The group of friends sat eating breakfast on a Saturday morning. The day after Ron was freed from the hospital wing.

Harry was preoccupied with his potion's book, specifically with some spell labeled "For Enemies Only".

Ron stared aimlessly at an angry Lavender.

Hermione watched Ron hopelessly searching for some sort of answer.

Isabel pushed her eggs around mindlessly, watching Harry read.

"Ron," Hermione pushes his shoulder, "Stop, you're making it snow!"

"Huh?" Ron coughed, clearly unaware of what was going on.

He looked up to see a small cloud of snow falling exclusively over the four of them.

Hermione put her hand on top of his, pressing his wand down to the table, bringing him back to reality.

Hermione's heart squeezed.

"Tell me how I broke up with Lavender again."

Harry looked up from his book to meet Hermione's hesitant gaze.

Hermione slowly pulled her hand away from Ron's.

She sighed, "Um, well. She came to visit you in the hospital, you see, and you talked. Um, I don't believe it was a long conversation..."

"Don't get me wrong," Ron said, "I'm bloody thrilled to be away from her."

Harry lightly chuckled, looking back down at his book.

"It's just she seems... a bit put off."

In unison, the four all glance over at Lavender. She sent them back lethal glare.

"Does, doesn't she?" Hermione nods, "And you say... you don't remember a thing from that night? Not one thing?"

"Well... there is... something." Ron pauses, looking at Hermione hesitantly.

Hermione waited, completely nervous about what he might say.

He shook his head, "But no. It can't be. Besides, I was completely boggled, wasn't I?"

Hermione nervously laughed, slumping back into her seat, "Right. Boggled..."

Harry smiled with amusement. He glanced over at Isabel next to him to see if she found it funny as well.

She was just pushing her food around.

The lull in conversation caused the other two to focus on Isabel too, but she didn't seem to notice.

The three sent each other nervous looks.

Harry gently put his hand on her forearm.

She quickly pulled her arm away, looking alarmed.

The other three were very confused.

"Are you okay?" Ron asked.

"What?" Isabel said, sliding a bit away from Harry, "Uh, yeah."

They all nodded.

Hermione suddenly perked up.

"Look, it's Katie. Katie Bell." Hermione pointed.

Katie Bell stood smiling, surrounded by a bunch of her friends.

Without thinking, Harry stood up and walked right to her.

Isabel was so longer focused on her eggs. In one swift motion, she snatched Harry's potions book and put it in her little bag without anyone noticing.

"How are you, Katie?"

Katie gave a small smile then sighed, "I know you're going to ask Harry, but I just don't know who cursed me. I've tried to remember, honestly, but I just can't."

Harry nodded.

Suddenly, Katie looked at something over Harry's shoulder and went pale, retreating to her friends.

Harry turned to see a panicked Malfoy.

Harry looked him dead in the eye. Draco flinched and quickly turned out of the hall.

Harry didn't wait for a second, following him.

Isabel quickly jumped up.

She looked at Hermione and Ron.

"I'm gonna follow him," she said quickly.

They both nodded quickly.


Draco's head felt like it was going to explode.

Of course, Potter knew he was the one who cursed Bell.

But it wasn't like he didn't feel bad.

He had been swamped with guilt for months. And now he's going to pay for it too.

He ran a hand nervously through his hair and he sped walked through the halls.

He was not cut out for this Death Eater crap.

He tried to seem tough and cool, but he had a heart.

He was just... scared.

He was scared he would lose his life if he failed his missions.

He was scared to disappoint his father.

Draco quickly ran into the bathroom and went straight to the sink.

Filling it with water, he splashed his face.

He stared into the mirror.

His pale eyes stared back at him, but his reflection seemed unrecognizable.

He grabbed onto the edges of the sink for balance.

Taking a deep breath, he couldn't hold it back anymore.

He cried.

The menacing, Death Eater, Malfoy was crying.

He was even more ashamed.

He looked up into the mirror to see the door crack open behind him.

Completely embarrassed, Draco quickly dried his face and pulled out his wand.

Harry was standing there, stunned, not expecting to see Malfoy crying.

Little to either of the boys' knowledge, Isabel had followed them and was peeking in the door, waiting for the scene unfold, holding her breath.

Horrified to see Harry, Draco sent a spell his way, causing the light above his head to explode, sending sparks and fire around him.

Harry glared, shooting a spell back, causing the sink to explode, water flying everywhere.

Draco nearly screamed with rage.

Harry readies his wand and rounded the corner to meet Malfoy.

Isabel silently followed him, staying hidden, frightened to what was going to happen.

Harry approached Malfoy.

Draco started to send a spell, "Cru—."

He was cut off by Harry, "Sectumsempra!"

Isabel's heart dropped.

Malfoy was frozen on the spot and silent as scarlet slashes oozed through his white shirt. He toppled over onto the ground.

Harry stood dumbfounded in horror as Malfoy bled on the water covered floor.

He stepped forward in an attempt to help in some way.

Draco's mangled voice cracked out, "Don't touch me, don't you dare touch me!"

Harry stopped in his tracks, absolutely helpless and afraid.

To Harry's surprise, a baffled and horrified Isabel ran a from behind him to Draco's side.

She threw off her robe and tried to wrap up the gashes to stop the bleeding.

Her voice was hoarse from crying, "Please don't die,"

Draco looked at her surprise, "Stop crying, Lyston," his pain echoing in his voice, "you look stupid."

"I can't lose you too," she cried.

Her light pink sweater was now stained red.

Suddenly, Snape burst into the room, shoving Isabel into the wall, out of the way.

Harry helped her up as Snape started chanting an eerie incantation.

Harry pulled a frazzled Isabel out of the bathroom.

He felt his heart hurt at the sight of her tear stained face.

"Why? Why did you try to kill him?" Isabel said, her voice hoarse and full of rage.

"I didn't try to kill him!"

"How did you even know that spell?"

"It's none of your business!"

"You almost killed my friend! That is my business!"

Harry clenched his fists and shut his eyes, trying to will himself out of this situation.

Shaking his head and not meeting Isabel's gaze, he grabbed her hand.

The two said nothing as Harry pulled Isabel by the wrist all the way to the common room, despite her attempts to pull free.

When they entered the room, Hermione and Ron jumped up immediately.

Hermione sprinted over to Isabel at the sight of her.

Eyes swollen, soaked in water, bloodstained sweater and jeans.

"Merlin! Isabel!" Ron gasped running over as well.

Pushing Harry aside as if he was a sack of potatoes, Hermione grabbed at Isabel attempting to pull up her shirt and sleeves to find the source of the blood.

Isabel desperately tried to keep Hermione off and pushed her away.

"I'm not bleeding," Isabel's strangled voice burst out.

"Then," Ron asked hesitantly, "why are you covered in blood?"

"Harry tried to kill Draco," Isabel said numbly, walking over to the center of the room and sitting in front of the fire.

"I didn't try to kill him," Harry protested, "I don't know why you're so angry at me."

"You don't use that kind of curse on people if you don't want to kill them," Isabel fumed.

"I didn't know what it did!"

"Then why did you use it?"

"Because I was angry!"

Isabel chewed hard on her bottom lip as she turned back to the fire.

Ron and Hermione cautiously approached.

"What spell did you use?" Ron asked.

"Sectumsempra," Harry said dully.

"I've never heard of that spell," Hermione said quietly, "Where did you learn it?"

"The potions book. It was written in, labeled 'For enemies only'."

"I knew that book was bad!" Hermione exclaimed.

The room was silent.

"Isabel, I'm sorry," Harry said quietly, putting his arm on her shoulder.

Her breath hitched.

She turned her head and Harry saw her face flooded with tears.

The friends all sat around her.

"Why are you so upset?" Harry asked, gently.

"That spell."

The group still seemed confused.

Isabel breathed deeply.

"Hayden... killed my brother, with that spell,"

She stared at the ground, refusing to meet anyone's eyes.

Tears fell freely. She couldn't get the picture of Oliver's dead body out of her mind.

Harry pulled Isabel into a tight embrace.

She instinctively stiffened up, she hadn't let people touch her in months, let alone hug her.

But, she eventually softened up and melted into his arms, finally feeling safe.

Her heart ached.

Everything was wrong in the world.

Her family was gone and she was here.

She rested her head on Harry's chest, listening to his heartbeat.

But, her friends are still alive.

And they are all safe.

