UPG's 1 year anniversary!!! + my personal fanganronpa tips

welcome one, welcome all. hawumaki has returned.

i am well aware my posting schedule has gone down the toilet recently, many apologies. i have been burnt out completely and only had energy to play minecraft.

however, there is something very important today.

today is UPG's first birthday!!! (7th september)

pls ignore how bad the quality is of this, it was funnier in my head

i can't believe it's already been a year! while i'm very happy, it's a little depressing because i thought the story would be long finished by now ๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜• but oh well!! i'm still thrilled to be able to share my work with the world :) the fact that i started this when i was just a wee little year 11 preparing to do her gcses, and now i'm going into college and doing my a levels. i can't wait for the future of UPG!!! ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

anyways, to fill in the gaps of me posting canon content, here's a chapter i've wanted to do for a while now: my personal fanganronpa tips!

my sibling AvariciousAmbitions 's! i will not stop plugging their book, no. so i'll just quickly summarise it here.

if you desperately want a traitor in your story, make sure they serve more of a purpose than just 'sharing info with the mastermind'. there are a million other ways your mastermind could get that info, so the traitor just ends up being pointless. make sure they're actually necessary to your story. if they're not, don't have one. i didn't for UPG (little teaser there). it's not the end of the world if you don't have one.

onto the point i discussed in the last section.

when you actually come to write your fangan and mastermind reveal, don't have your character COMPLETELY switch personality. emphasis on completely. if your character is putting on a facade to fool your cast, it's natural their personality will change in their mastermind reveal. however, don't do a complete 180 on their traits and make them the complete opposite. this makes your story unbelievable, and not in a good way. like it's not realistic at all.
the canon games do this quite well - even though mukuro posing as junko is very different in personality to real junko, there are still remnants of her bitchy, airheaded personality when she is revealed as the mastermind.

and now, finally onto the last section!

5 - general writing tips.

this section is mostly going to be bullet points. just general things that i often see done wrong in fangans that i'd suggest not doing. obviously you have no obligation to follow my advice but these are my personal suggestions.

-i personally would advise against formatting your story like the game (if you're writing it as a novel). this includes like the cross swords stuff and all the non stop debates. while it may look cool, it serves no purpose other than aesthetic. it can also look quite clunky and ruin the emersion for your reader. it's going to take them out of the action and just confuse them if anything.

-this is just a personal preference, but first person present tense is a good way to write your fangan. third person can work, but keep it present tense. having a fangan in past tense infers your protagonist is recounting what happened to them in the killing game, which makes it less suspenseful. because you know they survived long enough to recount what happened. also, please for the love of god, keep track of your tenses. changing tense in the middle of chapters, paragraphs or whatever is very disorienting and is a silly mistake a lot of writers make.

-pre write as much as you can. if you're like me and are impatient as hell, you might rush into publishing your chapters, but i would advise writing as much as you can in advance, especially if you have a busy schedule. you can then post your chapters once a week, or however often you want to, and not have to worry about meeting deadlines. it doesn't have to all be written out, but i'd say have a full chapter ready to publish so you have enough content and enough time to write the next.

-GET. BETA. READERS. have a few people who can look over your plan and your writing and get their opinion. are there any plot holes? are ideas stale and boring? could something cool be added there? beta readers can all identify these. it doesn't have to be anyone professional, just a couple of friends. i'd say have some who looked at your plan and know your plot, and others who don't know your plot and are going in blind. this way you can make corrections where needed before publishing. feel free to ask me for any beta reading! i love reading your fangans <3

-for free time events, doing polls is a popular choice so your audience can pick who they spend time with. since you don't know who your readers will vote for 100%, you can't pre write. therefore i'd suggest you come up with a list of a few ideas of what to do for FTEs for each character.

- DO. YOUR. RESEARCH! this mainly applies to talents, but also comes in for science fiction stories. and don't just copy paste from wikipedia, that looks clunky and you aren't really understanding the information.

any more questions? ask down below!

for now i think that's all. thank god this is done, it took WAY too long.

i hope these tips were helpful and you'll
be able to use them in future!
goodnight y'all! or good morning. or afternoon. whatever.
