Venti: Sister-in-law

Nakatitig lamang ako sa pader habang binabalita sa akin ni Celestina ang kinalabasan ng naging misyon nito. Sa mga nakaraang buwan, matapos nang aking pagkalas kayla Aristos, naging abala ako sa pag-iipon ng mga tauhan maging ng mga kagamitan. While doing so, I let Celestina and her men take over the fighting field for the mean time. I was supposed to be with them, but since I was busy this past few months, I have no choice but to just monitor them behind the computer together with the help of Izaeri and Dawn.

"When we arrive to the Farenheit's headquarter, it was already done. Zuery and his men already did the job,"

I sighed. Hindi lamang isang beses ito nangyari sa amin. Sa kada misyon na binibigay ko sa mga ito laging nauunahan kami ng kabilang grupo. I know it wasn't just a simple coincidence, talagang sinasadya ng mga ito ang unahan kami sa aming mga misyong gagawin. Of course, that husband of mine is the mastermind of this. He is really doing everything just to stop me from stepping up. But, does he really think I will back down just because of this?

"That jerk even mock me when we arrive, he is really a shitass," himutok ni Celestina habang iniisip pa rin ang engkwentrong naganap.

Alam ko ang inis na nararamdaman ni Celestina, because I was also pissed with what they are doing. But I'd rather be pissed like this than to surrender and to be controlled again by them.

"Call your men, may bago kayong gagawing misyon," pagbabalewala ko sa sinabi nito.

We can't just let them get the satisfaction that they want. I am just about to boost the game. I have already planned how to counter them, this might not guarantee a total win for us. But for the mean time, the best thing to do is to distract them along our main mission. It will be a trial and error but better to have that rather doing nothing at all.

"Did you even heard me?" she gasp, feeling the unfairness given by my response.

"Yes I heard you but will you really let that goes in our way?"

That let her fall into silence.

"I know it hurts your ego but we don't have enough time to entertain other things except from our main goals. Just until we prove something," may kahulugang sabi ko rito.

Mockery can really hardly hit my nerves, that's why any form of it pissed me off. Kahit sino man ang may gawa ay hindi makakawala kapag ako ay gumanti, kahit pa ang mismong asawa ko. But now is not the time to get even, may oras rin sila sa akin.

"Fine, but I promise one more mockery again from them, with or without your permission, I will get even," kalmadong sabi nito bago nagpaalam.

Alam kong tutuparin talaga ni Celestina ang paalalang sinabi nito sa akin, that is why I needed to stop it in any way I could. I just really hope, my planned will work.

"THANK YOU for meeting me even with this sudden circumstance," nagagalak na sabi ko sa kaharap na lalaki.

The man in front of me stand up from his seat before giving me a bow.

"It is not a problem, Princess Daria. If there's any thing I could help, I will do it whole-hearted," magalang na sabi nito sa akin.

The man is a well-known businessman all over the world and currently he is residing here in Philippines. Aside from being a businessman, he was a former assassin of the Royal Council. Since he no longer has the connection to the Royal Council, mas naging madali para sa akin na lapitan ito. I wasn't really sure if he will agree working under me, since royalty no longer has the authorization over him. At kahit na meron pa ay alam kong hindi ko rin ito magagamit, not that I no longer have the power but let's just say I'd rather not.

"Are you aware that I no longer work under Royal Council?" paninimula ko rito.

"Hmm, but according to my resources, you still hold the Royal Council but was just currently inactive,"

"For the mean time, I could say I am no longer working with them, not unless their names are cleared,"

"I assumed that my name is cleared that's why you decided to contact me, but how sure are you?" he asked me while sipping his drink.

Why do really men in their groups like to act cocky and jerk in front of me. Does really losing my memories make me a stupid or what?

"No, I'm not quite sure whether you're cleared or not. But one thing is for sure, you are being with my sister-in-law without my husband's knowledge," nakangising sabi ko rito.

Tila ba naestatwa ito sa kinauupuan matapos marinig ang aking sinabi but just seconds later he laughs lowly.

"Are you threatening me now, your highness?"

"You tell me, Xenon,"

Napailing-iling ito habang nakatingin sa akin which I just replied with a sly smile. Hindi ako nagpunta rito nang walang hawak na armas laban rito. Since, I wouldn't able to fight him using combats then we will fight through mind games.

"You're still the Princess Daria everyone know despite your lost memories,"

I heave a sigh.

"My memories already came back," mahina kong sabi rito.

"Then why still do this?" tila naguguluhang sabi nito habang tinutukoy ang pagrerebelde ko laban sa aking sariling asawa.

"I have a reason,"

There's a reason why I chose not to be with him, kahit na nga ba matapos kong maalala ang lahat ay araw-araw akong nangungulila sa kaniya. But I can't no longer be reckless like I was then. I just can't let it happened again. The traitor might still have other ally within the group, I need to identify them before I goes back to eliminate them by my self.

"Anyways, what do you want me to do?" pag-iiba nito ng usapin nang maramdaman nitong ayokong pag-usapan ang rason sa likod ng aking mga ginagawa.

"You have you're men right? I have a mission for you all,"

Ipinaliwanag ko rito ang misyon na halos kaparehas rin ng misyon na binigay ko kay Celestina but the difference is that Xenon's team will become a distraction. By now, alam kong pinasok na naman ni Reighton ang system ng dalawa kong Tracciatore. Kaya naman ginawan ko na iyon ng paraan, I make sure that what they will receive is the mission that I exactly gave to Xenon. But in reality, Celestina's team will goes ahead of time than what they expect.

"It will be a pleasure to work with you, Princess Daria,"

"So it did with me, don't worry I really have no intention to tell my husband about what you does," sabi ko rito bago nagpaalam na aalis.

It looks like I could reward Dawn for telling me about Xenon and Caeri. Though it also amazed me how the two got together. I couldn't see their common denominator. Oh wait, they actually have, they both left their own real destinies. Xenon was supposed to lead their royal house and also be the head of royal's assassins. Meanwhile, Caeri left her position in Tribunale, letting her brother take it over.

Kung sana tulad nila ay ganun lang din kadali bitawan ang mga responsibilidad na mayroon ako, siguro tulad nila ay kaya ko ring mamuhay ng malayo sa gulong dulot ng aking mga responsibilidad. But knowing those things, even though it pains me, I am well-aware that those are impossible for us to experience. Not unless, this war came to its end.

[A/n: A short update after a long wait, I know I am very sorry. Naging sobrang busy talaga this past few days, inasekaso ko rin kasi mga requirements ko for college admissions. Kaya sorry talaga. I just hope makabawi ako after kong makabawi mula sa mga ginagawa. I will try to update another chapter later, but still not sure kung kakayanin."
