Careless Man's Careful Daughter 2 (I-Land Kyungmin)


Happy birthday to Jo Kyungmin!

I was late in updating this one and thinking anyone of you don't really like this much but one of you commented what if I updated it since Kyungmin's day is near. So after not coming back in two days, I decided to end this one and for all.

I hope you all wish this sweetie a good day~~

Mine by Taylor Swift
Daylight by T. Swift


"I was a flight risk, with a fear of fallin'
Wondering why we bother with love, if it never lasts"
-Taylor Swift-


There is a loneliness in this world so great that you can see it in the slow moment of the hands of a clock.

People so tired, mutilated by either love or no love.

People are just not good for each other.


You are nothing but another reminder for him after you left him in the riverside as another people disappearing in his life just because of the fear of caring about another one. You are just like his mother leaving him for the fear of losing her youthful life and hated the thought of having to leave it to act as his proper parent.

He learned to live with it through the years that passed by, growing up with only his drunkard father who was still working for them but it's not enough for him to go to College, ending up for Kyungmin doing other ways and means like leaving his home town, find himself in the dormitory owned by Mr. Brook who was nice enough to let him be a free loader there.

Then he met you one day, letting him see in the six months that he gets to know you of how you were a collateral damage of yourself and maybe that's the reason why after he kiss you, you left the dorm and go for another.

Now he didn't chase for you. He didn't even left his room when you loaded all of your things one by one into your car. He only watched it pulled off the driveway and got a flash back of his mother doing the same in the past, reminding him to be careful about you if you and him met each other again, to not repeat the order.

But how can he, Jo Kyungmin, do it if one night he accidentally finds you crying again at the exact riverside, telling him all the reasons of why you were a flight risk?

Will he comes running back to you?

Or like you, will be too careful not to hurt himself for his own sake?


He took a deep breath and slid down the tub, immersing his head with thought of trying to calm himself, the mantra of 'breath in, breath out' repeatedly goes off his head. His eyes wanting to cry as it opens through the stinging bubbly water he mixed in with too much amount of liquid soap.

But he wasn't crying.

Crying was not an option that he had done too much before back in his childhood days. Perhaps because of it, it had been drained out of his body from being too hurt at his mother's leave and now as he stared up at the ceiling, he remembered her pressing the back of her hand in his chin and she smiled.

Her face so close to him that he could smell the mixture of lipstick scent and cigarette. She will say, "I'll come back to you when I can, Kyungmin"

And so, the ten year old him patiently waited for another day and the next, only for his drunk father cried to him one night that she's never coming back to them. She had chosen to be youthful again.

And even then, Kyungmin very much wanted to say to anyone being proud of their mother in their side, that they lie and gives you a blank promise.

It's in the job description of any broken family.

Curiously, as the water begans to splash over his skinny naked lanky body, he thought of you. Not to hate you but to think of what must be the reason why you became scared after he had kissed you. There must be some point in you that he had accidentally triggered for your guarded walls to develop again instantly.

And right then, Kyungmin extricated himself from the tub, putting out the drain from the hall and wrapped the towel around his lower body, drying himself before wearing the change of clothes atop the small sink.

When he exited the bathroom, he approached his desk, looking for the diary he had stolen out of your room before your departure that he never opens up, respecting your privacy.

But even so, he couldn't help hoping to know you better, even in this way of disregarding all his rules not to snoop too much about other people's life. The feeling of the small heartbreak in your leave visits and he could felt the stung of your last words towards him, and he could taste the sweetness of the kiss, and maybe he thinks it wasn't over, and maybe you'll not prove to him you are not like his outlook to every girls that you can be like his mother.

When he opens the diary, there is only one content in the middle page of the notebook. He read and re-read the short note in there, trying to make sense of it and he couldn't.

This is what the note says:

I realized today that I stopped living life. I'm literally just one of the flying kite letting the wind takes me anywhere it likes.

Then someone cut the thin string, he is maybe the one that ruins me, break me and takes everything down to the deads.

I'm not living. I'm waiting.

For what?

I don't know exactly what I'm waiting for.


"What's the problem?", When your new roommate asked you that as she saw you balling your hands into fist to rub your eyes, you did not answer. She doesn't seem surprised to not receieve any reply. She had never you talked to anyone since you moved in their dormitory.

You blink and seems to focus on her, like you just been called out of a dream. "It's that day", you take a deep breath, then blows it loudly. "It's the day everything has been ruined in my life"

She nods slowly, not getting what you meant but still want to know. "And?"

"The people who---", you break off, remembering where you are and don't even remember her name, and starts again. "Sorry for bothering you but I can't tell it to anybody else"

Silence. Total silence. She stops looking at you then sits still on her desk, seeming remembering as well that you are not close to each other. You really think for several seconds your heart stops beating, for nearly revealing your biggest problem. For a moment, you were suddenly reminded of the day it happened:

Back when your younger brother is taken away from you by your father, your mother left you to fend for yourself after that. You were alone for years until now, nobody thought of you to keep you company that you learn to love it.

But why do you felt alone if everything was the same? Except this guy, Jo Kyungmin makes you feel like a jerk who you've been longing to see again even though you're trying hard to reject that idea. Idea of ever being attached to anyone. Much less a guy.

After your roommate leaves for the kitchen to eat, you sit for a while listening for the other noises around you from the other rooms, not having the energy to hate how someone convinced the land lady to throw a party at weekend downstairs. Who can blame them if the finals were finally finish this last friday?

All of a sudden, you feel restless, like you need to know the answer to some questions you don't even know what is.

You step out of your room, pausing there as somewhere a clock is ticking and other than that was the deafeaning music down there. Everything is dark and the tiled floor is cold under your feet. When you look outside, the rain has stopped and turned to snow, thousand of snowflakes melting down the windows and makinh the moonlight that comes through the panes looks watery.

And then you're walking towards the stairs and suddenly the boy in your mind is there, standing like a ghost under the shade from the disco lights reaching the steps. His face is completely in shadow but you can still tell he's staring at you. The room tilted. You grab onto the wall to keep yourself steady from the sudden bout of dizziness.

"Are you okay?", The shadow steps farther into the moonlight, so that the features show you it was Kyungmin. "Do you have a fever?"

"Kyungmin?" You brought a hand to your chest, trying to press your heart back to it's normal rhythm. "Why are you here?"

"There's party. I'm invited", His hair is messed up, and in his white pants and shirt, he could be a ghost.

"The party is happening downstairs", you say. Your words popping like an accusation. "Why are you up here, Kyungmin?"

He looks away, then looks back at you. "I just want to get away from the developing trouble down there", he says. "There are girls that I want to avoid. You know that"

"Well, maybe", you say. But you get the feeling he's talking to himself more than to you.

"And I noticed there's no one going up here, so it's my only choice", Kyungmin presses on, his voice suddenly quick and urgent. "I don't know that you were even here"

"Really?", you say skeptically. For a minute, you and him just stand there in silence. Your body feels heavy and useless, the way it sometimes does when you want to run but you can't. After a while, something occurs to you and say. "Isn't it your birthday for today?"

Even though you and him have been standing in silence, he inhales sharply, as though you've interrupted him in the middle of a long speech. "So you do remember something about me?"

"You said to me before", you say. "You tell me all I need to know about you"

He doesn't respond. You go past him into the dark hallway and find your way to the couch downstairs, settling in the noisy crowded hallways, the party lights, some of the people making out in secret corners. And a little while later, Kyungmin comes in and join you.

He stares at you for a long time that you start to get nervous. You want to get up and return to your dorm room, but you force yourself to stay still. "What do you want? Why are you really here?", your voice comes out sounding uncertain.

He was still staring into your eyes, but when he speaks he sounds tired, sad---not at all what you were expecting. "I feel alone, that's why. No one remembers except for you and I want to see you here"

The tone of his voice startles you, and for a second, your mind spins blankly. He's staring at you with a look of longing, as if you've known him longer than six months. The music from the speaker changes from hard beating sound to melodius of Ed Sheeran's playlist. Somehow, you've lost control of the situation for once.

The tension in the air is still there, but now it feels depressing or heavy in your chest, like the air around you is full of doubts, getting ready to drop like rain.

"What are you thinking about?", you finally asks, but instead of answering he just put his arms on your shoulder, now looking at the people your age partying together with no care about tommorow waking up with hangover as they drink and drink more.

A couple of people gave you weird looks. You ignore them, so they keep moving elsewhere--driftimg down outside, in the backyard full of student's vehicles and out onto the wrap-around porch. For a while, you just sit there with Kyungmin laying his head on your shoulder.

When you look at him and see his mouth were slightly parted, it remind you of your brother when you were little and used to tuck him in your shared bedroom, which your parents always failed to do themselves. You never hate them, though, that time.

You don't know how long you're there watching the boy you left for months--and you cry. The first sob is almost a scream in the middle of deafeaning music. But at a certain point, you become aware how the boy is watching you too--seeing the tears in your cascading down your face.

"How long have you been watching me?", you asks, wiping your nose on the back of your arm like a kid.

"Enough to know that there's something bothering you-- or someone", he says, tilting his head up from your shoulder and making you look away to avoid the closeness of your mouth to his. "You know, if there's something I could do or something you want to talk about or--"

"Kyungmin?", you interrupt him and he stops. He just sits there, looking you and the silence followed before you grasp anything to say. "I want to ask.. why are you really here?"

"I meant what I said earlier", he says quietly, shiftinh slightly beside you. "No one remembers my birthday to any of my acquiantances here and they say this party is at your new dorm, so I came to see you"

Silence again as you feel a rush of embarassment. His comment is so unexpected you don't know what to say or even feel that there's a guy like him willing to go to a party which is not really his thing. He shifts slightly, moving closer and it hits you then that you're sitting with a guy that you should leave immediately--but how can you do it if tonight he feels the same as you?

Alone and to think that no one even remembers his special day is slightly a sad thought for you.

"I should go", you swallows as you stand up. "I can't stand this noise around us"

"I know. You once said how you hated crowded places", he says. "Do you want to go outside?"

You stare at him. At the outline of his face touched by the colorful lights, as if he's glowing along them. "Okay. But just for a moment"

He stands abruptly with his mouth hanging open as though he's sure he misheard you then he reaches out a hand and without thinking, you take it. "Come on. Let's get out of here"

It's warm and soft, and as he leads you through the wriggling mass of the party-goers, away from the music, booze and into the shadows of the back door. The music fades always altogether at every steps that it doesn't feel crazy holding hands with Jo Kyungmin and you're letting him leads you outside-- it almost feels normal.

"We're here", he says as he pushes the door open and very slowly, he guides you into one of the grassy patch to seat on. Outside, it's almost empty of any people, save for some choosing to return in their car and drink there with their friends.

"Happy birthday, Kyungmin", you say, barely a whisper. You find it cheap of you to not give him anything but then, are you two even friends?

"Thank you. This is already enough for me. No need for gifts", he says. You're still holding hands but now that you were face to face, you see his other hand hovering an inches away from your cheek, and it's like he want to graze it with his touch.

In the last second, he drop it, taking the warmth with him. And it's the weirdest thing for you, but sitting there with Kyungmin, in the dark outside your dorm, you could feel a tiniest spark inside you, a little swarm of butterfly at your stomach that makes you unafraid.



"Do you think it's weird thag I'm out here with you? When all this time I avoided you in School?", You close your eyes when you say it, so you don't have to look at his face.

"A little bit maybe but it's making me feel better and I like it", he says, tucking his knees up to his chin and looks at you. "I thought you would push me away when I sat with you inside there"

"I don't know. I can't control myself sometimes with my own actions", you said. You feel sleep creeping up on you and this time, you were the one to lay your head in his shoulder. "I have one question"

"Ask away"

"Why are you so being nice to me all this time? I'm only horrible to anyone that I meet"

There's quiet for so long that you began to think he won't answer. You can imagine while your eyes are closed, that he was observing you, that he will be careful with his words around you, remembering the last time you were together.

"Remember the last time I told you about my life?", he says, finally speaking in a low quiet voice. "I actually never tell you how my Mom left me because she doesn't like tha fact of taking care of us. Of her kids taking away her youth. She promised me she would come but she never did"

You keep your eyes shut, wanting to hear everything clearly. Now understanding he must felt the same thing as you: the feeling of lost from your own family.

"Anyway, my father is drunkard. He must felt so broken to be left taking care of us. He did his best but it's not enough", he laughs dryly, breaking you as he is clearly trying not to choke up on tears. "And now here I am, trying to get by from my part-time job to continue in College. No one can relate to me somehow and I'm just like a friend someone can run to if they don't have any choice left to some of my classmates"

He pauses. "And then you came and make me feel alive again but in the end, I ruin it for trying to make it more than friendship"

You open your eyes and you wonder how could you explain that you're just scared. Scared of catching feelings when you already did. "You just surprised me that day. You make me remember everything that I'm trying to forget"

"Can you tell me about it?", His voice comes out as a whisper, but there's a pleading sound to it.

You shake your head once but when you look into his eyes, you started to speak as it all comes back to you like a whirlwind. "My father had been cheating on my mother for too long that they decided to break the marriage and divorce. I have a baby brother..."

"And he was taken away from the separation after?", he interrupts you, as though each and every words hurt for you, and he's right. "Is that why you're hard to open up to anyone?"

"My mother left me to fend for myself", you were saying, voice coming out croaky. "You can imagine how we were in the same house but it felt like she was just a ghost drifting by, to only give me school money and food to cook for myself"

Kyungmin nods for you to continue, his eyes fixed on your face. "Or if it's hard for you, you can just finist it there"

"Since then", you start to speak and find that you can't. "I learn to be alone, to take care of myself and swore to never ever let myself get attached to anyone. Not even you"

He looks at you like he's about to cry. He looks older somehow under the moonlight, his eyes dark and full and sad. "Can you not trust me to be different from them? That I won't leave you? Like my our family did to us", he says quietly.

"What are you telling me?", you say, balling up your fist tightly on your lap. "Are you saying that I should look at you differently and---", you break of, unable to continue.

Kyungmin looks like each word is something offendimg that he has to bring up in your face as he spoke. "Can't you just try to understand? We're both feeling the same thing. My Mom left me and your whole family left you. We should be trying to talk about it in order---"

"Feeling the same thing?", you repeat, your voice shaking. "You can't know that. You can't understand the feeling that your own mother is wishing for you to be gone instead of your brother. Do you know that feeling huh? That you're not wanted by your last family?"

Kyungmin reaches for your hand in your lap that was balled in fists. "Y/N..."

"No", you  stand up and steps away from him. You're whole body vibrating with rage. "No. Don't tell me it's going to be okay. Don't tell me it was in the past. You don't know---you have no idea how much it hurts. None of you have no idea how I feel jealous to everybody having their family complete"

You're not sure whether your only talking about yourself or that he can relate as well. Kyungmin stands up and wrap his arms around you, finding yourself with your head buried in his chest, sobbing. He keeps you pressed tightly to him, and he keeps making little noises against your hair, and before you totally let go of everything you've been keeping inside--you have the strangest thought.

Then the thought of someone finally knowing your burdens and biggest secret behind your indifferent facade becomes too much, and you cry, losing it to Kyungmin. His mouth is buried in your hair, and you feel his breath warm close to your ear. You pull away, putting a little space between the two of you, though he keeps his arm on either side you.

Kyungmin?", you call, and your voice seems to have rise, void of any empty emotion as you take a look to his face. "Promise me one thing?"

"And this one thing is?"

"Promise me that you'll never leave me here. For now?"

"I promise", he whispers. And then, just at that moment, when you're no longer sure if you're dreaming or awake, in between your fight to stay up, you feel the flutter of his lips on yours, but it's too late.

Your eyes closed, you're gone, he's gone and the moment slipped away, and back on itself like a flower folding up for the night.


Maybe everyone had been right about that short quote. To forgive and to forget. When you graduated in College and went on to search for the jobs available out of the country, you get accepted along Kyungmin who really wanted to follow you anywhere you go. While waiting for your passport to be completed, he told you to visit your Mom and try to find what happen to your brother.

He said the years that passed may lessen the scar in your broken family and did you regret it? No, you never regret finding your Mom was really sorry about everything. You could never regret discovering your brother Billy was already in Highschool and is an achiever. Your father is still the same yet he was not your main desire to see.

But the truth was deep down---as deep as inside of you could go--you regret this one thing. You regret staying in the same apartment with Kyungmin. Tonight would be the night that you will either break up or stay with each other.

You knew yourself to be always decisive and head strong to any bad situations but why does it feel hurt to ask him, why he was coming home late from his office? Why was he becoming different these days? Why do you have this feeling that he's tired of you?

Drawing your legs up into your place in the loveseat, the television was playing something you're not keeping your eyes of as you focuses more on the front door to open. When the clock striked 12:35, the door opens, making you spin your head away from the screen in time to see Kyungmin arrive.

He stepped into the living room, looking around instantly when there isn't any lights on apart from the TV. He frowned and glanced back at you. You didn't have it in you to stand up and hug him, even if it's not for the first time that he'd come home late. Even if it was supposed to be three hours earlier for him to get out of work.

"Why are you still awake? Don't you have any early meeting with the investors in your work?", he asked, sitting down beside you and pressing a kiss down your forehead. He dropped his briefcase on the side and like he was used to, laid his head on your shoulder.

Right then, you couldn't answer to any of his questions as you caught a wisp of scent lingering on his coat. Your heart drop to your stomach, suddenly coming back to the past once again. "It's my day off for tommorow, did you forget about it?"

"Oh", he said absentmindedly, shedding out his coat off of him and set it down on the armchair. He looks back at you with a smile. "I must have forgotten about for being so busy these days. Sorry"

You rise from your seat, barely avoiding his peck on your cheek as you pretended to yawn and you say. "How it is that you tend to forget a lot of things since you worked in that firm?"

When he turn around to look up at you, Kyungmin gave you a tired smile, he looked as though alert at your avoidance of him. "It's just that everything there and since I'm new, is very challenging"

Your strength that you build up to confront him about this faltered, falling down like a brick in the cemented ground. A frown flickered across his face as he stood up and you back a few steps away from him. But thankfully he didn't ask you why you were suddenly acting like this.

And then, finally he asked a different topic from the first. "Will you be off in wednesday next week? I can ask for a day off and we can go out together again in your favorite restaurant"

"We will have seminar next week for a few days", you lied through your teeth, when in truth is, you'll gonna be off to your hometown. To visit your Mom and talk about what is the signs she got from your cheating father. "I don't think I could go with you that day. Sorry"

Why was it that you both said sorry in the same night?, you thought as there used to be countless thing you and him discussed after work. You used to spend late nights awake on each other's company, talking about the future and now you're both lying to each other. You both know this relationship is falling out, you think.

When he was close enough, he held out a hand towards you with that cute smile of his. Even in his adulthood, he still managed to look like the first time you met him back in College. He find your eyes and see the hesitation in it as you keep your hands curled up in your side.

"It's fine. No one's out here to get you", he says, reaching out and caught your hand, coming closer towards you. Peering down at your uncertain face, full of doubts from him. "I could wait for the next time that you're free. You will inform me quickly, don't you?"

"Maybe but just in case, I'd like to be inform of why you were getting late from your work and you can't even tell me", you raised your eyes towards him and was met with a confused frown. "And you're certainly be leaving me again when someone called you from your office"

"Y/N, it's not what you---", you shook your head, raising a hand up for him to stop, but before you could back away further, he caught your chin, holding you close. "Are you doubting me again about my loyalty for you?", he says before kissing you onto your lips and you struggled to keep yourself straight.

You pushed him away from you then, even though it really shows on his face that he wanted to hug you again but you needed to get away from him, to stop the tears from flowing out and all the accusations you once heard from your mother. Hurrying away from him, you go inside your shared bedroom and locked it to his face.

You sat down there against the foam, your knees coming up to your chest as you hugged it and you can't think of nothing else but questioning to yourself why your live-in-partner smell of woman's perfume?

Is it happening to you again? What happened to your family? Will he be like just like your father that will ruin everything? Your happiness? You, yourself?


It amazes you how easy it is for things to change, how easy it us to start of down the road you always take and wind up somewhere new. It never occured to you before. And it makes you feel strange, like maybe there's a chance you could see all the possibility in one take that could exist at the same time.

Up uptil then as you did not get out of the room in the morning and did not answer when Kyungmin says his bye before going to work---it's a good day. At least it was supposed to.

Not until you decided to go to Mall and pass some time alone, wondering why you never had any girl friends apart from your childhood buddies who all became a mother too soon. The worst part about that day isn't about realising your withdrawn action from some of co-workers. It was at that moment you turn at the selection of this row, full of restaurants, that you found your boyfriend and another girl in a table.

The girl was saying something to Kyungmin, leaning in close and putting a hand in his shoulder, although he looked to not like the inappropriate touch. You hated the fact that you doubted him, as you see him flinched and left the girl in the table, making you realised it was one-sided.

From a distance, you continued to watch the girl makes a desperate move for herself reaching out to touch Kyungmin, who bowed apologetically and left her completely in the restaurant and as soon as he was out there, he caught your eye.

He was startled to see you there to say the least when his eyes widen. Running to your side immediately, he caught your hand, holding onto it tightly as if to stop you from leaving him.

"Who is she?", is all you can ask as you look past his shoulder and see the girl didn't seem please to see you there or that Kyungmin is holding your hand. "How can you dare to not tell me about her?"

"It's just Laura. She's not someone I would like to talk about", he said, holding your hand steadily and draw you out of that area.

Finally after coming to the parking lot and inside his car, you pulled your hand back from him, sitting in the front seat, and you waited for him to settle properly on the driver's seat, seeing on his face that he have many things to say but he's holding it back.

Turning your head into the tinted window, you saw Kyungmin through the reflection studying you and it seems like both of you were waiting for the other one to explain themselves. When it was obvious that you wouldn't back down as always, he took a depp breath and sigh.

"It was a misunderstanding. She was my client and she told me to see her here instead of my office"

"I did not ask about that, aren't I?", you scoffed, wanting to take the words back when his eyes watered a little. "I just want to go home now. My day is already ruined because of that girl"

"Is that why you're so cold to me these days? Are you thinking I have another woman?", he asked, recovering from his recoil, and holding your eyes. "I have no one. I'm telling you my boss is keeping me busy for being new---"

"I don't want to talk about it. Not even once"


"Jo Kyungmin! I'm telling you I don't have an energy to fight with you now", you say, rubbing a hand in your forehead as you give him a frustrated look. "I don't even know what's happening between us. Something had definitely changed"

"I don't understand", he says, his hand holding on the steering wheel hard. He's not looking at you now. "We worked for years. We did make it work until recently. Why is everything falling apart between us?"

You fold your hands in your lap, then turned to face him. "Because we used to be a team together", you say. "You used to say everything to me when you came home from work. We have time for each other. I was once your priority but it's not anymore"

"That's not true", Kyungmin says softly, his voice still having the power to make your heart soar but why does it hurt to hear it? "We can still catch up on all the time I wasn't there for you"

"God knows how I really hope it's not true", you inhales sharply and your whole body tenses, shaking as you hold his eyes. "I love you with all of my heart, Kyungmin. But I don't want go through that pain again. If I have to, even if it's a choice I don't like, it's the thing I have to take"

For the first time, he looked broken again in your eyes as Kyungmin shakes his head, trying not to cry before you. "No, please. Don't say that. We'll try to make this work. You can't do this to me, Y/N"

"I don't know anymore. I'm still a wreck sometimes and I can't be sure with everyone around me. Even to you", you say, looking away. His sparkling eyes wanting to cry is unbearable to look at for too long.

He lean forward, catching a hold of your shoulder and you can't make out his expression, but you can still see his eyes are searching yours again. "I love you, Y/N that I would not be okay if you leave me. You have to give me a chance to make things right. Please don't do this to us"

"Will you be really willing to take a third chance with me?"

"Yes", he replied, sounding like a child trying to prove himself, which is the real case here and you almost smile. "No matter how many chances you're willing to give me, I will take it because I can't lose you as well. God, please everything else but not you"

"It won't be easy but let's try", you say. "Because even me, I don't want to lose someone like you"

Kyungmin blinked, pausing for a second to see if you're really sincere, reached out and pressed a gracious kiss in your lips.

For the first time in a long time, when you pulled away for air, you can see his eyes sparkling with relief and happiness. You suck in a deep breath and say, "I love you, Kyungmin"

"I love you too, Y/N", he whispers back.


Having a child were not a thing you consider from before you were put into this kind of marriage life. But how can you tell to that young self of yours that ten years later, you and your husband would bore twins?

It was one boy and one girl. The twins named Minseok and Minha, growing tired of being cooped up in your house in their summer vacation, had started to beg you to disturb their Dad on his office. Of course, you being a bad wife, agreed and going as far to tell them to shock Kyungmin once there. So as you walked together in the lobby, receiving smiles from the guard and the receptionist.

Continuing through your way towards your husband's office, trying to keep your two child in your side and not wander elsewhere, you cast a smile at the familiar employees who came to say hi to your twins, finding them cute even though they didn't know how it was hard to take care of them.

With one last smile to the last woman, you head to your husband's office and push the door open, then laugh quietly as you see him trying to get a sleep but couldn't as suddenly, Minseok and Minha screams in delight to see him. You let them rushes forward to their Dad who upon hearing them, lifted his head from his desk and he was smiling when the twins jumped together on his lap.

The moment his eyes settled on you, he gestured for you to approach them. "Why you not text me you were all coming here?"

"This two wouldn't shut up how boring it was in the house", you said, rolling your eyes as the twins then go to mess with his desktop. "Said they want to meet you here again and probably will want you to buy them nuggets at lunch time"

You stood off to the side when suddenly, Minseok jumped back on his father's lap and spoke up. "Why is everyone visiting us saying that we will have a sister? Is that true? Is Mommy pregnant with a new baby?"

"Why are you even listening to the talk of adults?", you asked incredelously, shaking your head as Minha went down her seat and hugged you, her little hand feeling for your stomach.

"There's even no bulging in Mommy's tummy. How could they be right about that, Minseok?"

"For sure, Dad can do something about it, right?", your son answered, turning to Kyungmin with a smile. "Will you give us a little sister soon?"

"I really want one. I'm tired of Minseok everyday", Minha pointed, looking between you and their Dad who was looking at you with a mischievous smile. "When will we get one?"

"You see", Kyungmin began, ignoring the pointed look you were giving him. Instead, he looks at your twins adoringly. "Wait for nine months and we will have one if you left me and your Mommy for every night"

"That's not happeni---"

"Don't listen to her. Listen to me and I will give you everything you want", Kyungmin said over your words, making the twins laugh at your sour expression towards their Dad. "Once I'm done with everything here, I'll make sure to work on your sister to be born quickly"

And gradually, as you spend more time with him and the children in his own office, you begin to accept the idea of another baby in the family. After his work, you watched him take care of Minseok and Minha, of how they seem the most precious thing in the world for him.

It had been a long time since you met him as this chatty lanky guy in your first dorm at College. You went away and then reconnected with him again, not refusing the pull of happiness in your way.

And all the way to your marriage with him, you know that he loved you, just as you loved him.

All the problems and doubts that he'll be just like your careless father that holds you back were overcome by him proving himself to you. You were healed by time and time only, along him in his own dilemma.

Until you can only remember of that past was an ache of longing with a whole family to see throught but you can't always forget it when you wake up in the morning, and Kyungmin was there, joined by the kids waking you up with their scream for breakfast.

Finally, you reach the ultimate peace that you so wanted at their company. You're whole and complete and you will never let what happened to you, happen to them.

You'll fight for their happiness, you promised it to yourself.


Good that I managed to end it before the closing time and I will really appreciate it if you're going to comment and vote or anything about this story.

That's all. Enjoy!
