
hey, guys!!
i never do authors notes.
idk why, feels unprofessional to me, but after all, I'm not professional, I just like to think I am.

anyway, I just wanted to thank you all for reading this!

we made it to 3k!!!
you all rock!

so, do guys want more authors notes?
let me know!

without further ado, here is the (very very very) late chapter!!

a bit of a warning, this chapter is a bit violent.

okay, enjoy the story!!


"What do you suppose Dean sees in her-- Ginny?" Ron asked Harry as they were trying to go to bed.

"I don't know." Harry answered, not sure what to say.

"Well, what do you see in Isabel?" Ron asked.

"W-what? I-I what do you mean. I d-don't--"

"Save it, Harry. I've seen the way you look at her and how you hate Shane,"

"Well, I don't know," Harry sighed.

"Come on, for my sake?" Ron pleaded.

"Okay, um. She's quite smart, and she's funny, and very attractive--"

"Attractive?" Ron asked.

Harry fumbled with his words, trying to find the right thing to say, "You know, she's got nice skin."

"Skin? You're saying Dean's dating my sister because of her skin?" Ron scoffed.

"I mean I'm just--I'm just saying it could be a contributing factor."

"Hermione's got nice skin. When you say it, as skin goes, I mean." Ron answered.

"I've never really thought about it. But I suppose, yeah, sure," Harry said.

The room was filled with an awkwardness between the boys.

"I think I'll be going to sleep now." Ron said quickly, pulling the blanket up towards himself."Right." Harry agreed.


"Baby, where are you going?" Shane said to Isabel, swinging his strong arm around her shoulder.

"I'm going on a picnic with my friends," Isabel responded, gesturing to her three friends who were gathering up food and blankets for the picnic.

"Can't this wait for another time? I wanted to be with you today," Shane said, his piercing eyes staring into Isabel's soft ones.

"But it's the last nice day before it gets too cold. Besides, I spent the last few days with you," Isabel said.

Shane huffed angerly, "We'll talk later,"

Isabel nodded.

That boy had quite the temper. But it was okay to Isabel. He was her boyfriend afterall. He seemed to really care about her, and that's all she needed.

"Ready?" Hermione asked.

"Let's go!" Isabel exclaimed.

The others laughed as they walked out into the courtyard.

They all nicely set up two large picnic blankets and got out the food.

"This is really nice, great idea Hermione," Ron said, still chewing his sandwich.

"Chew you food before you speak, Ronald," Hermione scoffed.

Ron chewed and swallowed his food then repeated.

"I said, this picnic is very nice, it was a great idea," Ron said.

"Oh, well thanks," Hermione said. Isabel swore there was a light blush dancing on Hermione's cheeks.

"You packed me a peanut butter and banana sandwich," Isabel said, impressed, "How did you know that was my favorite?"

"Oh come on, Isabel, I know my best friend," Hermione laughed.

Isabel's smile grew.

Hermione still considered her a best friend.

Isabel was so happy and relieved.

She had been spending so much time with Shane, she assumed they would replace her.

Once everyone had finshed their lunch Isabel jumped up and started to run to a giant tree.

"Let's climb it!" Isabel exclaimed, bouncing on her heels, obviously excited.

The group made their way over to the tree.

"I don't know, it looks kind of high up," Hermione said.

"Don't be a knobhead Hermione, it's not even that high," Ron urged her.

She still shook her head and sat on the ground, showing that she was not going to climb the tree.

Ron shrugged and then started to go up the tree first followed by Harry.

Isabel smiled and started up the tree.

She felt like she was a child again playing with her brothers in her backyard.

It was nice to think about, having Ollie back and a non-deatheater version of Hayden.

A thought in the back of head kept nipping at her brain, wondering if she climbed high enough and fell, would she die?

Probably not.

Isabel shook her head to get the thougts away and continued climbing.

Ron and Harry were as high as a person could climb before it was too dangerous.

They were sitting on the far end of a thick branch with their feet dangling off the edge.

She started to get closer and Harry gestured for her to join them.

She carefully manuvered herself around the branches.

She stood on the branch right below where Harry and Ron were.

"Come on, Isabel, you can do it," Ron encouraged.

Isabel let out a sigh and pulled herself up and slowly moved herself to sit next to the boys.

"You did it! Wasn't so hard was it?" Ron asked.

"It was a piece of cake," Isabel laughed.

"YOU HEAR THAT HERMIONE?" Ron yelled to Hermione who was still sitting at the base of the tree, "ISABEL SAID IT WAS A PIECE OF CAKE,"

"Yes, Ronald, I heard her," Hermione said, not bothering to look up from the book she was reading.

All three of them laughed.

In the midst of the fun, Ron decided it would be a good idea to give the branch a shake to scare Isabel and Harry, he succeded.

When the branch shook, Isabel wobbled almost slipping off the branch.

She let out a yelp as she was almost bounced off the branch.

Harry instictivly grabbed her and pulled her closer.

Isabel let out a sigh and locked eyes with Harry.

His warm green hazel eyes carefully examined her whole face watching how her lips twitched into a small smile and how her light freckles looked in the warm autumn sunlight. He then watched how her eyes squinted and formed little crinkles when she smiled.

He then locked the eye contact and stared into her soft hazel eyes.

Isabel was very content staring into Harry's eyes and letting him hold her.

But she then noticed how very close they were, their faces meer inches apart and their bodies touching.

A warm blush crept onto her face as she jumped back a bit.

Harry seemed to notice too as he blushed hard.

Ron just sat there his mouth hanging open.

"We should head back, huh?" Isabel suggested, fiddling with her fingers.

"Yeah, yeah, right," Harry agreed, running a nervous hand through his hair.

Isabel hurried down the tree while Ron grabbed Harry's shirt.

"Harry, look, I know you fancy her, but try to keep it less obvious," Ron laughed.

Harry groaned and lightly shoved Ron and then climbed down the rest of the tree.

"Finally, we have some homework to get done before dinner," Hermione said, while dusting off her pants.

"Why can't we do it after dinner?" Ron groaned.

"After dinner, you're not going to want to either, so do it now, or I wont help you," Hermione threatened.

"Bloody hell Hermione, you're not my mom," Ron said, packing up the picnic supplies.

"Thank god for that," Hermione said under her breath.

Isabel laughed. She wasn't sure if Hermione meant it was a good thing she wasn't his mom because he's too much to deal with or because she liked him romantically.

Regardless, Isabel found it funny.


"What are you working on?" Hermione asked Isabel as she watched her as she wrote.

"Potion's essay," Isabel responded simply.

"I thought you already finished your essay?" Harry said.

"I did, this is Shane's," Isabel told them.

"You're doing his homework for him?" Ron asked.

"I only do it sometimes, he wanted to hang out with his friends tonight and so he didn't have time," Isabel explained.

The others nodded, but exchanged looks that said 'I hate him'.

After a few hours of homework and dinner, all of Isabel's friends had gone to bed, so she was alone in the common room.

She finally finished Shane's essay as he came stumbling into the common room with his friends.

They were probably drunk.

"Okay, okay," Shane laughed with his friends, "I'll meet you guys up there, I need to talk with my girl,"

Shane's friends left with a few 'Yeah Shane' and 'Get it'.

Isabel rolled her eyes playfully.

"Here's your potion's essay," Isabel said, handing him the essay standing on her tippy toes and smiling brightly.

"Only five pages?" Shane asked after flipping through the pages.

Isabel nodded, "Slughorn said five to seven pages,"

"Isabel, baby, I want to be top of the class, and I can't do that with a five page essay," Shane cooed. Isabel coughed at the smell of alcohol in his breath.

"I'll do better next time," Isabel said, backing away from him to get away from the smell.

"Of course you will," Shane said sarcastically.

"Where were you anyway?" Isabel asked, changing the subject away from her failures.

"Room of Requirement, it was a really great party,"


"Isabel, baby, you should have come, instead of hanging out with your loser friends," Shane said.

Isabel quickly spun around, "What did you call my friends?"

"I said they were losers, so what?"

"They are not losers, they're awesome people," Isabel fought back.

"You need to stop spending so much time with them, hang out with me and the boys,"

"I don't want to, I love my friends,"

"Baby, please, they are awful, they're bad news," Shane said, grabbing her hands.

Isabel instictivly tried to pull her hands away but Shane gripped her wrists tighter.

"Let me go!" Isabel exclaimed yanking her wrists away and turning her back on him.

Shane grabbed her shoulder and and spun her back around harshly.

"Stop acting like a child for God's sake!" Shane yelled.

"I will when you stop treating me like one!"

"Don't you dare speak to me like that!" Shane shouted, cornering Isabel into the wall, her shoulder bumping into the hole in the wall from a week ago.

"You will listen to me," Shane threatened, very close to her, his blue eyes flaring in anger.

"Leave. Me. Alone." Isabel spat.

Too far.

Shane shook with anger and swung his arm at her.

Isabel's feet seemed to be glued to the floor and before she knew it Shane's hand connected with her cheek.

There was a loud smack sound as his hand made contact with her skin.

Burning pain was sent through Isabel's face. She yelped and brought her hand up to her cheek in pain.

Tears now poured from her eyes as Shane backed away from her.

"You will not associate with them anymore. Am I clear?" Shane said.

Isabel nodded, scared to disagree.

Shane then rushed to his room as Isabel stood shocked in the same spot.

She stood frozen, staring into the fire for at least five minutes before walking to bed, her hand still on her face where Shane slapped her.

As she walked into the dormitory, the lights were all out.

Isabel didn't bother changing into pajamas.

She just laid in bed and stared at the ceiling.

A voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Isabel?" Hermione asked.

Isabel didn't answer.

"Are you okay?"

She still didn't answer.

"I heard a loud sound a-and I just wanted to make sure everything was okay," Hermione continued.

Isabel still just stared up at the ceiling, unable to form words.

"O-Okay, goodnight I guess,"

Isabel was thankful for the dark room, so no one could see her cry or the redness of her cheek.


