Ep 10: The Moon & The Sun(part 3/4)


You and Claire run back to your house but you don't go inside you go to the other side where a tree that is taller than the other tree, you hit a hidden button in the tree and a secret door opens you go inside and Claire follows you. Claire look amazed the place you both were at was so magical there were magical creatures and a little lake with trees all over the place you keep walking and there is a house in the tree really pretty with flowers as decorations, look literally like another dimension because the moon and the sun were out at the same time. You both stop when you hear noises.

_____: Look like someone follow us, get ready in case


You both get in a position to fight with your staff to see that what follows you was Archie

Archie: So, why did you both come here?

_____: Sorry Archie, we are here to discovered something but when we are sure we will tell you.

Claire: Yes, but I am sure that he can help us somehow, what do you think _____?

_____: Sure, why not? Let go *Archie and Claire follow you to the house*

When you get to the house you tell Archie and Claire to look for a book the has in the cover the moon and the sun.

something like that)

Claire: I think I found it!

_____: *you go over Claire* Yes this is the book thanks, Claire!

Archie and Claire: Why do you need the book for? *Claire and Archie look at each other surprised for the sync*

_____: Well, as I say to Claire these necklaces gotta do with this two-story of The Moon & The Sun the sisters.

The Story starts with The Sister Of The Moon her name was Luna she was jealous of her sister power because everyone respects her and love and plays in the daylight but when night time came everyone go to sleep didn't have fun and nobody love her and one neither her sister loved as she deserved she watch as her sister unhappiness grew and her darkness starts growing as day and night pass. Her sister sends her to the moon as punishment even though she felt sad because she didn't give the love that she deserved for that reason The Sun Sister AKA(AKA mean also know as) Solari sing her lullabies every night As day pass with Luna was the same she felt sad and guilty too after all she almost destroys her kingdom and almost kills her sister so after always hearing the lullabies Luna also decided to sing lullabies to her sister even though she stuck there for 1,000 years she make a deal with a woman who was crying for marrying someone, she decided to make her wish come true and for an exchange, she wanted the child that she was to have, but having that child it cost the woman life, how? well because the husband felt betray he kill her to death with a knife and grab the child and left him in the forest, and it says that when the child is feeling okay it good there would be a full moon but if the child cry waning the moon to make him a cradle.

(Luna look like that but with out the wings and the things in her head)




So the story I got the idea from a spanish song name "Hijo de La Luna" or in english "Child of the Moon" and the lullabies idea from MLP AKA My Little Pony a Lullabay for a Princess. If you she I hange to have 4 part the next part we will talk about the Sister of The Sun
