
As soon as I opened the door I was a bit confused, but I felt as if I could finally breathe.

"Let's go, the guys are waiting." He yawned. "I don't know why I have to be a part of this family reunion."

"What?" Yoongi grabbed my arm and dragged me to the car, I tried to stop him so that I could lock the door but he was really strong.

"Just 5 seconds! Give me five freaking seconds to lock my fucking door first!"

As soon as he let go I fell to the ground. He glared at me and I glared back, getting up to lock the door and walking myself to his expensive car.

"Turn on the radio to whatever you like, I don't care."

And with that he sped off. I began thinking of what he meant by family reunion. Isn't he taking me to see Jungkook?


"Go in, this is Jungkook's house."

I blushed, was he really about to have our date alone in his house at night?

"Quit thinking dirty and just go, I have someone I need to see like 20 minutes ago."

"T-thanks for the ride." I got out and his car basically disappeared down the street.

Before I even got to the door it flew open.

"Jiminnie!" Tears came to my eyes. I ran to him and hugged him.

"Jin hyung! When did you get back?" My legs gave out and he sat us both on the ground. "I missed you so much please don't leave again." He rubbed my back and he started to talk, not to me though.

"Can you get some tissues? My child is soaking my shirt up." He laughed. Hearing that beautiful sound made me cry harder. I missed hearing his voice and his laugh in person so much.

"Here." I looked up and saw Jungkook smiling down at me.

"You asshole! How come you kept this a secret, making me feel bad if I missed our date or missed seeing Jin hyung!"

"Hey that was all Tae, I only had the date part planned. I wasn't gonna tell you that Seokjin hyung was here."

"How do you know him?"

"I don't, Taehyung told me to do this but I just found out that he's not good with surprises."

"That's my brother for you, never kept a secret in his life."

"Yes I have! Remember when you told me you took Jimin's shirt and ripped it with your amazing shoulders? I kept that secret when you...uh...told me not to tell him...sorry bro."  Everyone laughed but Taehyung, he blushed and looked to the ground.

"So chimchim, what's this about you having toys in your room?" My eyes widened.

"Taehyung I'll fucking kill you!" I got up and chased him all around the house and outside.


After our high speed chase we came back into the house to see Seokjin holding Jungkook like a baby.

"What is going on?"

"He's so adorable, my child now."

Jungkook looked at me with scared eyes. "Help." He mouthed.

I improvised. "But eomma, what about chimchim?" I pouted.

"You could be my child too." He smiled.

"But I was your child first!" I pretended to throw a fit, stomping and crossing my arms.

"Fine come to eomma, sorry Kookie." I took his place and Jungkook crawled away, probably scarred for life.

I secretly gave him a thumbs up and he nodded.

Reader: what the fuck was this chapter?

Me: well you see i- 
