It was time for another Dumbledore's Army meeting.

The four friends were all very excited to be back.

"Today we will learn how to master a Patronus charm," Harry said to everyone as the DA meeting started.

Everyone gathered into two lines and Harry walked down the middle.

"Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember, allow it to fill you up," Harry said.

Everyone dispersed and started to try the spell.

"A full body Patronus is the most difficult to produce, but a shielding force can be equally as useful against many forces," Harry continued as he walked around to see how everyone was doing.

Ginny easily made a stallion Patronus.

"Fantastic Ginny!" Harry praised, "Remember your Patronus can only protect you as long as you stay focused, so focus, Luna."

Isabel stood by Hermione as she created a cute otter Patronus.

Ron then made a dog.

"This is really advanced stuff, you guys are doing great," Harry said walking over to Isabel.

Isabel watched as Luna created her hare Patronus.

"Just think of the happiest memory you can," Harry said to Isabel, he noticed she was struggling.

Isabel closed her eyes. Happy. Happy. Family, yeah my family makes me happy. Oliver. Oliver and my mum and dad. Harry. Harry makes me happy. And hugs. And having sweets with my friends. Happy. Oliver. Harry.

"Expecto Patronum," Isabel softly said.

She slowly opened one eye and saw a penguin twirl from her wand.

She smiled brightly and proudly.

"Amazing!" Harry congratulated.

Suddenly the room started to shake.

Everyone's Patronus disappeared as they lost focus.

Everyone gathered in the middle of the room behind Harry and Isabel.

Isabel curiously walked closer towards the door.

Harry held her back as the glass mirror on the walls shattered.

A small hole is a wall appeared, just big enough to see Professor Umbridge through it.

"I'll make short work of this," she said aiming her wand at the wall, "bombarda maxima,"

The wall came crashing in, rocks flying everywhere.

Isabel clung onto Harry for safety as a rock narrowly missed her head.

When the rubble and smoke cleared, Isabel let go as they all could clearly see Umbridge, Filch, and Draco and his groupies.

Then Draco pulled in Cho for them to see.

She ratted them out.

She looked down in embarrassment.

"Get them," Umbridge whispered harshly.

Harry and Isabel were harshly escorted to Dumbledore's office along with Cho Chang.

Umbridge quickly called the minister, and he and his coworkers came as soon as possible.

"As you can see, Dumbledore's Army, proof of what I've been telling you right from the beginning," Umbridge said to the minister.

Harry looked at Cho with disappointment. He couldn't believe the girl that he liked betrayed him and his friends.

"Professor, Dumbledore had nothing to do with it, it was me!" Harry fought back.

"That's most noble of you Harry, but the parchment clearly says 'Dumbledore's Army' not 'Potter's'," Dumbledore said, "I instructed Harry to form this organization and I, and I alone, are responsible for their activities."

"Dolores, Shacklebolt, you will escort Dumbledore to Azkaban," the minister said.

"I thought we might hit this little snag, you seem to be laboring under the illusion that I'm going to, what's the phrase? Come quietly. Well, I can tell you this. I have no intention of going to Azkaban." Dumbledore said.

"Enough of this, take him!" Umbridge shouted.

Dumbledore winked at Harry.

Then, this Phoenix, Fawkes, flew down above Dumbledore, Dumbledore reached up and disappeared without a trace.


Days past and Umbridge had taken over as headmaster. She made so many rules that the wall was completely covered.

Harry and his friends trudged through the hallway. It was like Umbridge was a dementor and she had sucked all the happiness and fun out of Hogwarts.

They walked to Umbridge's classroom and sat at one of the many desks.

It was the Dumbledore's Army detention.

Isabel sat and looked at the desk. A quill and piece of parchment sat there. It brought back awful memories from months ago of detention with Umbridge. Her hand was still scarred, reminding her of all the cruel words Umbridge had said.

Harry glanced around at everyone but purposefully made sure not to look at Isabel. He couldn't look at her, especially because it is his fault he is putting her through this pain, twice.

"You will write, 'I will not break rules'," Umbridge said, sitting on a chair in front of the room, like royalty.

As the students starting writing, groans and cries were heard throughout the room.

Isabel looked at her friends. Ron kept shooting Umbridge dirty glares. Hermione was choking back tears as her hand started to bleed. Harry looks beaten down.

Harry believed it was all his fault. None of them deserved it, yet they all had to suffer it, because of him.

Finally, Umbridge let them go. The students all flooded out the door holding on to each other.

Outside stood a guilty looking Cho. Nobody spoke to her or gave her a second glance. Isabel felt awful for her and watched as she tried to talk to Harry but he ignored her.

Harry wandered off around Hogwarts, thinking.

The other three knew what he was thinking and decided to follow him.

"Harry, if it's anyone's fault, it's ours," Hermione said.

"Yeah, we talked you into it," Ron said.

"Yeah, but I agreed," Harry said glumly, "I tried so hard to help, but all it's done is made things worse."

Isabel softly put her hand on his, but he quickly shook it off and didn't look at her. Isabel shrunk back.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I'm done playing because all it does is make me care, the more you care, the more you have to lose, so maybe it's just best to just-" Harry said looking out at the landscape of Hogwarts.

"To what?" Hermione asked.

Hermione knew this wasn't just about the Dumbledore's Army anymore. It was about his feelings for Isabel.

"To do it alone," Harry said.

Hermione sighed. She knew Harry was starting to develop feelings for Isabel, but he cares too much about her to tell her or even let her help him. It's too dangerous. And Harry would not put someone he cared about in danger if it was his choice.

Suddenly, Hagrid appeared saying there was something he had to show them.

Harry and Ron quickly followed him. Isabel started to walk the other way.

"Isabel." Hermione said, "where are you going?"

"I don't know, I just can't go with you guys, I know when I'm not wanted," Isabel said, her eyes brimmed with tears.

"What are you talking about?" Hermione said.

"Harry hasn't even looked at me in days, I finally figured out that I had feelings for him, and he wants nothing to do with me. You all would be better off without me," Isabel said.

"You know that's not true," Hermione said.

Isabel just shook her head and ran in the other direction.

Hermione followed the boys.

"Where's Isabel?" Ron asked, noticing the absence of their friend.

"She had some pressing problems she had to attend to," Hermione said.

Harry was oblivious. Hermione scoffed and rolled her eyes as they stood at the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

