Like A Butterfly 2 (I-Land Geonu)


Why am I so inlove with this story playing in my mind? 🖤


The Butterfly Effect

Close your eyes and think about that boy. Tell me how he makes you feel. Let your mind traced over his tired shoulders. Allow your thoughts to linger on that beautiful smile. Take a deep breath and try to put those dark thoughts aside.

For once, let go of the reins you've wrapped so tightly in your heart. I know you are scared. Who can blame you?

Love is a hurricane wrapped inside a chrysalis. And you are a girl walking into the storm.

-Lang Leav


Eye to eye. A gentle smile. A small piece of paper. An offer.

Four simple things that reminds 'him' of you as the sky exploded while you sit on the chair by the window. Lightning flashed followed a few seconds later by a thunder crackling before you heard the branches of the gnarled trees behind your apartment, scratching in the glass.

You glanced down on your phone as it light up the same time another lightning flashed outside and there you see in the screen appears another storm. Him.


Are you alone now in this weather?

10:08 pm

As much as you don't want to send a reply, there will be just another text that will come in only a second later and failing to answer in that one too, could lead for him to call. Knowing him for already three months, he will not stop until you pick up, so with a sigh, you typed an answer.


I am. Why?


Outside, the storm was still raging on. The dark sky flashed bright once again and thunder striked from afar, loud enough to shake the window but why are you more shaken up in another beep of the phone?


Want me to come there? Tell me your address and I'll show up.


Sometimes you get him. Sometimes you don't. Lee Geonu is another puzzle you have yet to solve but for now, you felt confused of why you were letting him in your lonely life.


As if you can go here with this storm raging on.


The door opened in your room and your roommate's head peeked in, Jia. She rushed in after, directly towards the small bathroom you shared with her and she leaves water trailing behind her.  Then there's another beep, too fast in your opinion.


Try me, Y/N


You blow out in the window, blurring the mirror in the process as mist developed and you drew an emoji crying before you sent a text to your own 'Storm'.


This is not a challenge. It's raining hard and it would be bad for you to get out.


In only a few seconds later, He hit you up with another message. Doesn't he have something else to do? You thought he was a trainee. Aren't they were always busy?


So you're worried about my whole being? I thought you only cared about yourself.


You closed your eyes, trying to ease the annoyance when you read it. He can be too straightforward sometimes. Even in personal. He was much worse.


Says the one who didn't care about my opinion last night.


Returning back your eyes on the window, lightning continued to flashed making you look back on what had occured with him yesterday night.


Wind-driven rain blew hard across the dark sky making all the people inside the restaurant to cast their eyes outside whenever a grumble could be heard, heralding the typhoon that was covered by the news earlier in the screen where you and Seola watched.

Despite of the near closing time, Many have remained inside waiting for the rain to stop before they came home. At this reason, You and the other workers had a rather busy night and by the time your ship is done, you were too tired to even walk straight.

Seola were helping you get a taxi when he appeared in the front and runs towards you in concern.

"What happens to her?", Geonu questioned, receiving you in his arms readily.

Seola, even at your tired state had the audacity to wink at you secretly. "Our night has become a rush because of this rainstorm"

Geonu looked down at you then, letting you see how for tonight he was wearing glasses and in your too tired mind, did you think he looks good in it.

"Will you be the one taking her home now? I need to go now as well and just want to make sure if she will make it safely", Seola moved you with that, she has become closer now to you.

Geonu gives her only a nod before she left the two of you. Once she completely disappears, He guides you in the sidewalk and placed a hand in your waist to keep you upright. The two of you were silent for a long while as you waited for a taxi.

All of a sudden, you recalls not liking for anyone to know where you live and you studied him, guessing he was not the kind of person you will let invade your personal space. And he had invaded you a little too much now.

"Will you..", You closed your mouth as he turned to you with a frown, the habit he does whenever he could feel you're trying to hide something.

"You're tired Y/N. You need someone to take you home and doesn't need to hide where you live" He stated in such a serious tone yet you were baffled.

There he was again, reading what you are thinking without a fail.

"But you know me. I can't let anyone know where my apartment is", You explained.

"What are you? Some kind of a criminal to hide your identity?" He counters, having no idea you had been once a criminal in the eyes of the people from the past.

And always will be. Until now, you were still living the consequences. Although it brighten up a little at his arrival.

"You could of just call me a taxi and go home yourself"

"And what if the driver who will be driving you were not too be trusted?" He continued, his frown worsening.

"Why are you even concerning yourself with me?" You peered up at him, annoyed though you'd like know if he really cares.

"Of course, I cared about you so don't bother rejecting my help"

Is he for real? How can he managed knowing what's going on in your mind?

"If you really don't want me knowing where you live then maybe I could suggest somewhere else", He says, picking up his phone and signalled for you that he will call someone.

What you didn't know as you stared at him waiting for the receiver to answer that he will be bringing you in their dorm, instead.

"What?!", Jungwon answered in the other line, annoyed at someone waking him up in his sleep.

Geonu smirked, really choosing him out of his friends even if Heeseung and Kyungmin might be available. "Is our manager going to visit there or are we in the clear?"

"Clear", Jungwon sleepily says.

"Open the door for me. I'm coming home with someone here"

At this, Jungwon shouted on the other line in shock. "Who!?"

Geonu moved the phone away from his ears, throbbing at the sudden shriek. "The girl Kyungmin and I were talking about. Got a problem?"

"No. No. You know what? I would be waiting for the two of you", Jungwon sounded so excited.

"Just don't bother her too much or I'll kill you myself", Geonu reminds him then turn off the call without saying goodbye.

Coming back to you, He smiled seeing you never removed your eyes on him. As usual, the two of you got drown into each other's eyes until you coughed and ruin it.

"So what's your suggestion?", You awkwardly asks, looking down on the pavement.

"My dorm"

Your head shot back to him. "Wait. What?"

"You heard me loud and clear", He said in a sarcastic way. "That is, if you haven't gone deaf out of nowhere and that would be too impossible"


"So let's go", He said, grabbing your hand without a warning and the two of you walked under the moonlight, going to their dorm located only a few blocks away.

While his back is turned on you, focusing on the path, a realization dawned on you and if it hadn't for his hand holding onto yours tightly, you almost runaway.

Why? For the reason, after two years in isolation, you will be getting inside the dorm full of boys and the mere thought scares you a bit but then, will Geonu let you feel out of place there?

You don't think so.


"Welcome home, Geonu hyung!"

A cheerful shout greeted you upon stepping inside the threshold, at least five boys were waiting for you there and Geonu, beside you falls into secondhand of embarassment as two familiar boys you see in the restaurant with him from before rushed forward.

"Are you now his girlfriend?", This one had a dimples in both side of his cheeks. "Tell me. Tell me please"

"Can you please stop embarassing Geonu even more, Jungwon?", The other who's too tall berated the one called Jungwon who looked to him with an offended expression.

"I'm just asking her because I'm curious as to why he is desp--" He was interrupted by the other person you had seen too in the resto.

"Sorry about our maknae. He's too childish sometimes. I'm Heeseung, by the way", Heeseung covered Jungwon's mouth who you see was doing his best to pull his hand away.

"And I'm Kyungmin", The tall one introduced himself, smiling. "Don't bother telling us your name when we already heard it a lot of times by Geonu almost everyday"

Geonu wanted to melt down under the ground and and punch someone at the same time while your eyes flickered to him for a moment, as if asking if it's really the truth.

Then of course, His friends who betrayed him would not stop there.

Jungwon getting out of Heeseung's hold grabs you and leads you to the other two you were still not introduce to.

"This is Geonu's girlfriend we've been wanting to meet for a long time" He pushed you forward making the two laughs at his carelessness.

"Are you really his girlfriend?", asks the one wearing a snapback and before you could reject the idea, the one wearing a bowl hat butted in.

"I'm Jay and this ugly boop is Jake"

Ugly? How can he say that when all of them were actually goodlooking as you looked at their faces. Is the world too unforgiving to you that you felt small among them?

"Don't say that to my face when yours isn't any better", Jake comments before returning to you. "What's your name, little thing?"

"Did you just forget her name all of sudden?", Jay shoved him gently to the side and looks at you. "How can we be rest assured that you will not hurt our friend?"

You gaped at him in ashtonisment. "What did you just say?"

Jungwon joins in again. "So you can talk huh?"

"Of course she's a person. Not an animal if your eyes could not see it", Jay deadpanned, causing for the youngest to frown at him.

Then a fight with words between them started, Jungwon whining and Jay making fun of him with Jake backing him up. You? You're quite speechless. Thankfully, Geonu knowing his friends, appeared back from talking to Kyungmin and lead you away from the petty squabble.

He smiled at you apologetically. "We should go where you will sleep here and I can assure you, you're not gonna sleep with any crazy boys here"

Walking together in the hallway leaving the Jungwon versus Jay and Jake still ongoing where Heeseung joined in, cheering for the maknae---Geonu opens the first door in the line of six bedrooms and let you in first.

"Sorry about that anyway", He says after closing the door and you two were shrouded in silence compared to outside.

Looking around the spacious room, You think it was his room with that Kyungmin from the frames you spotted placed on the bedside table. They looked so young there, smiling to the camera.

"Are they always like that?" You wondered, taking a sit in the edge of the bed and he did the same, putting a distance between the two of you.

"Yes. And it's more rowdy when the others with Sunoo and Daniel was here", He told you, smiling at the thought of them. "Sadly, Bighit transferred them to the other dorms thinking we're too many here"

You beamed at this, imagining how noisy it would be with more boys living together. "Do you miss having them here?"

"Yes. It's not the same without them", He looked thoughtful for a moment before sighing softly. "Even those madmen you met outside were longing for them to come back here"

You studied him, allowing you to see how he really meant what he says about his co-trainees. His eyes directed on another frame set on the wall where inside it, there were 23 boys posing for a groupie. Looking at it, You see he's in there wearing the brightest smile on his face.

"From what I can see, it looks like all 23 of you were all happy to be in the same picture", You said to him, sensing his eyes back on you.

"It is", He says. "Especially knowing after taking that picture, we would need to be separated from each other

"Why does it need to happen?" He were staring now at you intensely and you avoid looking at him though you want to.

He scooted closer to you. "As much as we want to all debut together, there's not a chance. We will just be seeing each other debuts into different groups"

"What about those outside? Will you debut with them?" Your breath hitched up as he laid his head in your lap and closed his eyes.

And wish to yourself, he couldn't hear your rapid heart in it's beat.

"Us debuting in the same group was still uncertain", He murmured against your skin. His voice in a fraction of second, broke.

You have no idea how you should comfort him like the others normally do. Should you hug him? No. That would be too awkward. Plus, you doesn't give a care about the other people in a long time.

However, at this moment, as you gazed at him allowing you to see his vulnerable side, feeling a water ran down from his face and to your knees, did you promised to protect him from you so long as you can.

Because it's not like you can stay forever in his side. You have your own rule of running away once you get too attached in one place and here he is, making you doubted  all your choices to keep you from experiencing the people leaving you again.

Hanging in the darkest place without a voice to scream for anyone to come save you.


You woked up with a start and grew confused as to why your eyes were tearing up. Looking around the room where you are, your eyes widen seeing all the familiar remnants of your past. This is your old room where you will hear next the breaking of the glasses and seconds later, it really did happened followed by your mother pleading for him to stop.

Your stepfather.

You're scared to come out and for it to repeat all over again but your body moves against your will, heaving up from the bed to go out there to meet your nightmare visiting you again in this dream.

This is not a dream but already a nightmare in form.

Opening the door of your room as quiet as you could like you did two years ago, You gasped at what your eyes had stumbled to--your heart beating fast in fright as you see him for the second time raising a knife towards the liar you have for a mother who's back is turned as she pitifully cried down there, hugging her knees like a child.

And you hated her deeply for birthing you in this world, only to neglect you and ruin your life by saying the things that is not in your fault. You only wanted to save her.

Why did she have to put you through hell?

And now, here's your karma.

Despite your resistance to your body moving on its own, you raced down towards them and with his back on you, you easily stealed the knife from his grasp, making him turned around. Before he could react completely to you and you stabbing him, something unexpected occured that did not happen in the night of your sin.

Suddenly, there were butterflies flying around, forming into a shadow of a person and as it transformed completely to make you see who it is, your broken down soul lighten up meeting his.

Lee Geonu.

The next thing you know was your mother screaming in horror, her eyes looking at the blinding light while your eyes glistened, hoping this could be your salvation.

Then you look down, the eyes of the real monster were glazed, as if in a trance somehow who slowly set his arms on his side and he turned to you, nodding with a remorse in his face.

"It's not your fault, Y/N. You are not a monster but an angel that need to be save by someone"

You had done it. You have avoided the unforgivable mistake you've suffered the consequences for too long  and when your stepfather slowly disintegrated into the light shining from the window, did you look at your saviour. Your wings out of this place.

This time,  your innocence and conscience were cleansed.

"You're never a monster, Y/N", was the last thing you heard from him before Geonu's soul disappeared in a flash blinding you once again and when you blinked, he's gone while your mother is looking at you-- not in horror but in epiphany, confirming what he said might be the truth.

You're never a monster, Y/N.


Waking with a start on the bed which is not the one in your dream, Your eyes met his looking at you in concern laying beside you in his room in their dorm. You smiled at him, trying to brush off the panic that had been coming from the nightmare but there is a relief mixed especially when you think of it, it feels like you've already been freed from it.

Luckily, Geonu passed over your shock assuming it was him being beside you and you wanted him to think of that only. You would be too embarassed in revealing what you had dreamed about.

That he is your saviour.

Like a butterfly, he did come guiding you back to the sky and thinking about it now as he smiled down at you, he looked more human than you'd ever seen him and you realised as you smiled back that you did desire for this person to come all along.

And you'll forever hold the memory of meeting him in that gloomy morning.

