
When Dori convinced me to come back they got me ready for the morning stuff I had to do and I almost cried of how happy everything seemed again

But I already cancelled the venue and told everyone that I just wanted a regular party if they wanted to bring gifts they were allowed

Mainly I just wanted to go out and have fun to which they agreed to of course both of them were really mad and worried about me but happy that I was okay

"Don't do something crazy babe seriously and be fucken careful I don't him around right now I'm being so for real right now or we're gonna have problems"

Jazmyn said she didn't wanna dress up this year because other things were more important in her mind it's worrying me since she sort of changed a little

Oscar didn't really mind her outfit she looks so cute or adorable or sexy? I don't know but all of above it's hard to be mad or annoyed with her, she knows her way with us I guess

"CESAR HURRY UP WE HAVE TO GOOOOO" they looked at me "Are you sure this is what you want princess?" I nodded hearing Cesar come out the room "Oh hell no"

I started laughing my ass off at him "GRREEEEEEEK" Ozzy laughed along with me and Jazzy covered her giggle with a fake cough this was just too good to forget

"Alright grumpy let's go" she messed with his dress "Ey come here the fuck" we all turned around but he meant Jazzy cuz he puckered his lips

Greek and I looked away heading for the door "JUST MEET US THERE JAZ WE'LL COVER FOR YOU" we ran out laughing "Wait are you still laughing at me or at them?"

I pointed at him "Wanna see my armpit?" my smile dropped "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" I ran away all the way to Ruby's and it was pretty difficult Greek made it difficult

"OKAY TRUCE" I surrendered when we arrived at the door step "That's what I thought gnomey" I gasped as he opened the door "SHUT-IN" ugh he's such a loser

"But I thought you were with Oscar" I closed the door "Good to see you too Rubs I feel the love" I was digging his costume the whole vampire thing is pretty cute

"No it's fine Issy I always want you here" I stuck my tongue out to greek and he did the same "It's just- take a seat any seat" he was about to sit down but Ruby pushed him

"Not the love seat and don't block my scented candle" Dori said she wasn't gonna be able to come for halloween and maybe a little longer since she's really stuck up on greek

I just don't see it "The love seat?" Rubs looked at me "Of course you can" greek grabbed some pillows and placed them in the middle of Monse and himself huh...

"What do you think?" Ruby quickly sat down "That looks nice" he put a pillow over his lap so I decided to sit on the arm of the chair laying against it

She had on some short shorts, a checkered red and white shirt with pigtails "So, when are we going out?" Monse's looked pretty simple I should've followed her lead

R ~ Never Trick-or-Treating in Freeridge is a no-no

O ~ Why?

R ~ You might wanna sit down, I'll be brief, in 2012, prophet$ rolled up on us Glocks to our heads and snatched our bags

I ~ Had to throw away my favorite Winnie the Pooh costume

O ~ Why?

I ~ You don't wanna know

R ~ 2013 we were kissing pavement all night caught in a drive-by that night we lost our candy and perhaps our innocence here the trick-or-treat threat level is always red

O ~ That blows so we're stuck inside?

I ~ Not necessarily

R ~ YES we're stuck inside

I ~ No because this year is different

R ~ How?

I ~ Well...

J ~ I'm here I made it

R ~ Great now we can all watch scary movies, artisan pizza, and most of all new experiences

M ~ You're right we should go out I'm feeling like this could be our last Halloween trick-or-treating and frankly it's feeling a little cramped in here you feel me?

j ~ I vote for Brentwood it's safe, rich, and I bet they've got full-size candy bars

J ~ You're seeing what I am right?

I ~ Yes yes I am

R ~ Shut-ins are tradition and I ordered the pizza did I mention it's artisanal?

J ~ Wait what? you guys aren't planning to go out?

R ~ No have you been out there when it's Halloween?

J ~ No I was usually too busy with my boyfri- ex boyfriend working to notice anything else and if there's any shit you got me

R ~ See that's my point you shouldn't have to

O ~ Why can't we go somewhere else?

j ~ Brentwood

O ~ There's gotta be other places

j ~ Brentwood

O ~ How about Brentwood?

C ~ I'm down

M ~ Good call Olivia

R ~ It's a bad call, it's a great idea

J ~ Huh

R ~ It's just Brentwood's super far and we would have to take public transpo which sucks

C ~ You've never been on the train

J ~ Aww come on Greek give him a little credit we tried but he was so cared of the sliding doors closing he peed and had a mental breakdown


J ~ Whoops

R ~ Sorry guys but I don't know how we'd even get there because JAZZZMYN doesn't have her license yet

J ~ As long as I know how to drive I'm fine

j ~ Don't worry it's all good I got us a hook-up

"Great I'll be right back" she looked at her phone and ran into her room like I said she's been acting weird lately out of her normality "Hey I'm worried about Jazzy..."

~~~ 1 hour later ~~~

I kissed her cheek before heading out "Bye abuelita I love you" she blew me a kiss "I love you more princesa, buena suerte" Jazzy walked over to her side

While Rubs leaned on the door "We don't need luck it's Brentwood nothing bad happens here" I nudge at greek "How about OJ? no offense Jamal" I love him

"Oh I'm good we don't claim him" I'm not sure why but Jamal has been such a good friend "Can I stay with you Mr. J?" he held my hand "Of course you can"

We all gathered up onto the street after Abuelita left "We are not in Freeridge anymore" I agreed "True dat" we looked around as Jamal's phone went off

j ~ No... uh we've got lots of ground to cover, so... to maximize candy efficiency let's divide and conquer then split our booty

R ~ Great idea Olivia, Isabella and I will go this way meet back here around 10:00?

j ~ Later

I ~ Actually I wanted to go with Jamal

C & M ~ Jamal

C ~ On second thought I'll go with Ruby and Olivia

R ~ On third thought you should go with Jamal, Monse, Isabella, and Jazmyn

M ~ On fourth thought we're good

R ~ Seriously?

J ~ Are you okay staying with them?

I ~ Mhm

J ~ Okay I'll go with you guys

~~~ 2 minutes later ~~~

Monse and I kept giving Jamal stink faces "This is getting really old we're skipping all the big houses with crazy decorations and you wanna hit up... Tootsie Rolls"

I groaned "She has a point these gross me out" the skeleton started laughing "Oh what the hell" I hugged Monse and before she can open her mouth we heard the door bell

"What are you doing? buckets equal self-service" the door opened "TRICK-OR-TREAT" I regret my choice options "Baby bucket equals self-service"

I giggled when Monse did a whole I-told-you-so stance "Happy Halloween" we were about to leave "OH, MY, GOD" what is he doing now?

J ~ Did you- did you dance on Soul Train?

Rando Lady ~ What do you know about Soul Train?

J ~ It was only the dopest dance show ever I mean my mama loved it my mama's mama loved it and that dance line was the bomb

RL ~ I invented the dance line

M ~ WOW that's so cool but we really should get going

I ~ Yup there's more houses to smuggle

J ~ A legend like you... I bet you've got stories for days

RL ~ Well...

J ~ DAMN is that a gold record?

RL ~ Mm-hmm

J ~ Would it be too much if I asked for a selfie in front of it? you know for my mama's mama

RL ~ Well we can't keep your mama's mama hanging

God dammnit Jamal "Come on" he kept making faces but we had to force a smile as she welcomed us this is just horrible I just want candy "I love your make-up"


I'm a Santa yes but if there's clowns or anything with a mask I'm running and these bougie mother fuckers have it all which is why sometimes I stay back

The ones with lights and light decorations with elder people I definitely walk up and give them money I know how they can struggle so why not give a treat for them

"Dude let the little kids go first" we moved out the way as the little ones ran passed us "Cesar tends to be one-track you know loses sight of others"

I rolled my eyes "Me? I'm a gentlemen I prefer to give before I receive" what a load "Hold on, still one more little one" I slapped my hand on my mouth holding in my laugh

"So cute" I hugged him from behind "He's my baby brother and the excitement of trick-or-treating is beyond him thank you for thinking about him sir"

He smiled "No problem miss and for you, I'll make an exception" he gave Ruby more candy "Thank you so much" I shook his hand giving him $50 only because he's not that old


"And now what you looking at is the first dancer to have a number one hit" I almost fell asleep my eyes are burning since I rubbed them and the contacts are dry

J ~ That's dope, Rose

R ~ Actually it's pronounced Ro-say

J ~ ooooh after your favorite wine?

R ~ No after this other bitch name Rose started dancing on the Train, Oh I'm blowing up...

J ~ So what was Don Cornelius like?

R ~ Child rest his soul the man was handsy couldn't keep his fingers off this jelly

I ~ that's not right

M ~ I second that

J ~ Shush Is that why you left Train for solid gold?

R ~ Oh no baby I left for the green plus my moves ain't free and I was tired of living in a sugar shack

J ~ So you bought that place in Sherman Oaks

R ~ Yeah I- how did you know?

M & I ~ 🤨

J ~ Where else would a lady baller like you live? I read that it was like the Paris of the Valley back in the day so how did you get started? dance school?

R ~ No more like dance parties or any place they played music like the Florentine Gardens, Osko's oh Rollerworld

M & I ~ Rollerworld?

R ~ Yeah you know it?

I ~ Wow

M ~ We've heard about it once or twice

A beep came out from the kitchen "Oh time's up my chili's ready" makes sense "Our time's up too we need to go" we grabbed an arm each about to drag his ass out

"Baby, Baby hold up I'll be right back" she chuckled walking away "We need to go I have a bad feeling about this guys" she held my hand walking towards crackhead Jamal

"Rollerworld? that's why we came to Brentwood? so you can Dateline this shit?" I smacked his "injured" arm "Jamal we're leaving now or I'm gonna kill you"

"That's exactly what I was thinking" we froze as she pointed a gun at us "I thought Brentwood had no guns and only nice people if I die on my Birthday I'm gonna haunt you"


"Ruby, isn't it nice not to have to look over your shoulder for once?" there was no response instead a little girl in a vampire costume smiling with fake vampire teeth

"Damn, we forgot Ruby, where's Ruby?" oh shit I could've sworn he was next to me "Back here asshole" I laughed honestly it was too hard not too

"Uh... give me a sec" I stretched out breathing steadily "So Olivia" she looked at me "You got a big crush on Cesar" she hid her face from the obvious

J ~ No it's fine...

O ~ Is it?

J ~ We have the same taste

O ~ What do you mean?

J ~ Cesar has an older brother and in secret we're together

O ~ Why in secret?

J ~ Oscar's the head of the Santos aka Spooky

O ~ Oh wow I see that now

J ~ Mhm if you can keep my secret I'll keep yours

O ~ Deal

We looked at them "Hey everything cool?" Cesar smiled "Most def, hey did you know Ruby crushed one-arm push-ups? show her Ruby" I can't with this boy

"You know what would be crazy cool? if we crash that party" It seemed sorta lame to be honest I mean compared to Freeridge this party looks wack but who am I to judge

"I don't know they look like they're at capacity we don't wanna create a fire hazard" I scrunched my eyebrows at Ruby "Will you excuse us again"

Cesar pulled him back "Not sure about you but I'm going in fuck the little scary ass mouse" before they could look up I crossed the street "JAZMYN WAIT UP"


R ~ Are you casing my place? you think I'm a fool? I saw you taking pictures and you're asking way too many questions 🔫

I & J & M ~... 🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️👀🙆‍♂️

M ~ Don't look at us if I had a gun, I'd shoot you myself

J ~ Is the Rollerworld heist real? are the rumors true? is there still money out there?

R ~ You want the skinny on Rollerworld?

M & I ~ 🙅‍♀️

J ~ 🤲

R ~ What's in it for me?


The party isn't half bad but the smell for some reason made me throw up my mind is probably fried as hell because I've been getting Deja vu in the strangest ways

I haven't told anyone but this really has been so confusing this has me stressing a little I just need to get a grip, I got a water bottle and walked back to the kids


"Is this enough?" I did all the 3 onions and he barely finished with one "Ooh perfect now come show these wine glasses some love" I bumped him to get out of my way

"How we doing on the cheese? I need you to grate all that I got the whole block coming for my chili... damn I haven't seen these boys in years"

I'll admit I was upset that no one really paid more attention to me "Issy hello? come sit" I blinked my tears away "No I'll finish the cheese thanks tho"

I can tell Rosé saw right through me but I didn't want her to question or talk to me before I started crying my heart feels empty and sad

More than ever since Dori isn't next to me to tell me that everything's gonna be okay she's been my anchor, she knows how to make me feel better, the right things to say

I've always had anxiety whenever I didn't have someone next to me to reassure that no one will ever really leave me alone and not having her here for the first time

Hurts real bad it sucks booty that she had to have a big ass crush for Cesar and Cesar for Monse, I hate that everything's changing I guess I was so used to being the center of attention


I smelt the shrimp and my god it was so disgusting I grabbed the plate and threw it "OW" I turned around "What's taking Olivia so long?" why is he so obsessed

"She's dropping a deuce, everybody poops" I gagged at the thought of that "What's wrong with you?" they looked at me "Are you alright?" I nodded covering my mouth

"What's up locos? I heard you're from the 'ridge too" what the fuck? "Yo check it" he flipped his hat "AHH JUST CLOWNING" if I wasn't feeling nauseous I would've beaten his ass

"Yeah I'm from B-wood WESTSIDE so what do you think of my fits? and my tat? it's pretty dope right?" Ruby and Cesar looked back at me and shook their heads

"Mom's works in hair and make-up I mean it's like life imitating art and art imitating life right?" Olivia came back all giddy like "Hey" she smiled "Hey"

I hope she had a better time than I did "Where'd you get that?" oh so now there's no more enthusiasm in his tone why the sudden change little bitch

"From the fridge" some dickwad passed by with arms up cheering and I had to grab someone's hat to throw up in it wasn't much but I'll keep it close in case

"That's my mom's pressed juice" why didn't they wear deodorant 😭 "Oh I'm sorry" that smell is haunting me "She's on a cleanse she knows exactly how many bottles there are"

Is this kid still talking? "I had no idea I just wanted a drink and I assumed-" I actually felt bad for Olivia "What? that you could just go in and take it?"

I stood up "There are drinks everywhere, there's a whole bin of soda right there WHY WERE YOU IN THE FRIDGE" one things this bitch boy isn't gonna do is yell at my girl

"I was thirsty it's just juice it's not a big deal" I rubbed her back and whispered in her ear "Don't worry I'll handle it" I winked at her because her little face was just so cute

"Don't tell me what's not a big deal, okay? do people go in your house take stuff out of your fridge?" we all nodded "Yeah" Ruby pulled me towards him

"What the hell is wrong with you people?" oh this mother fucker "You people?" Cesar raised his arms blocking both of us from going after this fake pussy

"Don't you have any respect?" Ruby stepped in front of me holding me back "Respect? says the white boy dressed like a cholo" he stepped up to her "Excuse me?"


"You sure you can't stay for the party? you barely even sampled the goods" we didn't have to talk but she understood that I needed a hug and it felt like home again

"Thanks Rosé but we really should meet up with our friends" she gave "Alright you be good you hear" Jamal made a I-don't-know-about-that face "Come here"

Monse loosened up and I'm happy she did now thinking about it we never really hung out unless we were in writing camp and even then we sorta separated

"Come here honey" I hugged her tightly "Thank you" we pulled away "They know it's a special day baby things will fall into place don't worry just go with the flow"

I hugged her one last time "Okay bye" she giggled "Bye cutie, JULIA hey girl I'm so glad you made it and who do you have with you?" Monse and I froze

I was the first time she told about her mom and now we're face to face "Hope you made enough we're hungry" I held onto her arm "Let's go"


"Excuse me, EXCUSE ME" my blood was boiling making my body itch "Hey we don't want any problems" oh god my mouth began to feel watery

"Exactly you know I got her let me pay for the juice" by this time the music was gone and everyone just gathered around thank god for that tho

"Okay okay it's 52 dollars a bottle and then another 20 each for all the food and drinks you had" I held onto the couch "We don't have that kind of money on us"

Please not now "Of course you don't" I would rip that smile off his orange face "What's that supposed to mean?" Jesus Christ I was fine all night and day

"I'm just stating the obvious" I grabbed Ruby's shoulder "Now you're just being a dick" everyone 'oooohed' he grabbed Ruby's shirt "Dude you better control your bitch"

Nah fuck that my nausea faded quickly when I grabbed his wrist twisting it "Better not touch my brother fucker" Cesar stood up and I can hear Ruby whisper

"Dude he thinks she's my bitch" I smacked his hand "You better apologize" he whined and his "boys" were about to gang up on me "Touch me and all of you will need surgery"

I let him go "No he doesn't have to apologize" he was still cocky "Exactly so how are we gonna settle up?" she untwisted the cap "Like this" she spilled all the juice on the floor

The smell got to me again and I threw up all over him "Oh my god Jazmyn" he screamed like a little bitch I grabbed his cap to wipe my mouth and punched him with it


"So there was a third guy at Rollerworld Lil' Ricky, we need to find him do you guys think it was little with an apostrophe or little like Lil Wayne or little like little women?"

I laughed and Monse shrugged "RUN GET OUT OF HERE RUUUUN" Greek, Rubs, Olivia, and Jazzy running away "That's weird" but then I felt something crack on me

"OH GOD NO RUNNN RUUUUUUN WE'RE GETTING EGGED" Jamal kept screaming run which I found hilarious and it was hard to run when I try to laugh

We made it to a point we could rest "Disgusting" Jamal scanned me "There this was the last one" I smiled at him taking a piece of egg shell off his neck

"Ditto and also I'm all in with this Rollerworld Mr. J I'll help you find him" he gasped "Really? you're not joking right? because if you are-" I hugged him

"No I'm not joking" I kissed his cheek that was clean "BLEGH" I turned around "You guys this is all my fault I let that asshole get the best of me"

I don't even wanna see her right now "hey mommy are you okay?" she looked away "Y-yeah baby girl just the smell sorry" I held her hair up as she spit

"Don't apologize we just got to get home Jamal get a Lyft" I rubbed her back and it made her throw up more "My dad said Lyft was only for emergencies"

I don't know why but Jamal has been so funny lately "Seriously? what exactly constitutes an emergency?" Jazzy stood up and sniffed wiping her eyes

"Thank you baby come on" we returned to the group hugging each other "Don't get a Lyft it's handled" he gave a nod to Jazzy "it's handled" uh oh


Oh god Cesar, we walked back to the party with no music playing but they were outside drinking "You want some more?" stand your ground baby boy

"Oh you think you're hard okay" Cesar shook his head "I'm not but he is" my man rolled up getting out all sexy like, all their faces went pale

Oscar looked at me "Come here" I kissed her head and walked over "I don't give a fuck no more" before I can react he held my hand and we walked towards them

I let him go when we stepped up to the wannabe hard ass who still has throw up all over his clothes what a dirty little nasty bitch wow that's crazy

Oscar sized him up and then put his thumb in his mouth for a sew seconds, harshly wiping the fake tear drop of the white boys face, he put his head down a little

Wiping his but obviously it stayed the way it was "This shit's real" he started shaking and crying "Please what do you want?" baby looked back at me

I stepped up "Amor he was being so disrespectful and honestly I couldn't really do anything but throw up all over him, me dio un asco it was horrible"

One thing is to mess with him, another with his gang, but it's lethal to mess with his family "Baby we'll just take all the candy, drinks, and that good juice from the fridge"

~~~ 40 minutes later ~~~

I didn't wanna face Ruby yet plus I sort of have a party to attend to while I came to Halloween with the kids Oscar planned princess Quince at the venue

She really thought she cancelled but just because I didn't have mine doesn't mean she couldn't have hers I got her little friend to stay at least an hour

Dorinda is such a doll I love her so much because she was the type of friend I always wanted there was so much I wanted but I couldn't have and I don't want her missing out

"Are you ready?" she nodded and I removed my hands from her face I heard her gasp and then turn to look at me immediately crying "Do you not like it baby?"

She shook her head and hugged me "It's beautiful" I hugged and kissed her head "I love you mamas always remember that okay?" she nodded

"I will always love you no matter what, you can always come to me for anything and yeah we're not related in any way but to me you are my daughter, to me you are my blood, my baby and I don't want anything changing that I don't want you to think less of me, Isabella yo te amo con todo mi corazón, you are mine and you always will be I'll do anything for you if you want something consider it done, you loved me when I was at my worst baby girl you saved my life, because of you, I'm clean... My god you have no idea how much I love you... why do you have to grow up so fast huh? calm down baby"

We giggled while wiping our tears "I'm telling you this right now because if I say this later I'll be a crying mess I don't know why I'm so emotional right now"

I felt this urge of just cry like a baby "Usually I can wait til the night but not today" we moved away "Jazzy um... was this your first time throwing up?"

I thought about it and... "No but I was sick" she froze looking at me weirdly "No you weren't and you've been hungrier lately, you look thinner" I covered my mouth

J ~ I'm clean I promise

I ~ What?

J ~ I haven't done any drugs at all in fact I can't even smoke without wanting to throw up I don't know why but it disgusts me for some reason

I ~ I'm getting chills if this is true

J ~ I have been craving limon with ughhh Tapatio or chamoy my mouth is watery now

I ~ mom...

J ~ The smell of like shrimp or anything sea related will make me nauseous

I ~ Mom I-

J ~ Sometimes I feel so emotional for the randomest things like your dad told me he loved me and brought me tacos in bed and when I wanted to use the bathroom he remembered that I love keeping my toothbrush on the right side in the cubby and I started crying but I was happy

I ~ Jaz-

J ~ I've been also getting like major Deja vu it's super creepy and so confusing

I ~ Jazm-

J ~ Oscar's just the best man I could ever have I love him so much even when he was rough-


J ~ What?

I ~ Are you pre- pregnant?

J ~ WHAT? pffft no that's impossible

I ~ Is it? I mean you two are like rabbits sometimes it scares me is that normal?

J ~... oh shit...

I ~ Duh it is but when was your last period?

J ~ 😳 I might be 7 weeks pregnant?

We stood there for I don't know how long in silence "I'm gonna go shower and run to the store, keep your dad busy while I get back thanks princess I love you"

~~~ 2 hours later ~~~

I haven't taken the test yet but I'm saving it for the end of the night right now I focused on baby girl Isabella, she really is my angel who loves me enough to keep me going

~~~ Back home ~~~

"How did everything go?" Oscar didn't wanna go because he had things to do "Great dad well I'm gonna go to sleep I love you both gracias por todo"

She hugged us and we kissed her head "Okay good night" she walked to her room "Finally we're alone" a nervous laugh came outta me "Actually I'm gonna go tuck her in"

I left before he can stop me "Issy" her head popped out of the bathroom "Come in" I hurried inside "Do you have it?" I nodded "Wait I'm nervous I don't know"

My heart was scared so I sat on the toilet she kneeled in front of me and held my face "You have me mommy don't worry it's okay I won't get jealous"

She always made me giggle "Okay get in the shower" she got up and hopped in closing the curtain I took out the test from my bag "You got this"

I opened it, pulling up my dress and sat down "Close your ears this is weird" she chuckled "Okay" even if she lied her voice comforted me so I peed

When I was done I pulled my dress down after wiping myself and putting it to the side as I washed my hands with my cucumber hand soap

Her head peaked out "Done?" I nodded "Done" she hopped out and we waited 20 minutes I know it was less but I kept freaking out she kept calming me down

"You know what I'm gonna leave and leave you alone so that you'll feel more comfortable and again no matter what I love you, goodnight" she kissed my cheek and walked out

If this is negative I'm gonna crawl into a deep hole and cry just endless of negative thoughts filled my head and it scares me that it is gonna come out negative

I took a deep breath in holding it for 6 seconds before slowly breathing out, okay I can do this "Whew" I took the stick and slowly turned it around

My heart stopped for what felt 1 minute my eyes were tearing up and my breath was getting out of control but I held it until I processed what I'm looking at right now

I was crying my heart out silently I still couldn't believe it... I'm pregnant? my heart clenched at the thought and after maybe an hour I cleaned myself up and hid the test

How will Oscar take this? I can't tell him yet but soon maybe I walked out and into our room to find him fast asleep I climbed in and he grabbed me "Te amo" I love you too
