Ventitre: Recklessness

I SAT down to one of the chair that my men ready for me but before I could ever set my self comfortable to the chair, the woman immediately shout at me.

"You whore?! How dare you do this?"

I shush her with pure of mocking. I even tilt my head trying to look at her with pity. Ramdam ko ang pagkainsulto nito sa aking kinilos but for real I couldn't care less.

"I told you to listen to my threat but here we are right now. Hind kayo madala sa maayos na usapan," umiiling na sabi ko rito. I stand up from my sit and walk near to the man who I think is still alive regardless of his status as of the moment.

Napailing-iling ako at umupo malapit rito. Using my pointing finger I push his head which currently bowing so he could look at me. Walang emosyon kong tiningnan ang duguan nitong itsura na mukhang nasobrahan sa pagbugbog ng mga tauhan ko.

"Isa lang naman ang kailangan ko sa inyo, just give me the ticket and you're free. But what did you do? You free fired to my men? Definitely not a good move,"

Muli ay narinig ko ang matinis na sigaw ng babae, pero kahit gaano kalakas ang sigaw nito Ramdam kong natatakot ito sa possible niyang kakahantungan and it really excites my being. In a swift move I stand up from my place and launch a kick to the woman's head making her body follow the force I gave to her head.

"Hindi ko pa nakakalimutan ang pag-angkin mo sa asawa ko during that party," may diin kong bigkas sa babae na ngayon ay tila nawalan ata ng malay dahil sa aking ginawa.

I moved back to Mr. Delucca who I could see is now trembling, I don't know if its because of anger or fear towards me. A glint of smile plastered to my mouth.

"I am not a Queen for nothing, Delucca," muli kong babala rito bago lumabas sa selda ng mga ito.

Kaagad naman akong sinalubong ni Xenon matapos kong umalis sa lugar na iyon. I immediately heave a sigh as I saw him signaling me to follow him. Nauna itong naglakad at tahimik naman akong sumunod rito.

I don't know kung paano nalaman nito ang tungkol sa plano ko, basta ang alam ko bigla na lamang itong dumating kaninang umaga at alam kong ang pagdating niya ay nangangahulugang may taong balak akong pigilan sa aking gustong gawin.

I was expecting for my husband or my brother to stop me but what I saw alarmed me. I immediately grab my gun and point it to the three person in front of me, targeting it to especially one person.

"What is the meaning of this?" mapanganib na tanong ko kay Celestina at Xenon.

Sobrang galit ang aking nadama dahil sa aking natuklasan. They are conniving with that woman and betraying me in my back without even me suspecting about it.

"Shoot it, dear sister," nagawa pa nitong sabihin sa akin bago prenteng naupo sa isa sa upuan na naroon.

Nag-aalab na tinitigan ko ito, hindi ako magdadalawang isip na patayin ito sa kinalalagyan but with her two ally I know I am in a difficult situation. Gamo!

But for some odd reason Celestina, Xenon and Oriana or so I could call as Cassiopeia is not even in their defense or attacking stance. They are just simply looking at me, is this their tactic for me to lower my guards. So instead of submitting to their antics I went to pulled the trigger of my gun and before a minute could even pass, Celestina and Xenon are now both on their knees grunting for pain.

Because of their reaction I realized that they didn't really expect me to pulled the trigger but I think my evil half-sister know I will, especially know that she's wearing a smirk in her face. I look at her with pure disgust.

"Still reckless as before, I thought the moment I injected you the serum for the second time something will change, but it looks like my lab rat is naturally reckless and selfish with or without her memories,"

"What do you mean for the second time?" madiin na tanong ko rito. Naguluhan ako sa sinabi nito dahil sa pagkakaalala ko ay isang beses lamang nito nagawa akong turukan, that was the day of the tragic wedding of Celes and Zuery.

"So I was really right, all this time you haven't fully uncover your memories yet," tumatango pang sabi nito bago dahan-dahang tumayo sa kaniyang kinauupuan. I followed her movements with my gun, and even if I was shock I immediately pointed my gun to her head when I suddenly felt a sharp objects to my neck which I presume is a syringe.

Gamo! Don't tell me its the same serum! Damn it!

"Let's make a bet, shall we? If you think its the same serum pulled your trigger and if you think this is the cure then grab this syringe," she mockingly told me.

There's no second guessing, I pulled the trigger to her head but before it could already hit her head I was immediately pulled down with my two hand behind my back. I utter tons of curses in my head while I exhale a grunt.

"Does being young makes people really this reckless?" seryoso ngunit may bahid na biro na sabi ng babaeng may hawak sa akin ngayon.

I tried to push the woman to free myself but I could really feel how strong the woman is.

"Still as strong and beautiful, Lady Faye," magalang na bati ni Cassiopeia.

Lady Faye? You mean Faye Dell'Acqua? My mother-in-law? What the gamo is this?

"And still a hard-headed, Cassiopeia,"

I heard Cassiopeia snicker because of Mama Faye describes her.

"And you my daughter-in-law, still a no-brainer. Do I need to make your sister inject you a another serum just for you to learned your lesson?"

I gasp because of what she said.

"Cassiopeia call Zuery to treat this two, ako na ang bahala kay Daria,"

Narinig ko pa ang saglit na reklamo ni Celestina upon hearing the man's name. But she was immediately shushed by Cassiopeia.

"Wag ka ng mag-inarte bruha, as far as I know talande ka rin," pasaring ni Cassiopeia bago lumabas.

I am still in my position while my mind is twirling because of what I have heard. Is this another episode of my confusion?

"Shall we do the talking now, my daughter-in-law?" tanong ni Mama Faye bago ako hinatak patayo at binitawan ang pagkakahawak sa akin.

Mabilis ko itong hinarap with pure of confusion in my eyes. Pero hindi nito alintana ang aking tingin at imbis ay naupo ito sa upuang kanina lamang ay pinanggalingan ni Cassiopeia. Senenyasan naman ako nitong maupo sa upuang katabi noon.

Kahit na nga ba punong-puno ng katanungan ay sumunod ako rito at naupo doon.

"I presume that you haven't fully recover your memories yet, but a part of you thought its already done, that is why you are moving accordingly to it despite of the fact that you could feel that there's something else," malumanay na pagsisimula nito.

I couldn't deny that she is right, I have this part of me that feels like I still have memories, important memories that I haven't able to retrieve yet. But my mind also wants to make a move regardless of that wide gap of memories. I could feel the time ticking at hindi ko gugustuhing maubos lamang ang oras na iyon sa pagbabalik ko ng aking mga alaala.

"The memories you have is your memories 6 years ago,"

I bit my lips, I thought that was just 3 years ago. In my memories I thought it was.

"In your memories Cassiopeia is still portrayed as an enemy, kaya ganun na lamang ang reaksyon mo sa kaniya ng magkita kayo. In your memories she is nothing but a betrayer, and that was when she is still my undercover, but because of your recklessness her identity was exposed not only to you but also to Abaddon,"

My mouth wants to say something but my mind couldn't formulate any words. So instead I remained silent and let Mama Faye continues.

"Kung hindi mo siya hinabol noong araw na iyon ay matatapos na sana ang gulo but instead you let your heart takes you over. You run for her and that's when Abaddon heard about Cassiopeia's betrayal to him. Akala namin masosolusyonan pa iyon through injecting you the serum and creating the chase between Cassiopeia and my stupid son,"

Napahilot pa ito sa sentido na para bang nagbibigay sa kaniya ng stress ang ganap na iyon.

"I.. I'm sorry," mahina kong sabi rito pero inignora lamang nito ang sinabi kong iyon.

"Because of that I was forced to create another plan, which to send you far away from my son together with Nefelia and Yuery. But only with a span of 2 months nahanap ka na muli ng asawa mo and again I was forced to make another plan. Ang sakit niyo sa ulo aaminin ko,"

Rinig ko ang inis sa boses nito na tila hindi makapaniwala sa mga pinaggagawa naming dalawa ni Faro.

"Your love is so toxic, Daria. May it be about your husband or your family. Because 2 years after Faro retrieve you, I asked your sister Astra to become a undercover, she agrees but you don't. So I had no choice but to let Cassiopeia inject the serum to you and send you away again. But this time I make sure na hindi ka kaagad mahahanap ni Faro, not unless I fully furnished my plan. And in a span of another 3 years I did, so I let Faro discover you,"

So Cassiopeia is really correct, I am reckless.

"But upon seeing you going here and doing your another own plan, I think that's a wrong a move. I shouldn't have let you come back here until the war ended. You being with Faro is futile, gagawa at gagawa ng paraan ang isa sainyo para sa mahahalagang tao sainyo eventhough the result of it is the growth of enemies army,"

"I didn't know that I was becoming a hindrance to your plan, if I was.."

Napabuntong hininga na lamang ako dahil hindi ko alam kung paano ko pa rarasonan ang mga nakaraan kong desisyon.

"Hindi lang kasi kayo ang involve rito, Daria. It's not just about you or Faro, it's not just your war anymore. One mistake could lead to tons of death, one wrong move we could lost tons of innocent people. I want you to learned those and I thought without your memories could help you but maybe I was indeed wrong. Hindi ko na alam ang gagawin ko sa inyo, should I just locks you down and spread about your death? I could easily done that without any suspicions,"

Kaagad naman akong naalarma sa sinabi nito.

"But that's also a wrong move, your husband will surely raised hell for you. So I come to the plan of getting you to become part of my own selective assassins, together with my sons, nephews, nieces, Celestina, Cassiopeia and Xenon. But I will make sure that I will not let you join my son's team. You will be with Cassiopeia and this time I hope you won't do reckless act anymore. I hope I could have your words this time,"

Tahimik lamang ako at pilit pinoproseso ang aking mga narinig. Huli na ng mapansin kong umalis na pala si Mama Faye kaya naman naiwan akong tulala sa aking kinauupuan.

Maybe I indeed become self-centered, akala ko laban ko lang ang gulong ito. Akala ko tungkol pa rin sa akin ito at ang tanging kailangan ko lang gawin ay protektahan ang mahahalagang tao sa akin. Without my knowledge, dahil pala sa aking mga ginagawa ay maraming naaapektuhan and worst a lot of them is dying.

Ilang minuto rin akong nanduon hanggang sa narinig ko ang pagdating ni Zuery kasunod si Cassiopeia na mukhang susunduin ang dalawang hanggang ngayon ay nakaluhod pa rin at hawak ang natamaang parte. Hindi ko man lang napansin na naroon pa rin sila.

Muli ay nabalik ako sa aking reyalidad.

"Buhatin mo na si Celestina, Zuery. Sobra nang nanghihina iyan at nakakabahala dahil mukhang malakas ang naging impact ng bala sa kaniya kung magsasayang pa tayo ng oras ay baka hindi maganda ang mangyari," seryoso ngunit nanghihina ring sabi ni Xenon habang dahan-dahang tumatayo.

"Sana sa naging pag-uusap niyo ni Lady Faye ay may marealize ka, sana upon seeing Celestina's situation you could see the effect of your recklessness, hindi lang sila Celestina ang pwedeng madamay sa mga mali mong desisyon. Time may come nang hindi mo mapapansin that you are already slowly putting your love ones into danger in thought of protecting them. Our life is not just about love, Daria. We are more than that. Take this as a reminder from your older sister,"

The next thing I know is they are already gone.

[A/N: Happy 1k for DW, ang tagal ko ring hindi nakaupdate. I was currently enjoying my break and trying to coop up with my mental being that was damaged from previous happening. Well, I could say that I am slowly healing. I will try to make another update as soon as I can but I couldn't give exact date or promises cause I know if my mind told me I couldn't then I couldn't do anything about it hshssh. I guess see you when that time come.]
