Diving And Surfing Into Love (I-Land Daniel)


I'm playing Dive Into You in my phone when I thought of this Imagine and then I remember how he is really getting to me.

He is nothing but a talented one in his age that were ignored by Mnet and the Producers.

Can they please explain how this boy is not worth their attention?

Their comments is perfectly their only reason to let him down. I feel like they were pulling another Geonu attack on him and I am so furious about that notion of mine.

To forget it, here I am writing a story for him. To the I-Land's giant baby.


In every girl's life:

There's a boy she'll never forget and summer where it all began.


"I hear you calling my name amidst the lapping of the wave in my hand and the smell of the sea water, forever reminding me of the boy I met that summer"-Y/N

"I'd never thought seeing you that summer will we both diving and surfing into what they called 'love'"-Daniel


Summer. The first thing everybody will think when they hear it, is the vacation waiting for them after the whole year working off their ass in their jobs and for the students stressing themselves over their school works think this is their break.

But for you, Summer is another different whole thing. Summer if anything you could say, can make up your whole life.


You, Y/N, have lived all your life in your house located only a few feet away from the ocean and waking up in the sea breeze is your kind of alarm for ever morning.

Even when your stepping out in your front steps, the sand would meet your bare feet and anyone who knows you couldn't ever mistake you as not a surfer when your skin is so tan, from staying too long under the sun.

You loved living there near the beach.

For you, there is nothing more blissful than for you to wore your bathing suit, your goggles in your head and stole your brother's surfing board from the garage, his calls for you is the last thing you will hear before plunging into the waves of the sea.

In the summer of your fourteenth birthday, in the middle of your competition for surfing, will it happened to you.

The one your brother says can always happen to girls your age: a summer fling. A summer love.

With who?

The boy who crashes his surfing board into your face accidentally and shocked to see you floating in the far off distance of the sea.

His name is Daniel, the only boy spending a vacation in your beach town leaving his mark forever in your mind.

Forever you will be diving and surfing into love for him.


"Y/N! Where is my board!?", the vexed voice of your brother, Jay rings out through the whole cabin-styled house, managing to wake up your stepbrother, Taki in his room and he could only smashed the pillow in his head, to muffle in vain the next noises as he was already used to it as the every morning's issue in your home.

The issue was you and Jay fighting over the surfing board on who will used it first even though it was already obvious, you should be the one to be first, for the reason, you need to practice for the nearing competition.

Except like your Dad said, Jay will never let you win. He is as stubborn as the seagulls in the pier, never stopping themselves to steal the foods of the beach visitors. But for you, Jay can be compared to only the most annoying thing in the sea, the crabs.

He is always clawing your things away from you. Your bowl hat. Your surfer's shoes. Your bracelets made from your bestfriend, Sunoo. Your everything. And now he have the guts to be angry to see the board gone in the garage.

It was in your hands as you were already in your bathing suit, forsaking the breakfast, running barefeet towards the sea. The morning cleaners of the beach waving their greetings, used to seeing you this early. You only give them your confident smile, your brown hair flying before you disappears into their view, diving down the salty water.

Reaching down the surfing point of the sea, you slowly paddle up your hand in the gentle first wave and you stand up, not ever wobbly in your feet in the board. The feeling of familiarity flowing through your legs moving into the motion of the sudden rushing waves until goes up taller than anyone, your board meeting it like some old friend.

A smile turned up through your now dripping hair against your face, your hand sliding down the big wave, not ever swallowing you whole once it falls down. Instead, you skirt the board up until you came to the other side of it.

Just as you were about to let out a scream of glee, closing your eyes because of your endless joy in this place, did you met the physical impact of something hard crushing down in your face. The force quickly submerging you underwater.

It was a moment of silence of you feeling like your head is exploding in pain before it stopped at the frantic call of someone and a hand thrusted you up in the surface.

"Are you okay?", A boy wearing a blue band in his head, riding another board is the owner of the hand and he was looking down at you in full concern.

"Sorry. Sorry. I didn't see anyone there!", He exclaimed out of panic.

You were about to say it was fine. You were used to beginners in which you figure out upon looking at his surfing board, the one can be rented from your bestfriend family business but that same bestfriend of yours appeared swimming up his way towards the two of you.

Sunoo brightly smiled at you, nearly wanting to laugh at the big red mark in your face. "Sorry, Y/N. I should've remind him there is always a mermaid spending her time here every morning"

"Mermaid?", the boy asked in confusion, following your figure to return in your turned upside down board.

Sunoo answered happily as he saw the boy's curiousity in you. "She is the expert surfer here among the teenagers and because all her life, she'd been seen here all the time, the locals here begin to call her a 'mermaid''

"What is her name?", the boy asked once again, now watching you climb up in your board and paddled up away to meet yet another wave at hand.

Sunoo, ever the talebearer, was ready to answer anytime. Even to a stranger. "Her name is Y/N", then he smiled knowingly. "Why did you ask anyway? Is it because--"

You who have known your bestfriend since you were babies comes rushing down towards him with the big wave in your side, laughing as he, Sunoo sinks down immediately and can only shouted in protest once he swam up, looking at you with a pout.

"Did you really have to do that? I still haven't eaten anything and my first food because of you is salt!"

"Don't be too salty, Sunoo baby", you hurled back with the addition of water flashing on his face.

Sunoo grew offended instantly and fight you back with a much bigger flash in your way. Realising this will be another petty fight between the two of you, it didn't stop you from leaping off in your board and placed yourself in his own, the two of you trying to get the other one to fall down.

During this fight, the boy stayed in his surfing board, the sun hitting his back yet he neither care nor worries for his skin, He is enjoying the scene especially when Sunoo finally is down in the water and your legs is wrapped on his neck, drowning him playfully, waiting for his admission that you win.

Seconds later it comes out from his mouth repeatedly and only you then returns back to your board, swimming quickly away to save yourself from Sunoo you know will always have retaliation but he couldn't.

The customer of their surfing lesson was stopping him. The boy is still there, trying to get his attention the instant you were back in the shore and meet Jay's wrath there, in the form of threatening to drown your bird parrot.

"Who is that boy? His boyfriend?", the question the boy throws for Sunoo who is already laughing to see you raining down sands to Jay's face, to save your pet.

He only stopped to look at the boy, blinking his eyes for a second in some realization and a teasing smile drew out. "Wait. Wait. Is this where you will ask me next for her number?"

The boy quickly blanched, waving his hands out to reject the idea. "No. No! I am just curious to know!"

"Curiousity always get the cat and since I'm the cat here, I will be helping you", said Sunoo, throwing a wink to the boy. "What's your name, anyway?"

Ignoring the hidden meaning from the son of the surfer, the boy introduced himself. "Daniel. My name is Daniel. What about you?"

His eyes then were stolen away from Sunoo, you were there again in his view, racing down forward in the shore, laughing happily as you get back your pet and even in this far distance, he could hear the parrot roaring along you the word of 'loser' for your brother.

Sunoo on the other hand widens his smile at what he had noticed. "Sunoo, the cupid in this story of yours and Y/N"

Daniel snapped his head back to him, widening his eyes in alarm. "Cupid? Story of me and her? What are you implying at?"

"You'll soon see just as long as you spend your time with me everyday from now on", Sunoo suggested, eyes twinkling with glee, looking like a sunshine in the middle of the sea.

"I know you wanted it too, so don't you dare say no", He added, clapping  a little beat at his plan for this summer. "Or else, you will ruin my first matchmaking game"

Daniel tightlipped already didn't reply, only giving a polite nod at the overwhelming ball of sunshine in front of him.

And then, He heard you scream this time, him glancing again in your direction, he could not stop the awed smile in his face from seeing you chasing your brother with a crab in your hand.

Jay was running in fear for it's sharp claws. Taki was there as well yawning in the porch of your house and with a still sleepy eyes, spotted Daniel staring at you from the water, Sunoo is bursting out beside him in a way he couldn't understand.

For now.

They'll never know you and Daniel will meet several times after that day in a cirmcumstances diving you in another turn of your life.

With the wave in your side, will you only realise whatever is it once it's already too late.


The nightlife in the beach is lively compared to the cities. Here in your beach town, once the sun came down and after the tourist were done capturing the sunset, the locals will show up in the sea side with their drums and guitars.

There will be several bonfires lit up, acting as the only light with moon shining down on the ocean, glimmering in beauty at your eyes. Of course, it wouldn't be complete without the families living in the cabins like yours, to not put up a grilling station and tonight, Sunoo invited you to come in theirs.

Knowing his father cooked the best barbecue in this whole community of beach residers, you were more than excited and bring Taki with you who is drooling already at the only thought of the sizzling meat covered with red sauce.

Jay upon you visiting him in his room is brimming with annoyance this afternoon, not able to forget the pail inside his bathroom, full of crabs and know it was you. He refused your invitation, said he was going to watch the poi dancers on the other side of Island with Niki and Hanbin.

Another beach boys and your childhood friends too.

Sunoo, the second he sighted you nearing their cabin house, stood up from the logs circling a bonfire and waved you to come faster. Once you were in front of him, He sat you down behind the boy you recognised as the one from the other morning.

"Get to know each other, okay?", Sunoo demanded first before pulling Taki forward on the grilling station where his father immediately handed your brother a stick of barbeque.

Not noticing any strange at this kind of meet, you offered a smile at the boy. "Since he wants us to get to know each other, Can I know your name?"

"Daniel. You don't need to say yours because..", He paused, glimpsing Sunoo giving him a wink from a few feet away, distracting Taki with a pineapple juice inside an empty coconut.

You nod for him to continue.

"Sunoo have already told me all about you", he admitted quite shyly.

You shook your head, chuckling a little bit at hearing your bestfriend usual talkativeness. "No worries. Sunoo is known here as the 'chatterbox'. All the vacationers loved that about him"

Vacationers? He is one, Daniel thought sadly, looking back at you. You who is watching the merriment of the other vacationers running down with seashells on their hands, the kids being stopped by their parents to come visit the seashore again.

"By the way, is this your first time here? In this beach?", you asked, turning your focus on him and smiled again to ease down his shyness.

Daniel ignored Sunoo's signals from behind you. "Yes. My family is in fact never a fan of beaches and they only decided to come here once at my own wish"

Your brows knitted at his phrase and your body in the log turned completely to face him. "Who wouldn't love beaches? For me, this is the whole paradise for anyone to live at"

"But then, I never really left here for the city and even if I were give a chance, I would never exchange this life for anything else", you continued, truth of your statement glowed in your eyes for Daniel.

He put a finger in his chin, thinking of a better reply then lightens up, his cheek shining from the bonfire near the two of you. "City life is fun sometimes. It was just chaotic sometimes what will all the vehicles in the road and we do live in a high rise apartment", he said, the shy melting down in the moment.

"So the noises of beeping cars with the drivers complaining about the traffic always woke me up"

You, always interested at the stories of the lives of vacationers beamed up for him to continue. "So what was it like when it comes to your School?"

Daniel's smile perked up. "That's the center of my life for now. I love meeting my friends everyday there and learning a lot. What about you? Tell me about yours"

"It was fun too although the faces of my classmates is the one I'm already seeing all my life here", you explained, now nodding to Sunoo beside Taki. The both of them pigging out in barbeques and crab meats.

"Like that chatterbox. I'm tired of seeing him face everyday"

Daniel was about to reply yet interrupted by Jay booing you behind, leading for you to freak out in a short second, your arm hitting him in the face as a response.

Jay was quick to spoke before you hit him again. "My god, Y/N, continue and you will not go with us in the boat for tonight"

You look behind him, brightening at the sight of Niki and Hanbin waving from you in the boat, the sail is already up above their heads. This is the other thing your night can't be complete without and it was a happy memory you can give to any vacationers you meet.

Like Daniel, so you turned to him and offered your hand, ignoring Jay's narrowed eyes at him, his big brother protectiveness showing up. "Come with us, please. I'm sure you'll enjoy it, Daniel"

Daniel were silent at first, deciding whether to ignore Jay's gaze with suspicion but the answer did not ever come from him, agreeing. It comes from Sunoo pulling him carelessly from the back collar of his hawaian shirt and he dragged him along you pulled by your sleeveless shirt, running for the boat.

Once there, He pushed Hanbin and Niki in the bow side, sitting you down with Daniel still in your side, making sure his plan will work. Jay comes a little later, dragging a very moody Taki, disturbed on his meal.

"So what are you waiting for?", You stopped Taki ruining this night, sure that he will not stop arguing with Jay until he let him return at the barbeque station if let be. "Let's turn the engine up and start the party!"

Jay with the help of Niki and Hanbin turned the engine of the motorboat, placing himself in the steering wheel and swerved the boat in the direction of the nearest small island. Your getaway place with them.

Daniel eyed the moon in the surface of the waves forming up from the gliding of the boat against it, imagining how you and the rest of the boys with here is enjoying this breathtaking view everynight.

While he was distracted by it, Sunoo whistled from beside Taki, witnessing you stared to Daniel for a second before you speak out your mind.

"It's kind of beautiful, isn't it?", You said, loving the way he looks at the water like you did. "Both the morning and the evening here in the beach have it's own beauty"

Daniel get it quickly, eyes litting up as he takes a look at you, oblivious to Jay. "You are right. In the morning, there is the sunset. In the evening, there is the moonlight"

Jay passed the job of driving to Niki who was more than happy to do so, showing up his skills to Hanbin, laughing at his side. Your shameless brother placed himself between you and Daniel, placing his arms around the two of you, removing the smile on Sunoo's face.

Jay leanst his cheeks against Daniel, causing for you to feel shame in his stead. "So who do we have here? A cutie boy who might be your future summer love?", he said, quickly putting off Daniel.

Taki still mourning his barbeque meal, sat in Jay's lap, helping you in a way. "Whoever you are, please ignore our shameful brother. He is full of resentment to anyone taller than him", he forced himself to be more heavier in order to hurt Jay.

Daniel doesn't know what to say next as you and Taki surprisingly pushed Jay out of the boat, giggling to yourselves when he swam up and before he could pull anyone of you, the boat slowed down, pulling to the shore of the small island.

Jay met you there, exploding like a volcano, at you and Taki for ruining his favorite shirt with the print of 'Bts Taehyung's face' in there. Although you can't careless the moment you focus on Daniel and you both walked up to the palm trees, you suggested visiting a place you and your brothers with his friends only know of.

"Stop, Jay or I'll kill you this second once you ruin my matchmaking job here!", Sunoo threatens upon seeing your big brother nearly following you and Daniel.

Taki then oohed at this knowledge, ignoring Jay's disappointed gaze. "So that boy have a crush on our sister?"

Sunoo nodded, plastering a grin on his face and he too ignores Jay while Niki and Hanbin helped him by an invite of hunting turtles in the cove they all know is hiding on the other side of the Island.

With that, Jay is already out of the picture leaving you and Daniel in peace.

"Wow", said Daniel in complete ashtonishment once you two came across a cliff which is the surface of a stream. "There was not a stream mentioned in the brochure we looked up to this beach"

You observed him, noticing the sparkle of happiness in his eyes when he looked at back at you and giddily smile but it faltered at your reply.

"Of course, no one knows this but my family and the few friends of ours. We owned this little Island"

"Wait", He says, a flicker of recognition coming back to him. "Can I know your surname?"


That's when it does makes sense to Daniel. He remembers searching up the name of this beach and on the all given sources in google, there is this small information that he reads, The Park family, a rich one in the business industry, has a daughter famous for being a professional surfer.

And now here you are, not letting him recover fully on his shock and gives him another one by pushing him down the small cliff, his scream of fear making you laugh before you jumped in your own and meet him down there, plunging in the cold water of the stream.

"Why! Why did you do that?", Daniel blurted out, once his face is up on the surface hearing your hearty laugh. "I nearly thought you want to kill me"

You snorted, appearing up before him and did not fail to shock him again as it dawn on him with a thundering realization that you were alone here with him. In the middle of the night, you are a girl and he is a boy.

Anything can happen at fourteen.

But Daniel only had thoughts of how you were the first girl who had amazed in the first met. In only a short time, He can say you are a fearless one and he needs someone like that to help him with some of his fears.

Can you ever help him before he needs to left you once their summer vacation had come to it's finale one week later?

Just as he was thinking there in that moment, at that night, that you were really fearless, you proved it even more, your hand waving for him to follow you and through the stream, you slipped in hand in hand, there is a cove inside and what is up there on the narrow confines, had let you hear the most fearsome scream of Daniel.

There is bats there. Several of them. Maybe in hundreds sleeping in peace but was disturbed by Daniel who screams again when all of them flied out of the cove in a sudden rush, and there you received the tightest hug from a taller boy, using you as his strength not collapse as he felt the fluttering of the bat wings through his sopping shirt.

The night will end with you comforting in the boulders as the shore of the stream, he cried in your shoulder and did reveal something from him.

"Honestly, I am such a coward at everything and seeing those little monsters scared me too" Then he will look up at you, sighing when you wipe the tears in his eyes.

"But you are not. You are the fearless girl I've ever met in my life"

You can only offer him a reassuring smile, before saying the thing that would change something in him.

"No one is a coward, Daniel. A coward for me is someone who never faced anything hard, hiding behind his shell and is afraid to admit he was afraid"

With your hair dripping down in your neck, your outfit tightly hanging on your body, your tan skin glinting in the moon light, Daniel saw how this is one of the beautiful thing in this beach other than sunset and sandcastles.

And your next words almost brought him to take you up in his arms. "But you Daniel, even in short time, showed me how you are really scared and still, you were ready to face anything"

If only the rest of the boys did not dive down from the cliff and Jay flashed the two of you with big waves followed by Sunoo, Taki, Niki and Hanbin----Daniel nearly thought of getting your number.

That maybe this special meeting with you could not only continue in summer.

That maybe a week later, He is not gonna cry again as you with the rest of the boys waved up to him before his parents call for him to go inside the airport and will not meet another you in forever.

But for now, He needs to keep an eye out on Jay glaring daggers at his face when he saw him holding his sister's hand.

All in all, Daniel could see this as the best vacation in his life meeting a girl who is a surfer, richer and better at anyone he have a chance to meet in a lovely summer.


To be continued...💛

I think this one of my best stories here. My mind is on a full writer mood. I had fun writing every scenes and I can really imagine the beach life when I re-read it.

What about you? What do you think of this story?

This will have a faster update tommorow.
