh it's his cousin? I used to live in Daegu Town haha. I'll go open the door, this child is interesting."

I sat staring at the floor with flaming cheeks as I heard two pairs of feet come back seconds later.

"I'm assuming you've been in here before so make yourself at home buddy."

"Can I talk to Jimin alone for a second?" The tone in his voice didn't sound too happy. I gulped.

"Well sure kiddo, such a cute thing." He chuckled amd walked out.

"I understand you could date anyone because we're not together, but why him? He's so..."

"We aren't dating..."

"What? Did you guys fuck last night then?"

"Taehyung and I only ate and watched movies...he slept on the floor and me on the couch..."

"So there's nothing going on between you two?"

"Nope, why?" I finally looked up at him. He looked taken back.

"I-It doesn't matter..well I came over because you weren't answering...I didn't know someone would be here. And about Yoongi hyung-"

"-I'm sorry Kookie." I pulled him down into a hug. He was practically laying on me due to me sitting on the couch and him standing 3 feet away from me.

"Wow wow wow!" Taehyung was heard. I didn't let go.

"Jimin your toys need to be put away before someone like me fine them...or him" he laughed. I blushed, hiding my face in Jungkook's neck.

"Toys? Are these said toys what I think they are?" He pulled away from me and I put my head in my hands.

"Wanna see? They're on his bed! And I went through his bathroom and he has more!" Jungkook only made me feel worse by smirking at me and following Taehyung.

"Please end my life."

"Oh, hold on I gotta do something." Jungkook walked back to me and lifted my chin.

"You look so beautiful when you blush." He pressed his lips against mine and I dropped my hands, relaxing my shoulders, and fluttering my eyes shut.

"That's my full apology and a little something else." I smiled.


"My chapstick." He laughed. He ran into the room and I was too happy to care anymore.

"You amaze me Jungkookie, I'm Taehyung by the way." I heard and then laughing and a bunch of 'ooh'ing.

This chapter is just a a random ass chapter because I got home from school and didn't want to do homework. Hope this is okay lmao I skimmed over this but didn't really catch any mistakes, if there are any don't be afraid to tell me.

Don't forget to vote!!
