It was a week after the students started at Hogwarts.

Hermione was already studying really hard for billions of classes.

Ron was enjoying the endless food and having Hermione do his school work.

Isabel was finally settled in at Hogwarts and loved it. Her favorite class was Care for Magical Creatures yet she did best in Potions.

Harry was having constant scar pain and frequent nightmares, and Dumbledore wouldn't talk to him.

Regardless, the group continuously grew closer and Isabel finally felt like she had a home with her new friends.

"What class is next Hermione?" Ron asked.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts," Hermione groaned. They already hate Umbridge and they only had seen her once.

The four shuffled into the classroom, weaving between students.

Ron and Harry sat together and Hermione and Isabel sat right behind them.

The students were magically tossing around an enchanted paper bird and having fun.

Suddenly the paper burst into flames and fell to the ground. The students turned to see Professor Umbridge.

"Good morning children," she said in that fake sweet voice.

She started magically handing out textbooks.

"From now on, you will be following a carefully structured, ministry-approved course of Defensive Magic," Umbridge said.

Hermione raised her hand, "There's nothing in here about using defensive spells,"

"Defensive Spells? Well, I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom." Umbridge laughed.

"So we're not going to use magic?" Ron asked.

"You will be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way," Umbridge informed.

"What use is that? If we're going to be attacked, it won't is risk-free." Harry said.

"The ministry says a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your exams," Umbridge said.

"And how is theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there?" Harry asked.

"There is nothing out there dear. Who do you think is out there that wants to attack children, like yourself?" Umbridge rebutted.

"Uh, I don't know maybe, Lord Voldemort," Harry said confidently.

Isabel smirked, she liked his attitude.

There was whispering among the students while Umbridge stood there in shock and disgust.

"Now let me make this quite plain," Umbridge said, walking between desks, speaking slowly, "You have been told, that a certain dark wizard is at large once again."

She then stops next to Harry's desk.

"This is a lie." She states.

"It's not a lie. I saw him, I fought him!" Harry said, trying to defend himself.

"Detention, Mr. Potter!" Umbridge shouted walking back up to the front of the room.

"So according to you, Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accord," Harry stated.

"Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident," Umbridge said.

"It was murder! Voldemort killed him! You must know that-" Harry fought back.

"Enough!" Umbridge screamed. Isabel quietly gasped and sunk in her seat out of freight.

"Enough," Umbridge said calmer, "See me later Mr. Potter, my office." She finished with one of her creepy giggles.


"What time is it?" Harry asked Hermione.

"10 minutes 'til 17:00," Hermione responded.

The four were sitting by the fire in the common room after dinner.

"I should probably go, I have detention at 17:00," Harry said, getting up to leave.

"Good luck Harry," Isabel said.

"We will wait here for you mate," Ron said.

He turned and waved goodbye.


Harry walked into Umbridge's office. It was an ugly pink with cat plates lining the walls.

"Good evening Mr. Potter, sit." She instructed.

Harry shut the door behind him and sat at a desk that had a paper on it.

"You will be doing some lines for me today Mr. Potter," Umbridge said, "Not with your quill, you will be using a rather special one of mine,"

Umbridge walked over and gave Harry a quill.

"Now, I want you to write 'I must not tell lies'," Umbridge said.

"How many times?" Harry asked.

"As long as it takes for the message to sink in," Umbridge said, delighted with herself.

"You haven't given me any ink," Harry said, obviously annoyed.

"Oh, you won't need any ink," she said.

Harry was confused but started to write anyway.

'I must not tell lies' was written on the paper in a red "ink".

Then, Harry's hand started to hurt and twitch.

He groaned in pain and looked down at his hand as the words, 'I must not tell lies' appeared in cuts on his hand.

"Yes?" Umbridge asked, faking being concerned.

"Nothing," Harry said.

"That's right because you know, deep down, that you deserve to be punished, don't you Mr. Potter," Umbridge said. She was satisfied. Harry stared up at her is disbelief and hatred. Umbridge sat at her desk and Harry continued his lines.


Harry had returned back from detention and the four were sat by the fire again, doing homework.

Isabel sat next to Harry on the couch and Ron and Hermione wrote and an essay by the firelight.

Harry was awfully quiet and was reading to study.

Isabel looked up from her homework and noticed Harry's hand.

"Harry, what happened to your hand?" Isabel asked.

Ron and Hermione heard and went over to the couch to see what was wrong.

"Nothing," Harry muttered showing them his unaffected hand.

Isabel lightly grabbed his other hand and looked at it.

The others stared at it until Hermione spoke up, "You have to report this,"

"No, it's fine, Hermione," Harry said.

Isabel looked closer and saw words carved into his skin.

"'I must not tell lies'." She read quietly.

"Harry you have to tell McGonogall." Hermione persisted.

"No, it's okay," Harry said.

Ron just stared in utter disbelief, "This is bloody mad!"

"Harry, she's torturing you," Hermione said.

Isabel gently traced over the scarring on his hand and leaned her head on his shoulder to comfort him.

"I just thought I'd give her the satisfaction this once," Harry said, leaning his head on top of Isabel's.

"If happens again mate, we're reporting it," Ron said.

Harry sighed and Isabel continued to lightly touch the scarring, gentle not to hurt him, but softly to comfort him, she was good at that.

"I'm sorry she did this to you," Isabel said very softly.

"Don't worry, it's not your fault," Harry said back.

Harry gave Isabel a nudge and got up and disappeared to the boy's dormitory to go to bed.

"I'm glad you're here Isabel," Hermione said, "Not only are you a great friend to us and an awesome person to be around, but you've helped Harry a lot, he really seems to like you and you're great at being there for him, he really needs a friend like that."

Ron nodded.

"You're too cheesy," Isabel laughed.

Hermione giggled back.

Ron and Hermione went back to writing their essay and Isabel decided to go to bed.

Little did the rest know, the new girl had a plan, and it was very daring.

