Ep 3: Can you help me with this? 2/2

_____: Well, let's g- *you see a black cat which is Archie but without the glasses*

Archie: Miau *he gets close to you*

_____: Aww so cute hi kitty!

Archie: Hi, I'm again it's me Archie! 

_____: Awesome! Oh, is you the cat Archie that can talks!

Archie: I'm not only a cat the talks I also uses glasses *he puts his glasses on*

_____: SO CUTE!!! *you grab him* now lets go in

I open the door and I invite Douxie in I decided to do it in the living room because my dad can overthink stuff.

_____: Let's do it here

Douxie: Okay so before it gets weirder let start.

He starts explaining you and gives you examples so you can understand easier and you did understand it, it starts getting cold so you look for a blanket and keep studying. When you finish you lay on the sofa and you go to sleep as fast as you close your eyes.

With Douxie:

I notice _____ fall to sleep (She looks cute) I see Archie climb and get comfy and position to sleep.

Douxie: Hey Arch, how do you know _____?

Archie: I know her the day we separated and you went to protect Nari and I decided to stay with my dad. She is very weird and clumsy too but also; she is the daughter of--

_____ Dad's: Hey kid we have an- *he moves over Archie and me and he looks at the math work I notice Nari comes in and closes the door* oh so you help my daughter? Thanks! And hi Archie

Narrator Narrates:

Archie: Hi Mathew!

Mathew: Hi! It's really late *he checks the time* is 12:00pm you should stay. Oh, and sorry for your loss.

Douxie: Oh, don't worried I'm okay, an, how did you know about-
Mathew: Your loss? I'm a friend of Merlin and well I felted when his magic disappear. 
Sorry it was short and took long to post is the school got me so bad, so is hard to keep up with YouTube and Wattpad sorry Icy lovers
