Trigger Warning: mentions of suicide (and self harm).


"Isabel I think I got you the best present," Harry said handing her a mustard yellow box.

"You didn't have to get me anything," Isabel said gratefully.

"Don't even worry about it," Harry smiled.

Isabel shook her head. Harry seemed a bit off.

He stared at her expectingly.

It was... creepy.

Isabel decided to disregard it and open her present.

She carefully ripped the wrapping and opened the box.

Inside was some rope?

"It's a noose," Harry laughed, "You can use it to kill yourself,"

Isabel's throat felt tight and her breath quickened, "What?"

"Come on, you know you want to," Harry smiled.

Chills crawled on Isabel's body as the room got colder.

She looked at the faces of her friends.

They all were staring at her with red eyes and Cheshire Cat smiles.

She turned back to Harry. His eyes were red too.

"Kill yourself, Isabel," they all said in unison getting closer, closing in on her.

She closed her eyes and shook her head, pulling her legs close to her.

Some sort of sound of someone's voice was in the distance, it sounded muffled.

Isabel listened as the sound got louder.

It was Hermione trying to wake Isabel up.

"Isabel!" Hermione yelled shaking her.

Isabel breathed in deeply.

It was just a dream.

A bloody awful dream.

Her body was shaking and she was sweating.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny all surrounded her bed, all obviously scared.

"Sorry," Isabel muttered, embarrassed.

They all sighed relieved, she was okay.

"Bad dream?" Ginny asked.

"Terrible dream," Isabel said, getting out of bed.

Everyone else started to head down stairs.

Harry pulled Isabel aside.

"You sure you're okay?" He asked, looking into her eyes.

Isabel stared into his eyes.

They were green.

The normal, comforting green.

Not red.

This was Harry.

"I'm great,"


With the help of Hermione, Mr. Weasley set up a muggle radio to listen to some muggle Christmas music.

Christmas had finally arrived.

Isabel decided to assist Harry and Ron with making Christmas breakfast.

Breakfast was mildly edible.

Afterward it was time for presents.

The whole family was gathered around the tree that was decorated a few days prior. They all squeezed in making it nice and cozy by the number of presents and the amount of people in the small living room.

"Okay, everyone time for presents," Mrs. Weasley smiled brightly.

She handed out presents to everyone.

Everyone got a homemade sweater.

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Weasley, you do too much for us," Hermione said, thankfully.

"It's not a problem, Sweetheart,"

"Suck up," George whispered to Fred and laughed.

Everyone continued to exchange and receive presents, laughter filling the room.

The distant sound of the Christmas songs on the radio from the kitchen made it feel more festive as well as the smell of the cinnamon biscuits Mrs. Weasley was cooking.

Still, Isabel felt awful. She wasn't expecting to spend Christmas with anyone so she hadn't bought any presents.

Luckily, everyone else seemed to have forgotten to get something for her as well.

All except Harry.

"I got something for you," Harry said to Isabel.

"Wait. Really?" Isabel asked, genuinely surprised.

"Yeah," he smiled, pulling out a mustard yellow present, "I think you'll like it,"

Isabel checked Harry's eyes.


This is real life.

Still, she couldn't shake the feeling that this is exactly like her dream.

"Thank you, Harry,"

"Don't worry about it," he smiled again, "Go on, open it."

Isabel didn't want to open it.

What if this was like her dream?

She cautiously opened the box, her hands shaking and her breathing uneven.

She opened the box to reveal... another box?

Isabel looked at Harry curiously.

"Keep opening," Harry laughed.

Isabel smiled a bit.

She opened the next box.

And the next.

And the next.

Finally, she opened the last box.

There was a small daisy shaped locket.

Inside the locket were pictures of her family.

"Now your family will be with you wherever you go," Harry said softly.

"Wow," was all Isabel could manage.

Harry took the necklace and gently put it around her neck and clasped it shut.

"Thank you," Isabel said, smiling, "Thank you so much,"

"It was nothing,"


The day passed by quickly.

Everyone gathered around the long dinner table to eat.

There was so much food.

So much food.

Laughter and booming voices echoed throughout the house.

Isabel held onto her locket.

She really felt like her family was with her.

She did get to spend Christmas with her family after all.

Isabel decided to help clean up by taking everyone's plates to the kitchen to clean.

"Isabel, you don't have to," Mrs. Weasley gushed, standing up.

Isabel smiled, "It's the least I can do, Mrs. Weasley. I got it,"

Mrs. Weasley laughed, "Just call me 'mum', Isabel,"

Isabel blinked for a second, her friends stopped chatting to look at her.

"I mean, calling me Mrs. Weasley seems too formal," Mrs. Weasley explained, "Besides, you spend so much time here--"

"You are not my mom," Isabel said, sharper than she intended.

Everyone immediately became quiet and stared intensely at the scene. You could hear a pin drop in the room.

Mrs. Weasley seemed flustered, her face red, "Yes, but I just thought--"

"Well, you thought wrong." Isabel snapped.

Isabel refused to look at anyone. She stared down at her white sneakers.

"My mother might be dead," Isabel said quieter, doing everything in her power to not cry, "but no one will ever replace her,"

The room stayed silent, watching Isabel.

She looked up and looked at the faces of her friends, all shocked.

Isabel fiddled with her sleeves nervously.

She saw Remus glance at her sleeves and to her face and back.

He knew something no one else did.

She pulled down her sleeves further.

"Goodnight," she mumbled and left the room quickly.


Isabel stayed curled up in Ginny's room for a while.

She had changed from her nice Christmas dress to a sweater and leggings.

"What was that?" Ginny asked, obviously angry, "Why did you yell at my mum?"

"Calm down," Hermione said entering the room as well.

"I don't know," Isabel sighed, staying curled in a ball on a chair.

"Well you really upset her," Ginny snapped.


"Yeah, you should be," Ginny snapped as she ran out of the room again.

Hermione walked over to Isabel and bent in front of her.

"It's not your fault," Hermione said gently.

"But it is,"

"It isn't, Isabel. You've been through awful things that Ginny can't quite understand. She'll come around," Hermione tried to put her hand on Isabel's but Isabel quickly pulled it away.

Hermione sighed, "You should sleep. Ginny and Mrs. Weasley will come around. I promise."

Isabel simply nodded.

"Is Ron mad at me? Or Harry?"

"Not even a bit," Hermione said, "But they are worried about you,"

"They shouldn't worry," Isabel said.

"Get some sleep," Hermione stood up to leave, "Happy Christmas,"


Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and Harry all sat around in the living room playing games by the dim light of the Christmas tree.

Suddenly the tree lights flickered and shut off along with all the other light in the house.

"Who did that?" Ginny asked, panic in her voice.

Following, multiple sounds of banging and laughing followed.

"Death Eaters," Hermione said.

The four friends quickly ran out of the burrow to see a group of evil wizards and witches circling the burrow on broomsticks.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and the others Wesley kids were already outside, frantically thinking of something to do.

They were casting spells of fire everywhere around the house.

As soon as Harry caught sight of Bellatrix Lestrange in front of him, everything else slipped his mind.

He did what he thought was the only thing he could do, get her.

A large ring of fire was quickly surrounding the house as Harry started to chase Bellatrix into the corn fields.

"Harry!" Mrs. Weasley yelled. It was no use.

"What do we do?" Ron yelled over the commotion.

"I'll get him," Ginny said and immediately started to run before anyone could protest.

"Ginny no!" Hermione tried to yell to her, but the ring of fire had already closed in on them.

"I killed Sirius Black!"

Harry sprinted towards the sound since his vision was blocked by rows and rows of corn fields.

"I killed Sirius Black!"

Harry ran faster. Someone seemed to be following him. Friend or foe, he wasn't sure. He just wanted to avenge his Godfather.

"Are you coming to get me?"

Soon he came to a clearing.

He seemed to be surrounded. Bellatrix's voice still echoing.

A few death eaters shot some spells on him, which he deflected.

Out of nowhere, Ginny came bursting through the cornfields to him.

He had no time for questions, they had to defend themselves.

Not much later Mr. Weasley had joined in to fight off the death eaters.

Bellatrix was just out of Harry's reach when she and the death eaters disappeared.

As soon as they were gone the three realized the burning burrow in the distance.

Fire spells had been shot all throughout the burrow.

The three ran as fast as they could filled with adrenaline.

When they arrived the burrow was completely devoured in flames.

Ginny gasped, her heart almost stopping.

Mrs. Weasley was crying.

Hermione put her arm around Ron.

The Weasley's home was falling apart before their eyes.

Harry watched as the house started to collapse on itself.

A loud scream broke through the sound of cracking wood and alerted everyone.

Everyone just then realized that Isabel was not with them outside.

Harry did the only thing he could think to do.


He ran into the burning house, screams, and yells following after him, but he didn't care.

Sure, he was being reckless, but he couldn't just do nothing.

He ran through the house and tried hard not to get emotional.

The burrow was just like home to him and it was falling apart before his eyes and all around him.

He ran upstairs to Ginny's room to try to find Isabel.

He followed the sound of screams.

Isabel was in Ginny's room.

Hayden (HEL) was there too.

They were dueling.

This was the first time Harry ever saw Isabel so angry. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her gaze very focused.

As Harry looked closer, tears were streaming down her face.

Spells were shot through the air as they fought, Hayden focused as well.

Neither noticed him in the doorway.

Hayden seemed to be winning the duel though as Isabel started to sink to the ground.

Harry joined in the duel, throwing Hayden off.

Isabel looked relieved.

Together, they started to bring Hayden down as they house crumbled around them.

Hayden suddenly vanished before they could do more damage.

Harry looked around frantically.

Was that it?

As soon as he was gone, Isabel fell to her knees coughing.

Harry suddenly remembered they were in a burning house and Isabel has been in here for who knows how long with smoke and fire.

Harry bent down to her and looked at her face.

"Let's get out of here," he said. She had a few burns on her hands and one on her face.

Her coughs continued as Harry put his arm around her to help her walk.

They hurried out of the house into the cold night.

The cold wind burned their faces and they quickly collapsed into each other's arms in front of the burning burrow.

Hermione, Ron, and Ginny all ran to them and quickly embraced them.

They all stayed hugging and crying as their home fell apart behind them.

When they broke the hug, Isabel stayed laying her head on Harry's legs, shaking from cold and fear, tears falling uncontrollably.

If it wasn't for Harry, her brother would've killed her or taken her.

She didn't want to think about it.

Hermione held Isabel's hand.

Isabel didn't push her away.

Hermione was surprised, it was the most physical contact they made in months.

Hermione turned to Harry who looked very frightened for Isabel.

"You're bloody lucky you weren't killed," Hermione said softly.

Harry rolled his eyes.

Hermione continued, "You have to realize who you are, Harry."

"I know who I am Hermione, alright?" Harry responded, running his fingers through Isabel's hair as Mr. and Mrs. Weasley came over.

The group all sat in each other's presence, just happy that everyone was safe.

There they stayed as the Burrow burned to the ground and the night wore on.



Whoops I added the burrow burning thingy.

I know a lot of people don't like that part because it's not in the book.

But, personally, I think it adds a lot to the story.

It's a really heartbreaking scene. And I love it a lot.


The support I've been getting from you guys is seriously unbelievable.

I never imagined that people would actually read this or like it for that matter.

You guys are the best.

You all give me the motivation to write more and improve my writing so I can create the best story I can.

Thank you ALL so very much for reading and voting and commenting. It makes my day.

Until next time.

