headcanon VAs!

sorry for not posting a lot recently, school has fully burnt me out. however, it's done!!!! no more high school until sixth form in september. i'm hoping to have more free time but i'm also on the hunt for a job. i'll update you as and when i know what's happening.

and without further ado...

one of the many drawbacks with written fangans is the lack of visual and audible content. you can't see the characters,
(unless given character art like i did) and how they interact with others, and you certainly can't hear their voices when they talk. you can imagine as much as you want, but you'll never know exactly what the author intended.

until today!

this is just a list of other voice actors that i think best fit each character well! sadly not all of them are perfect as many of them have incredibly unique and complex voices that aren't well replicated in anime, but i will do my absolute best to get as close as possible for every one.
keep in mind, these are just my opinions! if you have your own headcanons for voices, don't let this chapter ruin it for you! in fact, i encourage you to leave your own opinions below as to what you think each character sounds like.

for the most part i tried not to use danganronpa characters' voices, but sadly in a few cases it was impossible to move away from it. most of them are non danganronpa related though! (most of these animes or shows i haven't actually seen lol, i just went browsing through random VAs until i found stuff that fit.)

now, let's get started!

1. kihona hideyoshi

for kihona, i picked mami tomoe from madoka magica

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i overall just love her tone of voice, and there's nothing i'd really want changing or altering. this is basically a perfect reimagining of what i headcanon.
i don't have that much to say about this one apart from that i just wanted a soft, neutral voice for kihona, yet not so neutral that it sounds boring. i like the way this voice actress sounds (she actually played mahiru in danganronpa!) her voice reminds me of someone motherly and kind, which radiates kihona's personality very well.

10/10 for accuracy. i love this so much.

2. haruka nico

for haruka, i picked nami from one piece.

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i really like the energy in nami's voice, and i think both the english and japanese VAs work great! the energeticness to her mirrors haruka's personality well. if i were to alter anything, it's that her voice can be a little too aggressive at points? even though haruka gets quite mad frequently, i don't think she has any aggressiveness in her voice. she's usually a lot softer. however, i think the beginning clips are a good representation of what she sounds like!

9/10 for accuracy.

3. jin toku

for jin, i picked koichi kizakura from danganronpa 3: future arc

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man, this guy was hard to find a perfect voice for. and even then, this isn't perfect. he sounds almost too coherent, like just not quite hoarse or drunk enough. however the pitch and tone fits quite well, and overall jin relates a lot to koichi. therefore this was the best i could find!

if i were to change up the voice, i'd make him a little more low and hoarse, and probs just add in more hiccups and slurring of the words. y'know. because he's a drunk bastard.

accuracy 6/10

4. mamoru chusei
for mamo, i picked deku from my hero academia

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uh yeah i also struggled with this one.
deku sounds NOTHING like mamo. mamo's voice is much softer and he tends to stutter more. his voice can also become quite creepy in many cases. i'd describe him best as a male mikan. however, sadly deku was the closest i could find outside of danganronpa.
if i were to change anything, it would definetly be the pitch and the softness. i'd make it way more high pitched and a much more soothing voice, way less harsh. because mamo is a soft boy.
accuracy probably 4/10. don't have much to say about it.

5. amai saikawa
for amai, i chose runa yomozuki from kakegurui

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i actually really like this voice for amai! it's almost perfect, the bitchiness radiates through perfectly but less in a junko enoshima way, and more like a 'sneery mean girl'
i think the only thing i'd change is that she sounds too much like a child?? while she is supposed to sound petulant and childish, there's almost something TOO childish about runa's voice.
but overall i do really like it, i doubt i could have found anything closer.

accuracy 9/10

6. kuroko eto
for kuroko, i picked tsumugi shirogane from danganronpa v3

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kuroko's voice is VERY specific, not even tsumugi really does it justice. the general tone of voice tsumugi has is very similar to kuroko, however it's a bit lower pitched and has way too many brain cells lmao.
however! kuroko's voice was originally based off tsumugi, it's just heavily changed over time
so if i were to change it, i'd just make her voice higher pitched and make her sound WAY more dumb
accuracy 7/10

7. mitsuharu tadaka
for mitsuharu, i picked shoto todoroki from my hero academia.

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this is fairly accurate to mitsuharu, especially considering the slightly monotone hoarseness to his voice. i've always imagined him as sort of a male maki almost?? it's hard to describe fully how i picture his voice.
he doesn't sound quite as deep as todoroki, definetly a little more high pitched bc i don't imagine he has the 'smooth mysterious guy' voice. in fact, the hoarseness is 100% a facade, like he puts it on to sound mysterious, and deep down it's probably quite normal. but the years of smoking as a teenager definitely add to that roughness.
overall? 7/10 accuracy. pretty spot on but isn't quite right in some areas.

8. shiro rutherford

for shiro, i picked sebastian michaelis from black butler

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it's hard to find good, upper class british voices in anime sadly. whoever voices sebastian clearly isn't english (i think he voices jin kirigiri?), however it was the closest i could find for shiro. despite this, i think it fits pretty well! it has that same shiro vibe to it, very smooth and suave.
not everything is perfect, however! including this voice! i think to make it more shiro, he needs to speak more slowly, perhaps even more smooth. he has a general flirtiness to him that's permanent in his voice, so i imagine that would have to shine through more.
accuracy? 9/10, works pretty well.

9. aki kasaino

for aki, i picked tsuyu asui from my hero academia.

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ugh i'm sorry for all the mha characters, and this isn't even the last one :(
yeah finding a voice for aki was DIFFICULT. she's another one with a really really specific, unique voice and it was difficult to find anyone better than tsuyu.
if i were to describe aki's voice, i'd summarise it as a hybrid between himiko yumeno and tsuyu. changes i'd make to this voice would be a much higher pitch, and i'd probably also drag out her words for longer. her voice is VERY shaky and croaky.
overall, like a 5/10. it's a start, but not the best.

10. minato kobayashi

for minato, i picked makoto takiya's inner nerd.
(there's sadly no good clips of this on youtube so you'll have to skip to 4:06 to hear him!!)

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my sibling tried coercing me into making his canon voice ben shapiro. it didn't work.
i've always imagined minato sounds VERY nasal. like his nose is always blocked, which makes him seem more high pitched. i also know he has one of those voices that literally drills into your skull whenever he talks.
yeah, i really wasn't nice to minato when i wrote him.
for what i'd change with this voice, i'd probs just block the voice actor's nose lmao, but apart from that it's basically perfect.
10/10 basically, can't figure out what i'd change

11. kaso sukeo
for kaso, i picked katsuki bakugo from my hero academia

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man, bakugo bakugo. kaso is very loosely based off him, at least he was in his initial stages of development, and i think that's really evident in the way he acts in the story.
this voice is ALMOST perfect. it's just too high, it needs to be a little deeper. but the aggressiveness, the callous tone, everything else is spot on. i can't ask for much really since bakugo is literally 16 and kaso is 20, but hr would sound basically identical to my headcanon if he were a bit deeper.
overall? 8/10, purely because the pitch is such a big factor.

12. daiki ugoku
for daiki, i chose senku from dr. stone

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finding a voice for daiki was difficult. i knew i wanted him to just sound like a normal guy but with more inflection and character to his voice. (imagine like kevin keller from riverdale, i didn't wanna include anything live action along with all the anime bc it wouldn't fit lol)
i really like the tone of senku's voice for daiki! it's kind of similar to kaso in a way, just nicer and higher pitched. and that's basically how i imagine it.
i'll say 9/10 for this one, purely because of the lack of inflections.

13. ayana sato
for ayana, i chose homura akemi from madoka magica

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of course, i mean her in character voice, not the voice actor herself lmao.
i think the clips from the anime they show really reflect what i imagine for ayana. this was one of the voices i actually picked out first, because i just happened to stumble across her and thought it was perfect!
i feel like i present ayana as having a smooth, deep voice, kind of like maki or kyoko. but contrary to that, i think her voice is quite high pitched and bitchy since that's the front she puts on. i imagine in her more kind, caring persona, her voice would go a tiny weeny bit deeper. but homura's voice is basically perfect lol.
overall, 10/10 for accuracy. love it.

14. kohi sasaki
for kohi, i picked tanjiro from demon slayer

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man this one was also hard to pick for. he has a very high pitched voice for a guy which is kinda rare in anime. tanjiro is about right, which is fine. sadly, not everything is perfect. if i had to summarise what i feel like is wrong with his voice, it would be that it's too masculine. kohi has a very feminine voice, almost like chihiro but not quite as feminine lol. and also he has quite a hoarse voice (very similar to ayana's old canon voice! it was changed bc it was mostly used for comedy lol), so i'd probably change that.
overall, meh, around 6/10. needs some work

15. charlotte birkin

i sadly do not have a specific voice for charlotte.
since she's from southern usa, she has a very distinctive accent that i struggled to find in any kind of anime or cartoon. the only thing that came close was operetta from monster high, and jesus christ her accent is strong.
charlotte is from a small conservative
town in kentucky, so her accent is noticeable. basically, take homura (ayana's voice) and mix in a southern accent. you have charlotte's voice.

i sadly cannot give a rating because there's nothing to rate lmaoo.

16. yashira kurosawa

for yashira, i picked bennett from genshin impact.

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tbh, i thought finding a voice for yashira would be way more simple than it turned out to be. instead it proved rather difficult. at first i thought bennett's voice was perfect, but over time it's slowly become less accurate to me. i literally know nothing about genshin but i think the character might be a guy?? or at least a masculine girl. and yashira isn't really masculine, she sounds like a woman even with her rough tone.
so basically all i'd change is her sounding more adult and feminine, yet still firm and harsh. but overall, 7/10.

and finally....

17. tory aina

for tory, i picked ciel phantomhive from black butler.

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hhhhh once again, it's so hard to find english anime voices outside of black butler. but i'm sure this will do.
i kinda think their voices match, there's obvious differences, but generally it's quite similar.

the only thing i'd change is, yet again, ciel sounds too masculine. even if tory presents herself relatively androgynously, she still sounds like a woman. so i'd say kind of a combination of ciel and madame red.

as for the unknown bus man. well, that's a secret. but i will basically say his voice is similar to mamo or kohi, but he has a thick russian accent. russian boy. love him

and cut!!
we're done.
let me know your own opinions below. do you agree? do you disagree? i'd love to hear them! i'm more than open to different headcanons about their voices, since technically it's not solidified in canon.
hope you enjoyed 💖💖💖
