shipping charts! (and explaining each ship)

very mild nsfw warning for the whole chapter! nothing too in detail, dw. all of my characters are over 18 so they are legal and consenting adults :)
and spoilers for basically any point in my fangan! but this goes for all chapters in the extras book

BRIEF TW: suicide mention.

hola mi amigos.

and now that i've used two years of spanish lessons for the first time in about 3 years, welcome back to the extras book! don't forget to like and subscribe for more epic hawumaki content here on wattpad.

so there's no debate that i've put a fair few ships in this story. there's 4 main ones and many others that i think could be interpreted depending on how you view the characters.

so today i have a handful of shipping charts that i made with a template off google and i thought i'd show you them and tell you a little bit about how the ships came to be and why i made it canon/hinted at!

these charts also contain the characters' canon handwriting (or at least my head canon)

kicking it off with a bang, we have kihona x mitsuharu!

man, these two have to be the most unlikely pair to ever cross paths in media ever. you have a basic rich girl who gives off slight vsco tik tok vibes and then a literal emo/scene kid who spent his teenage years smoking and fucking everything in sight.

the mental gymnastics that occurred in my brain to end up with these two together is honestly lost on me, but i will do my best to explain.
mitsuharu was originally meant to be an entirely different character. smart, formal, slightly stuck up and arrogant. kind of like a togami type character. and through some strange sequence of events that i cannot begin to recount because i forgot, he ended up as he is. and back in his early days is when i thought kihona and mitsuharu would be good together.

i always kind of like romantic sub plots for no other reason than it's something else that's going on alongside the main plot. it gives the story the slightest bit of hope and it's fun to explore how a relationship can thrive in an environment like a killing game (if at all). so i knew i wanted kihona to have a crush at some point. and at the time mitsuharu seemed perfect.

despite their differences, i love these two together. they're both witty and intelligent, meaning they can hold decent conversation, yet they love different things which gives them topics to learn about each other. i don't think that outside of the killing game they'd be as romantically involved, or if they'd even be friends all together. from the outside they're polar opposites and probably wouldn't consider each other enough to care.

fun little headcanons i have:
-kihona doesn't really like the way mitsuharu dresses at first but she grows to love it because it's uniquely his style and she associates it with him.
-when kihona plays her music, mitsuharu is kind of into it but pretends he isn't to annoy her.
-their ideal date is definitely a coffee date or studying together. and looking at the night sky.
-mitsuharu turns kihona emo sometimes.
-i imagine that with each other to help study, their grades both go up and it's just really cute lol.

ship anthems:

electric love - BØRNS
kind of a cliche but i love it for them so much!

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scrawny - wallows
literally how i see their relationship from the point of view of mitsuharu

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slow dancing in the dark - joji
even tho this isn't mitsuharu's taste, he loves this song and they'd def dance together while it plays 🥺

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next up, ayana x jin!

i wouldn't really call this a main ship since they only have one interaction (and it was basically just a drunk hookup) but i do quite like their dynamic and want to dwell on it a little so here we go.


ah, these two. somehow the least likely, yet most likely pair.
the reason these two ended up having their 'little interaction' in chapter 1 was because of two reasons: 1. i needed to have jin be occupied shortly after the murder, and 2. i just sort of wanted to show ayana's nature and how she recklessly throws herself into sexual situations bc she's depressed lol.
it's quite funny how she chose jin of all people, because if anything she would be quite fearful of him since he's taller and a bit sleazy. but they were both drunk, and neither of them have particularly good thinking skills when under the influence.

however, as a couple i honestly think they could work. ayana has a surprising amount to offer jin, and the same vice versa. jin is so deeply lonely and requires affection from literally anyone to feel validated, something that yana is more than capable of doing. and ayana needs protection and to feel as if she's safe in the relationship, which jin would definitely provide. plus i think jin could loosen ayana up quite a lot and make her less of a bitch to people.

fun little headcanons i have 2:
-their ideal dates are usually going to bars and nightclubs.
-for the most part, jin doesn't like ayana's music taste, however they probably share one band in common that they adore and it's the only music they can physically listen to together without causing an argument. (if they existed irl it would be arctic monkeys!)
-ayana makes him cute bento boxes that he takes to the studio with cute affirming notes, but the notes always fall off and she gets mad when jin doesn't see them.
-ayana's kid REALLY likes jin, like she adores him!!
-if ayana doesn't feel safe coming home from work at night, jin will wake up and come pick her up no matter what the time. if it's 8pm or 4am, he will do it.

ship anthems:

mardy bum - arctic monkeys
since ayana is obviously very bitchy all the time, it might get tiring for jin and he just tries to remind her of when she's at her sweetest and then she feels better :))

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there is a light that never goes out - the smiths
this kinda plays into jin's more yearning depressive approach to love where he kinda latches onto women who show him any affection. and he's begging yana not to leave him because he has nothing else.

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animal - sir chloe
sexy song. sexy couple. also kinda correlates with chapter 1 with the whole 'i tried to love you but you're not my type'

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another ayana ship, we have kohi x ayana!

THEM <33
i'm well aware they haven't interacted much romantically in the story (aside from kohi's respectful simp-ery). could more be coming? mayhaps,,,,i will not tell
but OH MY GOD i love them together so much. this, along with one other ship which we'll get to later, was the first canon ship i created in my fangan. how they ended up together is hard to explain, because it just sort of felt natural to me. i really really wanted ayana to have a romantic interest who's a decent, respectable person - heaven knows she needs it. and kohi seemed absolutely perfect for her

fun fact! kohi used to be an emo. that's right. he wore a purple plaid shirt, black ripped jeans and black converse. and he had the fluffy blonde hair and wore a little bit of eyeliner. just imagine the modern day eboy. but right before i made his first sprite, i decided he didn't really look like a tea brewer, so i wanted to change it. and cottagecore felt like the best choice.

anyways, i adore their relationship. they have so much to offer each other. ayana takes care of kohi and ensures his full safety, and he relays her with the kindness and love she deserves. this is why i prefer them over ayana and jin - while jin would be a good boyfriend, i think a lot of it would be both of their incredibly low standards making each other out to be better than they are. whereas with these two, they're both perfect for each other as i see it

random headcanons time!:
-if they were to live together, it would be a cottage up in the moors of england, just like kohi said he wanted to in chapter 3.
-their ideal dates are sitting in fields, baking together and having picnics with ayana's daughter.
-tall gf and short bf couple goals
-kohi teaches ayana's child to ride horses and feed sheep.
-ayana quits her escorting job to become a writer, which is something she's always wanted to do (she doesn't mind escorting she's just always wanted to be an author) and kohi sells his tea online

ship anthems:

wait a minute! - WILLOW
this song is so perfect for them bc i love the whole imagery of them being so happy spending time together that they just ignore everything around them.

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line without a hook - ricky montgomery
kohi def feels insecure about their relationship at first and is uneasy with himself.

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happy - MARINA
kohi is a very spiritual person and would see ayana almost as his guardian angel. plus he has hope when he meets her

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and last but CERTAINLY not least,,,,

shiro x mamo!!!

man, i love these two more than you'd imagine. they're also another incredibly unlikely pair that somehow crossed paths and formed a beautiful romance. everything about them is perfect at least to me.
how they came about is very clear in my mind. both of their characters were originally based off another set of characters from another show. the idea behind them was that mamo was madly in love with shiro, but shiro was quite cold and distant and only focused on himself. in the end, mamo killed himself and shiro had to live with the guilt that he drove him to it.
of course, this changed dramatically. i don't know why, it just did. but i like this version of their relationship more. since shiro falls in love easily, he finds his similarities with mamo quickly despite their differences - the main one being that they both have a fascination with beauty and love. of course their approach is different; mamo can't seem to find that beauty and is full of vengeance, and shiro finds beauty in everything.
this is why i think they're a good pair. shiro could help mamo to see the light in more things and feel less frustrated with the world, and mamo could teach shiro to be more cautious with what he perceives as good.

aside from the fact that they're just cuties of course <3

time for some more random headcanons!

-shiro and mamo paint together all the time. they teach each other how to master their separate mediums and paint each other a lot.
-shiro does mamo's makeup ALL THE TIME.
-mamo dresses shiro, and shiro absolutely adores it.
-they probs secretly plot world domination together as a joke
-the two of them find an abandoned manor in the middle of the woods, buy it and renovate it to make it their dream home.
-they exchange poems about each other :)))

ship anthems:

tear you apart - she wants revenge
yes, a giant juxtaposition from all the wholesomeness i just described, but i LOVE LOVE LOVE how this song could play into mamo's more sinister side. it would be an understatement to say they are a sensual pair, and neither of their interests are exactly 'vanilla'

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creep - radiohead
since mamo is sad af, he probs sees love through the lens of this song. feeling completely inadequate, worthless and unworthy of shiro's love. but we all know he isn't :)

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for your entertainment - adam lambert
MAN this song as sexy as hell. and of course it fits them 😌

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there is one more ship, but for the sake of spoilers this will not be revealed until after chapter 4 has ended!!! it's not exactly canon, but it's definitely a dynamic that happens and i think is rather interesting. leave your guesses below if you want to! it will certainly entertain me.

what are your favourite UPG ships? let me know, i'd love to hear any that aren't on this list!

hawumaki out 😎😎

(next chapter will probably be headcanon voices so keep an eye out!)
