Ep 19: The Final Battle Part 1


Bullroc and Skrael look at each other, making a smile as they grab _____ and bring her to a chair, making her sit there.

Bullroc & Skrael: ut convertat animam in tenebras, cor putidum ad gehennam(to turn the soul into darkness, the rotten heart into hell)

The room turned dark. Nobody could see anything of how dark it was. All that was known is that _____ heart and soul is turning dark. The light the gleam inside her was gone.


Skrael and Bullroc had an evil grin in their faces. They had _____ under their control. Everything was going according to plan. The only problem was Nari

Tenko: Great, we got _____, but what about Nari?

_____: I got this

She started casting a spell to switch Douxie and Nari spots, she smiled evily

Douxie: _____ don't do it! This is not you!

_____ couldn't hear nothing she was under a strong spell, and before Douxie could be done with his sentence, _____ was done casting the spell. Then there was Nari in the cell instead of Douxie she was scared, but the horrofying look in her face when she noticed that the one that brought her here was her friend _____.

With Douxie:

Claire: Douxie, you're back! But Nari and _____disapper, what happened? where is _____ at? Where's-

Douxie: They got her. They got both of them, Nari and _____

Jim: But how?

Douxie: They set a trap for _____ to trick her to come and get me by herself. Then, Skrael and Bullroc did a spell and turned her evil into having her under their control and used her power for evil against her own will. Because _____ is strong enough, they use her to switch my place with Nari.

Claire: So this whole attack was a trick to get to _____ and Nari?

Jim: And they have won...

Toby: No way villains can't win. Can they?

Blinky: This time, they have, and I fear they have won the war to having _____ powers is very dangerous. Nari was only to start the plan, and _____ is to get the plan going. We gotta get ready Claire your in charge of _____ the rest except Arrrgh he is gonna help me find a spell to help _____

They all nod as they get ready for when they have to start any fight.

Blinky: Douxie, come here *he says as he waves Douxie to come his way*

Douxie: Yes, Blinky?

Blinky: I need you to be ready to use the prohibited spell. When the right moment comes *Douxie is unsure, but nods*

Blinky was about to say something else, but the earth shake as the sky becomes a dark red and the sun look orange, and in different places there was fire, in that place there was snow and then in another was nature. While in the middle was _____ waiting a black long dress
