Ep 5: The secrets 2/2


Narrator Narrates: 

The next morning you wake up feeling a hug and like air (breath) on your forehead.  You open your eyes to find Douxie hugging you but also you see like a tear. You try to move but he hugs you stronger. Then he wakes up and stands up really fast. 

Douxie Narrates: 

I was having a nightmare back at Merlin's death but I felt something warm. It moved. I just hold them or hold something strong. I wake up to see I was hugging _____ 



Douxie still narrates: 

I stand up really fast after noticing Archie and Nari where waking up, but I lost my balance and I fell of the bed trying to get out, but I stand up fast as I could and go downstairs 

_____ Narrates: 

Douxie stands up fast then he gets out of the bed. 

Archie: And that just happened... 

Nari: What happened? 

_____: I'm neither sure of what happened *kind of confused* oh Arch do you know any secrets of dad that I got to know. 

Arch: *A little nervous* N-no I don't... but if I did it is not my must to tell you Mathew must tell you. 

_____: (I know you know something but it is true is my dad right to tell me) Oh okay Arch I will talk to dad then. 

I got down stairs and saw dad in the kitchen and Douxie in the living room talking with someone on the phone. I go to my dad 

____: Dad can you answer me this with the truth. 

Mathew: Yes sweetheart, what is it? 

_____: Dad, when you were talking with Douxie I heard a little of it, so what do you mean you're powerful and I need his protection? 

 Your dad stops and looks at you then looks at Douxie and he whistles to Douxie and makes a sign to come. Douxie comes and stands on the side of you and your dad. 

Mathew: Well, remember that your mom has magic right? The princess of Saturn. *you nod* Well I'm also but the prince of the Moon. 

____: Wait, what do you mean? 

Mathew: Well, your mom is extraterrestrial, but the moon looked more like the humans. The only difference is our skin is white and well it was only me and my mom at first, but we grow thanks to my mom's power. Saturn was much like a human and the same skin color of your mom like a tan skin color. But the Moon was taken over by some Bounty Hunter.  We, used to some soldiers for the Akiridions, well the King and Queen Tarron. 

____: Wait, what? Akiridions? Prince of the moon? Bounty Hunters? And, King and Queen Tarron?   

Douxie: Wait, the Tarron? 

Mathew: You know them? 

Douxie: Well, I know Krel Tarron. I know that he has a sister Aja Tarron who is now queen and his parents sacrifice their course? To defeat Morando which found the Gaylen course... I think it was like that 

Mathew: So, are they dead? But their son is here, that will be the opportunity to meet a little of the Akiridions. 

____: Wait, but I'm not ready, also one last thing if both of you were some kind of magical then what am I?  

Mathew: Well, remember the son of the 'Son of The Moon' and the legend? 

(The Narrator is going to interrupt the son 'Son of The Moon is a Spanish song but it is on English is the song I put on the start and the legend I created it) 

____: Yes! 

Mathew: Like the legend says and the legend that only the habitants of the moon know, the son of the moon was chosen by the moon. The moon was taken over by Bounty Hunters because Morando and Tarron started a war. The son of the mom well mua *make a pose like the Aoyama an anime we used to see together* 

(Aoyama from My Hero Academia if you don't know who it is) 

Mathew: Well, like I was saying I was sent to the earth when I was 13, I went with the royal Tarron but I ended up in New York and then I met your mom and I learned who she really was and I gain this skin and learn to be human too. 

(This is how your well our dad looks like UwU I don't know from which I anime I swear I saw him before if you know which anime, he is from tell me please) 

____: Okay, dad  

*_____ get a message from Claire* 

                            Claire:  Hey! (insert nickname on comments)       

                                                                                                                                                _____: Hey Claire!  

                           Claire:  Where you live so Jim, Toby and me walk to  

                           school  together                                                              

                                                                                                                                         _____: I live xxxx- xxxxxx 

                                                                                                                                                         xxxx street 

                             Claire: Okay!            

Mathew: Well sweetheart you can go to the living room while I cook and talk with Douxie, or Arch or Nari. 

____: Ok 

 You go into the living room with Douxie Nari and Arch comes down. Arch sits on my lap so I pet him and Nari sits on the floor looking at you. 

After a minute you hear a knock and you know it was Claire with Toby and Jim you go over to the door and see a guy that looks like a Latino. 

Claire: Hey (your nickname)! This is Krel Tarron *she tells you pointing at the guy with medium long hair and tan skin* 

Your dad at hears a name and he stops cooking and runs to the door. 

Mathew: Krel?  

Krel: Do I know you? *he looks confused and also with a look that he looks familiar* 

Your dad gets Krel, Claire, Jim and Toby in. 

Mathew: You might not recognize me one because this is my hide and well you were little. 

Your dad starts shining and transform as he describes the people from the moon look like

(Me here like; "He is my dad I can't simp over him" 

My brain: You're the writer not the reader U3U)

Jim, Claire and Toby weren't surprised they acted like that was normal.

Krel: Wait, your Mizuki Amalur? 

Mathew: Well, Mathew Amalur 

Krel: Here *give him a picture and your dad eyes go white* 

In the pic there is a woman with short hair and dark skin. 
