Cat and Dog 2 (Enhypen Sunoo)


I'm back with this cutie we all love.

Before anything else, Should I ask who would you like for me to do next?


"Always remember to be happy because you never know who's falling inlove with your smile"-Dopey fr. Snow white and the 7 dwarfs

"You were not the kind of boy that I'm going for but you know what? That damn bright smile of yours always got to me"-Y/N😾

"You were not the kind of girl who would like me but you know what? Just a one smile from your face and you'll complete me"-Sunoo🐶


As a cat lover, they said the feline will love you not as showy as the dogs but you can still feel it in their own way yet why does it feel like you and Luna have a secret loathing for each other?

Your chubby cat were trying to unnerve you with her glares from her perch on the windowsill, while you're practicing for the atrocious role of Snow White.

Every time you spoked out her lines in a needed sweet voice, it ended up sounding nasally and you have to bring a pitcher of water inside your room to stop the vomit, you won't deny of how sickly corny the line was of the Princess.

Every time you spoked out loud the love quotes for her Prince, is the every chance of you cursing the reason you were forced to do this.


And how ironic it is, that the shiny puppy happens to call you in the exact time of you thinking ways to not show up on the day of the play.

"Hello my Princess" He greeted quite too cheerfuly once you answered it.

If you didn't, He will be calling the house telephone instead that your baby brother so helpfully gave to him the number of.

"Oh, hello my evil Queen. What can I do for you?", You replied.

You hear him laughs a little in the other line. "How are you doing? Did you already memorise all of the lines?"

"Only the half of it", You were not too surprised to hear his loud gasp at your answer.

"But the play is already in two days!", His voice so loud that you removed the phone away for a moment.

"Do you want me to help you?"

"In what way?"

When it comes to him, You know this one will make sure to spend time longer than you want to, with him.

You heard some rustling on the phone. "I will go to your house", he said a few seconds later.

There is that some rustle again.

"You don't even know where I live", You smirked at this and it faded too soon in his reply.

"Sammy messaged your address"

You get it now why there is that sounds on his line, He's getting ready to go in your house without second-guessing the consequences for you. You hear his thudding footsteps and a goodbye to his mom making you turn off the call.

And without a thought, You called for the little culprit of this incident.


Sammy appeared in the doorway, smiling at first to ask why you've call but upon seeing the frustrated look on your face, did he run out to somewhere. Probably where your Mom is, to protect himself from your frustrations.

He's going to be the death of you for the reason since he and Sunoo meet, the fate of you and that yappy boy seems to always crossed.

And you can't let it happen to continue or else, He'll find out.

"Oh, Luna? What do I have to do from here on out?"

She answers with only a meow, Of course. It sounds like a 'You're on your own' in your ears.

Yes, it is a great feeling to have a helpful cat in your time of need.


Sunoo as you once think of him being so careless didn't really fail your expectations. You're still on your room, preparing yourself to face him when you heard the most intense battle between a cat and a dog outside, to the living room.

Getting out there in a rush, not minding your messy hair and big shirt with 'I hate people' printed on it, had you seen Sammy and Sunoo trying to prevent Luna the cat, and Tom the dog, from hurting each other.

The boldness of your feline impresses you. She is clearly the one winning over the shitzu.

Sunoo sensing your presence calls out. "What are you doing there? This is not a show. Help us!"

Enjoying the helpless look on his face, you crossed your arms and choose to watch the comical show instead of helping.

"Nope. You're on your own"

Luna gets even more aggressive at your words she might think as your encouragement, making it harder for Sammy to hold her chubby body going for the win.

At the same time, Tom wouldn't let his dog pride be tarnished by a cat which is his kind's mortal enemy.

Now that you're seeing it with your own eyes, you wonder who will be the poor mouse in between? Sunoo? Sammy? Who?

In the end of the fight, you can't help it but burst into a pit of laughter as Sunoo becomes the ring of the two opposing furballs.

It just so happens Sammy couldn't control Luna anymore, letting go of the cat and she jumped into the air like in the anime scene, aiming for her last attack and Tom parried it with his paws.

The impact of the two crashing into each other is the cause for Sunoo to fall down on the floor, and the fight was still on for the two, circling each other on top of his chest.

Sammy looks over to you. "Will you not put a stop into it? I don't want for Luna, Tom and Sunoo to be hurt"

"I'm telling you this is more enjoyable if that really happens", You chortled, refusing to stop the scene before you.

Sammy turns away, disappointed at his crazy sister named Y/N who's letting this brawl to get out of control.

Not a minute had passed, Your mother appeared from the kitchen, curious to know what's going on and seeing the trouble, she looked so horrified, turning her eyes on you instantly.

So there you are, busted.


Fast forward after you were ranted on by being so welcoming to your visitor, Sunoo and Luna the one who's truly at fault were put in a time out in her little prison inside your room, found you and Sunoo looking at each other back in the living room.

You were glaring. He was smiling.

"Why can't you just go home now?", You said through gritted teeth. "You've already caused trouble for me and my cat"

Sammy, your little betrayer as always, butted in. "Hey, don't blame him when it's clearly your fault"

You look at your little brother, offended. "Am I your sibling or this creature?", You point to Sunoo. "Why are you taking his side instead of mine?"

Sammy didn't look at you and even answer, his eyes were onto Sunoo who've talked him into a plan for today.

Hidden to your own knowledge, that the two of them were communicating a lot these days through the telephone and their often topic is the mother of Luna, your own lunatic cat.

"Just let him do what he wants", Sunoo winked at your brother who gets the cue. "Besides, he is certainly an angel in disguise"

The cue was for Sammy to leave.

"Wait", Your brother jumped up from his place next to you. "The Tom and Jerry will be airing now. I have to go"

For him to left you alone with this boy he now know had a crush on you.

He then runs out for his room, leaving you to frown for the reason you've caught onto his lie. The show he mentioned was airing later on the night, not this early in the morning.

Turning to Sunoo, Your frown deepens at the dog in his lap. "So what have you done with my brother? Don't think that I'm ignorant to the wink you gave him?"

Sunoo acted like he didn't know about it. "You're blaming me again for something I didn't do? Really?"

"I could read my brother like an open book", You weren't convinced on his act. "So don't lie to my face, Sunoo"

His mouth dropped causing for you to frown even more deeply.

"The hell happens?"

He cleared his throat and looked at you, beaming. "You remember the time you said to me we're not on a first-name basis?"

You nod.

"You actually called me on my name... Wow", He blinked. "Does that mean we're already friends?"

"As if I would like you to be my friend"

He clutched a a hand on his chest, acting up. "You're always hurting me. Why do you have to be so cold?"

Rolling your eyes at him, You change the topic. "Anyways, Let's focus on the reason why you were here and clearly unwelcome but still did go"

"Oh, yes! Let's practice now"

Why did he look so excited? You waved away the thought and speak out.

"Where should we start?"

The answer you got nearly makes you throw hands to anyone.

"The scene where Snow White will come to wake up through a true love's kiss"

The audacity. The confidence. That smile on his face is really something else.

"Nope.. Seon informed that we can fake it so let's go onto the other part", You told him, picking script on the small table.

Sunoo whines like the dog on his lap who were looking up at you in curiousity. "The play wouldn't be memorable if the kiss weren't real"

"Are you for real? Didn't you already kiss---" You caught your tounge to say the unutterable moments from the bus and the pet clinic.

But laughs on you, He knew it before you even stopped yourself.

"Yes, I know we'd already had a kiss", He lifts up a two fingers cheekily. "Twice. So, wouldn't it be more reason for us to practice it now?"

Appalled. You were completely appalled by his suggestion. Suggesting it inside your house where your mother could peek anytime from the kitchen?

Sammy? Well, you'd think that boy will just support it.

"Sunoo, I have a question?", You looked away from him, feeling the stupid thing in your chest beats.

It always happens whenever he stared at you like that. You know, the look of, you are the only thing that did matter in his eyes.

No one else. It's just you and only you for him.

"Hmnn.. Ask away", He widens his smile, noticing the sudden change in your expression.

With a blush creeping up to your face, you blurted it out. "Do you perhaps like me in any way?"

He didn't answer for a moment, setting down Tom on the couch he's sitting at and leaves the dog there to sit on your side. With him being that close, it didn't seem to impossible for you to realised it.

When he cups your face and you just let it, you know you're already into deep for him

"I don't like you"

Your heart stops right there but not because it stung, it was on the next thing he did before he added some confession.

He puts one hand behind your neck and pulls you towards him. Then you lost almost yourself into him as he pushes your hair from your face and you can feel the impression of him intending to do what he must.

The one he suggested.

"What I feel is more than just a mere crush", He says it with his mouth too close to yours.

You didn't dare to answer, knowing any move would be a mistake and your lips would make contact on his.

"Because I think..", He's still staring, like he's the first person and last person that can give it to you.

His eyes travel down your open mouth at the shock, and there's so many noises through your brain, troubling you to let it or not let it occur.

"....I wouldn't stop myself anymore of loving you and I really need to kiss you right now"

When he started to lean down, your hand reaches out to stop him.

"No", The word catches on your breath.

After that clear rejection, His jaw went slack. You scoot away from him in shame.

"What? Why?", He asks, his voice lacking of his usual joy.

"Sorry but I can't let this turn into something more", You says quietly.


"Because..", You trailed off, staring back at up at him. "..I'm scared of falling"

Because of his first confession, it leads for you to confess something as well.

"Do you want to know how I have an anger to the world?"

Sunoo nods for you to continue, ready to try understand whatever it is.

"My father cheated on my mother countless times and he left us for a mistress", You spill out the secret you've never said to anyone. "The thing is.."

"You're scared it would happen to you too?"

You nodded sadly.

"I don't know if I could promise anything but you can let loose Luna to kill me if I ever did that to you", He said to make you laugh, knowing your cat is the best thing you've ever own.

He finds it out from Sammy too.

And it worked really well, You smiled a little. "I think I have another confession and that you will like it"

"Said it now then. Please please. Don't make me wait too long"

His eagerness only made your smile brightens up. Looking up at him, you remember the line of Dopey from the script.

Always remember to be happy because you never know who's falling inlove with your smile.

Sunoo reminds you of many characters who's role in everyone's life was to make them happy by just being themselves.

Dopey is one of them. And your own Dopey was here before you, waiting for your words.

"You were not the kind of boy that I'm going for but you know what?", You stayed on staring at him.

At that smile. That damn smile.

"That damn bright smile of yours always got to me"

He cheered up immediately, screaming at the top of his lungs before you cut him off by placing your hand on his mouth.

And the two of you stay there like that, staring at each other, and for once, you're not feeling scared to sink down in the free fall they called 'Love'.


Four days later after the successful play of the Snow White starring you and Sunoo, managing to reveal without telling it that you're already with him. The one who had been the happiest to receive it was Sammy, you're not surprise with that.

The next was Jaebeom, who even hugged you in happiness for his own bestfriend.

Your mother was so happy too that your own fear because of your family's past didn't affect you anymore and you just let your feelings out there for him.

However, there were only two furballs who weren't too happy that they have to see each other all the time.

Luna and Tom.

You and Sunoo were watching them in full attention, circling each other in your bed. Mortal enemies 'til the end is what they will always feel about each other.

Thankfully, You and him did not turn like them or else, you couldn't even imagine what it would be like without him by your side today.

"This may seem stupid but it looks like we had been like them from before", Sunoo commented.

You kind of agreed. "So do I really act like a grumpy cat?"

"Sometimes, yes. Sometimes, a lot", He joked.

"Sometimes I think I'm going to hate you again"

He gives you a blank look.

"Okay okay I'm taking it back", You said with a grin. "I just like seeing that kind of your face"

"You're really a bully. Why did I even like you?"

"Because you're crazy and not in your right mind"

"Only crazy about you and seeing you like this makes me lost my mind", He said making you laugh on the corny joke.

Was he suddenly saying pick-up lines? No matter how corny it was, it surely had an effect.

"We should go out there now in the living room lest the two thinks we're doing something here", You suggested, nearly stepping away from him but he pulled you by the hem of your dress back to where you were standing before.

Then he looks down at you carefully. "Do you want to know why I love your brother so much? Because he's one of the reason I'm with you now"

"Why are you suddenly saying it now?", You asked him.

"So that you know how that little baby tells me alot of things about you", He tells you sincerely.

"He's really a blessing in disguise to us", You said, rising on your tiptoes and placed a kiss on his cheek.

He was about to say something yet you heard a murmurs outside your door and you closed your eyes, unable to supress the embarassment because your brother is snooping out there.

You can't even have a solo time with your new boyfriend for long.

And it looks like it's not just him doing it. On the other side of the door, You and Sunoo could see your mother's taller stature behind Sammy.

When she catches your eye through the slit in the door, She gaves a you a smile knowingly and you can't help beaming back.

"Wow. I'm surely loving this family of yours. They were very supportive except for your Luna", Sunoo says into your shoulder.

Even not looking at him, you can hear the smile on his voice.

"So does that mean if I offered you a marriage, they will support it as well?"

You watched your mother dragged your brother away from the door and you were alone with him again.

"Are you even serious with that?", You pointed out as he leans down to your face and kiss you in the nose.

"I'm extremely serious"

"I don't believe you", You challenged, smiling up at him. To your own sunshine.

He laughs, then lowers his face even so that it was close to yours. "Sorry but like you said dogs will always give you their heart and I am"

"You're ridiculous", You said, resting your forehead against his. "Why are you always so bubbly and cute like a puppy?"

Eye to eye. Nose to nose.

"And why are you so grumpy like your cat?", He says, laughing. "But now, with me on your heart, you will not be too lonely anymore"

And this time, you let him takes your lips, ignoring the disgusted meows and barks in the background.


Finally, I'm done.. Isn't this one a little cute in your own opinion?
