Too late...

"Wakey wakey momma" I groaned "Come on Jaz it's already half of the day it's time to wake up I thought you died for a second" I moaned in discomfort

I felt the blanket get ripped off of me "LOOK, OH MY GOD OSCAR IS CALLING YOU" I quickly woke up and sat up with my hand out

"Told you" I opened my eyes slowly cuz of the light "Really?" they laughed "We're just playing he did call tho a couple of times"

I grabbed my phone and quickly called him back I waited a while till he'll pick up "Do you think something happened?"

they frowned and shook their head "Stop he's fine" my leg kept jumping up and down... finally, he answered

J ~ Baby, I'm so sorry I overslept

O ~ It's okay amor no harm done, we're almost done

J ~ God finally I already want you back

O ~ And you shall receive me, how's our baby boy treating you?

J ~ So far no troubles... ugh

O ~ What?

J ~ He's gonna be a mini-you, he already listens to you

O ~ Shouldn't that be a good thing?

J ~ I mean yes and no I want him to be a mommy's boy

O ~ Nah, he's my boy

J ~ Oh really? who's carrying him for 9 months and a week?

O ~ Who planted him there?

J ~ Whatever I'm doing most of the work

O ~ Yeah, ight baby

J ~ What time did you wake up?

O ~ Around 5 in the morning

J ~ Jesus why so early?

O ~ Because we're almost done now we're taking a small break

J ~ Aww okay just be safe and careful

O ~ Always

J ~ What did you guys eat? you know what don't tell me I'm starving

O ~ Alright I'll let you go so you can feed my son

J ~ Alright bye baby I love you

O ~ I love you too

I hanged up as the girls sat my little table on my lap and it looked so fake I can't believe it's real "Made from scratch"

"We didn't know what you're craving so we got you a little bit of everything" I was getting teary "Don't cry it's too early"

We laughed "I love you girls" they kissed my forehead "We love you too... now we put on your favorite movie so you chill until Oscar gets home okay?"

I inhaled and exhaled slowly "Okay, and THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS?" they nodded "Enjoy we'll be back I wrote you a note"

I looked behind my phone "Byeee" I smiled as they left... they know me so well it's unbelievable but we did grow up together

Dear baby momma,

We have to go shopping for baby Leo before you go... we all go, by the way, this is Luna I talked with Kaleb and we're moving next door to you guys that's why it took two days, this is Blair anyway after that we're gonna get ice cream, chips... well a bunch of junk food and healthy food for the road, we're getting you, clothes and ourselves, makeup, toys, flowers, and another really good surprise anyway, for now, enjoy your time alone we LOVE YOU see you soon!!! BL :)

I put it down and touched my stomach "You've been behaving so good lately thank you, my sweet baby I love you so so so much"

A few hours later


"Are you sure?" I nodded "Yeah, I'll meet you there I just need to load this last box of my lady, and then I'll be right behind you"

Kaleb smiled "Alright be safe" we both chuckled "You sound like my woman" he breathed out "You got a good one"

"So do you" we hugged "See you over there then" we pulled away "For sure" he left jogging and I walked back into the house

I grabbed the last box and walked back out loading it into the truck later closing it... A familiar feeling of eyes on me appeared

I turned my head to see Cesar he nod at me and I motioned to get in the house I walked in first before a few seconds later he walked in closing the door

I sat on one of the chairs the house came with "You were right about everything" I looked at him staring out the window

"Let me call Sad Eyez" he turned around walking towards me "I've been put off" he looked around all paranoid

Reminded me of myself as a kid I stood up facing him "I'm scared, Oscar" my little brother still with that baby ass face

"I know" he got all shaky "I'm sorry" I grabbed his shoulder "Hey... it's gonna be okay" I grabbed his other shoulder

"This is what it's about, mano, this moment of clarity" he nodded looking down "We'll figure it out" I let him go

he was on the edge of crying but before he could let himself he moved away "How much longer you got this place?"

Oh fuck it's been a week already my baby is about to be born soon "A week" I faced him again as he gave me that baby face

"Can I stay here? until I figure out a living sitch?" I slowly nodded studying him and Jazmyn was right she always is

"I'll make sure it's clean and... and I'll turn in the keys too" I looked around "Yeah, sure, sure" I felt a glimpse of hope

"Or... you can come with me, Jazmyn, and Leo to Portland" I smiled "We can leave tonight" he slowly walked backward

I walked forward hoping he'll accept my offer "I can't" I frowned "Why? what's keeping you here?"

C ~ My life

O ~ What life? come with me and build one.l, a good one, a better one... Mira, remember when we were on the beach, and you said you wanted us to live above my restaurant? well, the space I found has a studio above it I was gonna use it as an office but... you can even live there if you want, I know it's not the beach but it's a start, you can go to school, you still wanna be an architect? Do it... whatever you wanna do you can do it from there, you can do it with me but you can't do it here on your own alone

C ~ What about Vero?

O ~ If she loves you, she'll understand besides Jazmyn's always has been having your back despite your dumbass mistakes just like how she was with me, we got a good one

C ~ Okay, yeah let's do it

O ~ Yeah?

C ~ Yeah, I'm gonna come with you and Jazmyn

I got too excited grabbing him by the back of his neck pulling him in "PUTA MADRE, ESO ES TODO" he hugged me back tightly

I pulled away grabbing him firmly by the shoulders "This is our moment, cabrón" Shit I felt like crying myself

"Hey, we're finally gonna be a real family" he chuckled "A real, real one this time" I calmed down a bit

"Mira, sabes que this um... this deserves a drink before we hit the road let me get the good tequila, shot glasses on the counter yeah?"

he laughed "Great" I walked out of the house excited I stopped to get my phone I can't wait to tell Jazmyn she'll be so proud


I came back from my 6th time from the bathroom the girls haven't got home yet but they have been keeping me updated

I walked back to my room and heard my phone "Oh shit" I closed the door waddling to the changing table I grabbed my phone and answered

O ~ Hey

J ~ Hey, Papi are you on the road yet?

O ~ He's coming with us Jazmyn, he's, actually coming with us

J ~ Who?

O ~ Cesar, he's here now

J ~ Is he okay?

O ~ Yeah, yeah, he's fine shit went down but I think it got his mind right, he even apologized

J ~ Wow, baby that's great just... you know kid-gloves don't push him too hard

O ~ Yeah, I know I won't, I'm just...

J ~ Excited, I know, you guys hurry up and come pick me and the girls up so we can go home

O ~ Blair's coming too?

J ~ Yeah, and thank you for telling me about Kaleb and Luna

O ~ It was supposed to be a surprise

J ~ Yeah, well Luna told me so it's not a surprise anymore, GOD I can't wait for our family to grow

O ~ Babe... I gotta go I love you

J ~ Okay well be careful and be safe I love you too

we hang up and I did my little happy dance it's almost sunset too maybe we'll spend the night here so we can be energized tomorrow

we can shower, eat well, say our goodbyes I'm just so happy that my boys are finally out of the gang and we can finally be happy

I'm so proud of them and I can't wait until they come to me so I can hug them tightly without hurting my baby

"WE'RE HOME"  I walked out of my room "Momma" we hugged quickly "Y Oscar?" I smiled "He's gonna be here soon"

she smiled "Great because I got a delicious late-night snack before you guys go" I followed her to the kitchen

"I think we're gonna stay the night since he must be so tired" she got even more excited "In that case, I have a special early birthday present and breakfast for my baby"

I gasped "Really?" she ran to her room "It's from all of us to you" it was big I covered my mouth "Mom I-"

"Oscar's gonna be shocked he'll either can't wait for my next birthday or for his, since ya'll like him more than me now and days"

she hugged me "Happy early birthday Mija" A tear dropped "Thank you so much momma" we pulled away and I hugged my dad I've been more emotional than ever

"Happy early birthday mi amor" he kissed my head "Thank you dad" we pulled away and he wiped my tears

I hugged my grandma next "I'll miss you the most don't tell anyone tho" I heard her chuckle "Happy early birthday Mija"

I hugged her tightly "Los amo, a todos," we pulled away and she was crying which is the second time she lets me see her vulnerable

something's wrong... I have a very bad feeling "I'm feeling really tired thank you so much for the presents"

they smiled as I left for my room I called Oscar and nothing I'm getting worried no call or text nothing I laid down and prayed

I haven't prayed since Oscar's been in prison I'm probably just overreacting he's fine, before I know it he's here...


I finished filling in the paper and then grabbed a paperclip attaching my ID with it, I walked back towards the front desk

"Here you go" he smiled at me "Thank you love" I frowned and I just went to sit back down "God I don't know this is my first time"

I brought my attention towards some girls "Okay where are the papers?" the officer pointed next to me, they nodded and walked over

"Girl do you know how this shit works? these motha fukas be on some shit tryna say Nah you can't park here or you need all this shit" I laughed

"Yeah, all you gotta fill out is your name, the date, the inmate's number, the car you got parked out there the model, color, cross out everything, and then your signature"

She sat next to me while the other stayed standing up filling it out "Oh and here I got spare paperclips cuz you need to put your ID or passport"

She gave me a nasty ass face "They be doin' too damn much I'm just here to see my man" I nodded

"Me too, we still gotta be scanned by the way I hope you wearin' a sport's bra and no metal shit like belts and we're gonna have to take our shoes off too so"

she finished "Oh hell Nah, for real?" I nodded again, she shook her head and walked out along with the other girl

I'm assuming that's her daughter and her friend but not sure, everyone else was mom's, dad's, grandparents, siblings or kids as in baby like

they came back and sat down "So how long, your man been here?" Ummm fuck it's been a while... "He's in here for a year about to be two years"

she raised her eyebrows "Damn, my man has a year today" I raised my eyebrows too "Oh shit that's wild, what's your name?"

she smiled "Sandra, I know white ass name but that's what my momma gave me and I love it bitches be talkin' shit only cuz they wish they name was like mine"

we started laughing "I'm Jazmyn" we hugged quickly "Girl, we prison buddies now, oh this is my two sisters Angelika and Basheerah"

I smiled at them as they did the same "They, kinda shy" I nodded... what are they doing here though

"JAZMYN MARTINEZ" I smiled getting my bag of coins "See you in there" I got up and left taking off my shoes,

I put them in the bin along with my phone, watch, chapstick, and necklace "Please walk this way and through the monitor"

I obeyed and passed fine I walked over to the end of where the bin will come from but before that, the guy from earlier stamped my hand

I don't like how he's touching me and shit I'm here to see my man that killed someone nope, I grabbed my things and put them on

"Please stand against the wall" I did as I was told and waited patiently as other's did what I just did 

finally, when we got, the first group we walked through another door, and one by one they called us up to examine our hands

Once they got everyone they opened the other door and in a single file line we walked towards the visitor's room

they opened the door letting the visitors before, us get out, we waited patiently until they allowed us to walk in

"Jazmyn? Martinez?" I stepped forward "Only 1?" I nodded "Okay table 10" I smiled "Thanks" I walked in

before sitting down I went to the vending machines and grabbed all his favorite snacks, sandwich, salad, and drinks

After heating up his wings and sandwich I walked to the table and settled everything down I breathed out nervously

"HEYYY Jazmyn" I turned to my right "Oh shit heyyy Sandra" she happily sat down "This is fate and if it ain't I don't know what is"

I laughed "Aye I've been meaning to ask you... do you smoke?" I looked at her carefully "Smoke what?"

she got excited "OOOOOH we are best prison bitches now" before I can say anything I heard "Wassup baby"

I turned to see her man "AHHH BABY" she was loud and so goofy I just sat there waiting still getting worried

what if he got jumped again? fucking drugs I hate them except weed that's all-natural so technically it's not a drug

my heart started racing, my leg started bouncing again "I see my lady catch you foo's after" that voice ran all over my body

I didn't want to move "Wassup foo" I heard him bonding with Sandra's man "Hey, ma" I swallowed hard looking up at him

"No, hug or kiss before we can't?" I started tearing up but quickly stood up and hugged him I had to be on my tippy toes he's tall as fuck

I can feel him squeeze me a bit and breathing in my scent "You smell good as always" we pulled away and kissed

"AYE, NO MORE TOUCHING" I quickly pulled away he just smacked his lips "You gonna listen to him?"

I nodded "Spo-" he covered my mouth "Don't call me that no more its babe, baby, or Oscar" he kissed my cheek

he let me go since the officer was about to walk over to us, we sat down "So you changed is it legit or is this an act because you in here?"

He started opening up the salad "I'm for real" he still can't even look at me "How do I know you mean it if you can't say it to my face?"

he looked at me with his eyes crossed and I gently slapped him while laughing "Stooop I'm serious like you told me on the phone you're gonna stop with druggie shit"

he took the fork and began eating "Oscar answer me before I cut this shit early I'm not playin' with you, I don't want to repeat history"

O ~ I already made you that promise right?

J ~ Yeah but tell me straight up now that we're face to face cuz I can hear it and I can make myself believe it but if I can see you saying it I would feel more confident

O ~ Alright Jazmyn I promise that I will stop with the drug shit and I promise you that what we been through is not gonna be the same when I get out I've been thinking about you a lot more than I used to, tell me something...

J ~ What?

O ~ If I wasn't trying to change why the fuck did I call you for? why are we here now? cuz we still care for one another right?

J ~ I never stopped you were just a fucking dick to me all the fucking time and cheating on me with la pinche puta perra de Leti, so you can't expect me to bend over and-

O ~ About that when I get out your ass is getting it

J ~ Oscar

O ~ What? out of a sudden your shy?

J ~ Shut up, ugly

O ~ Have you seen me? I'm getting handsomer and a little bigger

J ~ I can barely tell and handsomer isn't a word stupid

O ~ Keep talking like that cuz when I get out you won't be able to handle me

J ~ Ooooh yeah like you could've handled me, I'd always had to slow down or bring you-

O ~ I'm different

J ~ No, que no

I kept seeing this one girl staring at my man "Why she staring at you so fucking much she's practically eye-fucking you"

he chuckled "What's so funny? ya'll something huh? you cheating on me with a pig?" he shook his head

"She's not eye-fucking me" I gasped "She's clearly giving you the fuck-me look... look dummy" I made him face her

She hella winked "See, pinche puta Tambien, tell me is something going on with you two?" he touched my hand

"Nah, mamas what did we just say" I squinted at him "Hmm ok but I'm watching her ass" I crossed my arms

"Want some?" he offered me some of his sandwich since he finished his wings and me being me,

Ima show this hoe who he belongs to "Thanks babe" I bit into it and started chewing I looked at him again

"What?" I smiled and swallowed my food "Jaz-" I grabbed his face and kissed him I opened my right eye,

I can see her getting red looking away I pulled away and smirked "Eres cabrona mi toxica" I giggled

"Shit I learned my lesson didn't I?" he drank some of his Arizona green tea "I want some" he took a big sip and then gave it to me

"Thank you" this is my favorite Arizona gladly Oscar and I share a lot of food in common I gave it back to him

"Something going on between you and Landscape?" I frowned and turned towards where he was looking

The officer that always calls me "love" and holds my hand while putting on the stamp on my hand was standing there staring at me

I turned back towards Oscar "Look at him giving you the I'm-fucking-you-on-the-table look" I laughed

"Now who's the toxico? fuck him I'm here for you, right? shit if not I would've been gone with him and made an excuse not to see you today"

he raised his eyebrow "2 MINUTES LEFT" I frowned "What the fuck why so little time?" he started eating faster

J ~ Baby I'll help you stop

O ~ Nah, fuck it so how's Cesar?

J ~ He's going through it right now he's still just a little kid Oscar

O ~ Yeah... how's school going for the both of you?

J ~ I'm failing lately but Cesar is thriving, he's coming home with A's and B's mainly A's

O ~ That's good but why are you failing?

J ~ I love you too much and it's killing me that you're in here

O ~ Nah don't worry about me, I'll be fine, worry more about school that shit is gonna take you to do better than me, learn from my mistakes alright?

J ~ Yeah...

"TAKE THIS ONE MORE MINUTE TO SAY YOUR GOODBYES" He looked at the half-eaten snacks and half-drank brisk

"It's fine I'll take them" he smiled and we both got up, we walked around the table "I'll come back for you baby"

we looked over and Sandra with her man was making out they were practically dry humping each other

I looked back at Oscar and he put his arm under my butt and lifted me I held on to him "Warning next time"

I grabbed his face and we started making out, I put my legs around him and he held me by my butt and I couldn't get enough of him

"TIME TO GO, LET'S GO" a tear fell from my eye as he slowly put me down without breaking the kiss

"LET'S GO" we pecked a couple more times "See you when I come back okay?" he nodded and kissed me again

I pulled away "Ok, I have to go Mario is waiting for me, outside" we kissed one last time "Be early next time"

he hugged me tightly "I'll be waiting for you" we pulled away and I grabbed everything "Bye" he smiled "Bye" he slapped my ass

End of flashback

I'm gonna give him a big kiss and hug, we're gonna fall asleep, and in the morning we're gonna shower, eat, and hit the road

we're finally gonna have our happy family and finally, Cesar will understand truly what it's like without looking over his shoulder all the time

We'll be free from this toxic ass life, no more Rio or Sad Eyez no more guns or unnecessary violence of any kind 

We are gonna be happy and live in peace with friends and our babies, they will grow up together to protect one another

Everything is finally making sense and I can't wait to have my happy ending the one I always wished to have...

"Jazmyn..." I sat up slowly "Mom? dad? what are you guys doing up? why are you crying? what's wrong? is... is it... please no..."

A few minutes earlier


Feel great now I'll make things right with Oscar and Jazmyn... fuck I've been an asshole to her and I regret it

She doesn't deserve that I smiled at the two glass shots until I heard shots go off outside my mind immediately when to

"Oscar?" I ran towards the door "OSCAR" I can hear him gasping for air I opened the door to see him close to the door trying to crawl

"OSCAR" I ran towards him and crouched, flipping him over "HEY, HEY, HEY" he had blood dripping down the right side of his mouth

"Hey, hey, did you see who it was? who did this to you? TELL ME" he just smiled at me "TELL ME" he patted my shoulder later to grip onto my flannel

he slowly shook his head while smiling only to see his smile fade and his eyes lower "NO, NO, NO, NO, NO"

I held him tightly not knowing what to do "OSCAR, OSCAR, OSCAR" his hand lost his grip "NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO"

I held his head so he won't choke on his blood "HEEEELP SOMEBODYYYY HELP US OSCAR, OSCAR" I couldn't see him breathing


I looked around but nothing I settled his head down but kept holding his face "Not my brother, not my brother, NOOOOOOOO"

I laid my head on his chest while crying my life out "No, Oscar, No, please NO, DON'T LEAVE ME, OSCAR, YOU CAN'T LEAVE JAZMYN"

I gripped on his shirt "YOU CAN'T LEAVE LEO, YOU CAN'T LEAVE US OSCAR PLEASE WE NEED YOU" I cried harder seeing his lifeless face expression
