wrapping up - what's next?

teehee i redid his sprite a while ago and i think it looks good enough to share here :)) it's not watermarked but i trust you guys to not steal it


hey guys.

so that last chapter in the main book was wild huh??? insane stuff 🔥🔥 if you haven't read it you should!!

i was gonna put all of this stuff in the main chapter but it was over 3000 words and that was stressing me out so it's all going here.

but this is basically just announcing what's gonna happen next.

what's the future of this account? what's the future of bunny as a whole??

well, i don't rlly go by that name anymore to start. not that I don't like it or it makes me uncomfortable, just it's not really me anymore. it feels kinda weird tbh. keep calling me it, im totally cool with that, i just don't really go around calling myself that anymore.

bit of a tangent, but oh well.

well, with one failed fanganronpa comes plans for a new one!

i announced this a while ago, but I'm going to re explain it.

i currently have a new fan danganronpa in the works, which i aim to be either a video series on YouTube, or a playable fan game. this fangame is set in dystopian japan, in which late stage capitalism is truly in order, and the corporate elite have taken over the country. people who aren't fit to work for the company governing Japan, or who are rebels, are persecuted and thrown in prison. the killing game is set in one of these prisons, for 'undesirables' aged 18-25.

i haven't really nailed down many logistics besides that, but i have started work on some character designs!

all names and designs are subject to change but im pretty happy with them

the protagonist, toshiaki mizuno ! he's a fucking idiot and a himbo but i also despise him affectionately.

yumi mizuno, toshiaki's older sister! she's much more well rounded than her brother and basically excels in everything. he's very jealous of her and he kind of resents her for being better than him.

she's simply called 'The Rogue'. she's not really meant to be there ;)

masami akiyama, the ultimate private investigator!!
she's very reserved and quiet like the other detectives in danganronpa, except she's a cold hearted and mean spirited bitch who will not hesitate to throw you a diss. she hates working with the others and seems to actively hinder them through her lack of cooperation. basically just like...if kirigiri and togami bred, except she's more well rounded than that because she is my character and i made her!!!

if you follow me on Instagram you will recognise this gal. she is in desperate need of a redesign, but the concept is there! she has a full sprite because it was for a school project that fell through.

this is kohane egawa, the ultimate mathematician! she's a gyaru, specifically kogal girl, and she absolutely loves maths with all her heart. she's quite air headed and socially unaware, but she's an amazing problem solver and very good with her memory and numbers. think of her as like kuroko and amai's love child. she says stuff that's really mean by accident, because she doesn't realise it's wrong to say.

here's a splash art of her as well. i forgot like 90% of her accessories (follow my Instagram for more splash art hint hint)

i love love love her but i need to redesign her.

and here's what else is to come! this isn't a concrete list and talents/names may change.

the farmer's merchant is a terrible talent and i hate it but it's a place holder.

i can't think of how ultimates and talents will fit into the story so for now they are just 'the former ___'

i'm very excited about all this, but sadly with me being in sixth form i won't really be able to make too much progress on this, but i'm slowly chipping away at this!

i will probably post more character designs on my instagram

as for volunteers, if i can get this project off the ground then i will probably need a few. but when i say a few, i really do mean a very small team of people i know and appreciate, providing they were willing to work with me. but we're far off that point at the moment!

now then, what's the future for this account??

with UPG and the extras book still being widely read,  i will not be deleting my account or the works on it. similarly, i will not be deleting wattpad or entirely abandoning my account, because i still do read an awful lot of fangans on here (if you have one you want me to read, pls let me know. i do a lot of paired reading with my sibling and we love to read new stories!)

however, for the foreseeable future i will not be posting new stories or updating current ones. i just don't really think my heart is in it, and while i do enjoy writing, i just have an awful lot more on my plate than writing silly stories for my silly followers
i think maybe ive also just matured past this app. as good of a platform as it is, i think the fandom community, especially the danganronpa community is quite young and i kind of feel like a big fish in a little pond. i do not look down on this community, i really love it in fact! but as a creator i'd like to be moving on up and everything.

but maybe in the future i'll post something :)

if you want updates on my art, my new fangan or anything else like that, make sure to follow my Instagram!! my commissions are currently closed bc my ipad is brok- i mean...uh....needs a holiday, but i have some art planned to be posted

once again please feel free to ask me any UPG questions

and take this ayana splash art as well. this post is clearly also serving as an art dump :')

peace out, hawumaki!!
