Ep 11: The Moon & The Sun(part 4/4)

Before I wanna tell you that the Princess of the Sun looks like this:

But her hair is long like Rapunzel
The story starts with The Sister Of The Sun her named was Solari a really sweet person with the power of the sun but because of popularity, she starts by accident leaving her sister apart Luna her sister was like the third wheel. That cause Luna to attack the kingdom and betray her sister Solari has to make a choice send her sister to the moon for over 1,00 years or risk her kingdom obviously she chooses the first one to send her to the moon as a punishment but Solari felt guilty it was kind of her fault to not make her sister feel accepted but Solari make her feel left out but she decided to sing her lullabies every day until she is free she never got respond until one day Luna sing back a lullaby saying how she felt and how she accept her sister apologies sadly Solari cand free her until her punishment was done. But she starts her own life with adventure and marries a handsome man but is one of the royal guards (you will not know now) Solari had a child at the same time as Luna the difference is that Solari child is hers's and Luna child is her but came from another mom. After 1,000 years Luna was free but at the same time, the kingdom was to be attacked in 3 days but before the attack, Luna and Solari decided that Luna will have her own kingdom in the Moon nobody knew except the royal guard of Luna and some loyal subjects. When the attack starts Luna got the child and got to a special room well the power of The Moon and The Sun should be used Luna is waiting for her sister will her sister is safe by her husband how a pile of rock separated them Solari got to the room and Luna and Solarin send them to the Earth at least a safer place but also the used all the power to make the staff of The Moon and The Sun. People think that the child dies but I believe they still alive The Moonchild and The Sun child are a boy. I also discovered that there is a portal in

Next page ------>

(There page is in the blank)

_____: I can't believe it, the next page is blank there is nothing! *you say frustrated*

Claire: Are you sure?

_____: Yes! *you show her the book and the page* and there is not like secret message hide *you grab a purple light to see if the letter are invisible but there wasn't any* See

Claire: I got an idea what about these necklaces have something what will happen if we united?

_____: Wait! *you turn around and look at Archie* Archie, what was that story that dad tells me you knew about some necklaces or staff? I know he used to tell me about the story but I always fall to sleep *awkward laugh*

Archie: Sure...*trying to hold the laugh*

The story of the necklaces is not long but; It all started the day that Solari and Luna send their child to the Earth they used all of the power that the extra magic that they did to make a staff for the child to protect themself it also makes those necklaces people say that those necklaces have the soul, that they sacrifice but they left their souls in those necklaces so however have them could be communicated with them.

Archie: I believe that they used the power whoever has the staff will liberate one of those necklaces because is the same source of power.

Claire: If that true why didn't Morgana got the necklace of the night?

Archie: Maybe because they knew if they give her the necklaces it would cause the end of the world, after all, if the souls are there that means they can control half of the power because they are weak at this moment.

_____ & Claire: That might have to do with the vision we have...

Archie: Well maybe but we gotta go know is late.

Claire: Sure, and we tell the guys about this if you okay with that _____*Claire looks at you*

_____: Yes, there is no problem

Claire: *Look at you with a kind of smirk*

(Something like that)
Claire: *get closer to you* What about a double date? huh

_____: What do you mean by double date? *then you notice* So you saw me with-

Claire: *interrupts you* Douxie? Yes

_____: Sure, there no problem just let me ask Douxie

Claire: You don't worry I solve that let's just go you sleep and I talk to Douxie and Jim and I text you what they say but I am sure they would say yes *evil face*

_____: *gulp* o-okay

You both go to your house obviously you don't leave far away literally you and Claire are almost neighborhood.

With Claire(this is text message)

Claire: Hey Douxie

Douxie: Oh Hey


Claire: Soooo, do you want to go on a double date me and Jim and you and _____?

Douxie: Ummm well yes, sure

Claire: Okay

Claire is now texting on private Jim

Claire: Hey Jim

Jim: Yes..?

Claire: We are going on a double date tomorrow is gonna be _____, Douxie, you and me

Jim: Okay goodnight Claire.

Claire: Good night babe.





That is all for today I was trying to post this yesterday but I couldn't because I was tired hope you're enjoying the story and I cringe too okay bye icy lovers.
