
"Mom, I need condoms." I looked up from the box of cereal I was reading my eyebrows raising at the tall boy standing in front of me. His brown hair a curly mess on top of his head as his brown eyes intently stared at me.

"Wait, you need a condom to have sex with yourself?" My eyes darted to the shorter girl standing next to him her light brown hair in soft curls that went down to just above her shoulders. Her green eyes looked over at me the wide smile on her face only making me glare at the two even more intently.

"HAHA, so funny!" He yelled glaring down at the girl as I gripped the bridge of my nose feeling a headache start.

"Drew, you do not need condoms you are sixteen years old and do not need any condoms and Athena, you cannot have sex with yourself that is impossible." I said looking up to glare at the two once more before I couldn't hold in my laughs anymore.

"He could be a hermaphrodite." Athena giggled out and I heard a small clatter as Drew pushed her into the rack medicines next to us.

"Drew Anthony Edwards you pick that all up right now." I ordered him forcing the smile off of my face as Athena laid on the ground a groan escaping her mouth as she held her arm.

"Ah, Drew, you shattered my elbow. How will I ever be able to play tennis with a shattered elbow?" She whined pretending to cry as Drew just rolled his eyes and put all of the medicines back onto the shelves.

"Oh no, you won't be able to play in the tennis world olympics." He mocked her as she just shrugged and a smirk formed on her face.

"At least you can have sex with yourself." She said laughing at the end as he whipped a roll of bandage at her head.

"I AM NOT A HERMAPHRODITE, ATHENA! I HAVE A PENIS AND NOT A VAGINA MY GOD DO YOU NEED TO SEE IT TO BELIEVE IT?!" He yelled a lady walking by turned to stare at him as a man in the aisle across from us just shook his head.

"Ew, Drew, keep it in your pants! Dang, mom, buy that kid some condoms." Athena said and I just laughed smacking Drew on the back of the head.

"You keep your pants on, especially around your sister, incest is never the answer." I said and he just rolled his eyes pulling away from me as Athena just laughed along with me.

"If I had condoms it wouldn't be incest!" He exclaimed and I laughed even harder as Athena rolled her eyes glaring at him.

"You idiot, it's still incest with or without a condom!" She yelled a few more people passing by us and shooting us dirty looks only making me laugh harder.

"Okay, guys, enough." I laughed trying to regain my composure seeing as I was supposed to be the adult in this situation. I was more of a best friend to my kids sometimes than a mom and I was okay with that because I am extremely happy with the way they turned out. Especially Drew, for not growing up with a father figure for a majority of his life I'm glad to see that he turned out to be a smart and amazing teenage boy. My kids knew everything about me and everything that happened to me during my teenage years. They know that Nate is their father and what he did to me to become their father. They have accepted that he is a changed person because they love him and grew up knowing him as an uncle, well more of a best friend. I talked to Nicole and Nate on a daily basis for about six years after I came out of the coma and then I moved away from the city, mainly because I wanted to get away from Sam, and we moved into Lincoln, Nebraska which was close to Omaha, about an hour away. The kids loved it and I have no plans on moving back to Omaha while the kids are still in high school seeing as they both just finished their sophomore year and are heading into their junior year. We came back to Omaha this summer to see my mom and I also wanted to see Nate and Nicole and their kids as well as Gilinsky and Katja and their possible kids. I had kept in touch with them through text messages but it just wasn't the same, I still missed them and the conversation wasn't constant. I was even unsure if they had kids because at the wedding both had agreed no kids until they finished traveling. I looked down at my bare hand wondering what my life would have been like if I would have said yes to Sam's proposal. Yet I didn't regret my decision seeing as I got to raise my two beautiful children by myself with no problems at all. 

"Helloooo, earth to mom." I looked over at Athena who was staring at me worriedly Drew at her side staring at me in the same way.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I just nodded forcing a small smile onto my face because I was just confused and unsure right now.

"I'm fine, I was just thinking, ya know? Coming back to this town just brings up so many memories, good and bad." I sighed looking up at the lights the tears burning my eyes.

"We're sorry, mom, we should get what we need and then get back to Grandma's so you could just spend time with-"

"No, we are going to do what we came to do and that is shop. We are not letting momma's hormones get in the way. Drew, you want condoms? Go get them." I said watching as his eyes lit up and he quickly hurried off to go grab a box.

"Can I get some condoms?" Athena asked a small smile forming on her face as I laughed.

"I only got them for Drew because I don't want any lawsuits against me. How about I get you some bikinis instead? We can go to the pool with Nicole and Nate and all them and get ice cream and have a nice day, would you like that?" I asked and she nodded as I just smiled and looked down at my empty cart.

"Can I go look at the bathing suits?" She asked and I nodded pursing my lips as I watched her walk off unsure of how I felt about both of my kids growing up. I pushed the cart out of the aisle my eyes still locked on Athena as a boy approached her and the two started to talk. I felt my cart collide with somebody else's cart and I quickly looked up.

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed my eyes widening as I stared at the boy standing in front of me.

"Rose." He breathed on my heartbeat accelerating as he made his way towards me. "I am so sorry for the way I treated you all those years ago. It's been on my mind all this time and I just could never get a hold of you or have the courage to talk to you but I feel so bad for the way things ended between us and-"

"Jack, it's okay." I reassured him a smile finding its way onto my face as I just hugged him back burying my head into his shoulder. "It's all okay."

"Uh, mom, you okay?" I pulled away from Jack watching as Drew dropped a box of condoms into the cart staring at both of us in confusion.

"Trojans, nice." Jack commented on the choice of condoms that my son had just picked out making my cheeks go slightly red.

"Is this Sam?" Drew asked getting defensive as he took a few steps towards me his eyes narrowing at Jack who quickly shook his head.

"No, no, this is Jack Johnson, remember him? Jack, this is my son, Drew." I said introducing the two as Drew continued to just glare at Jack. The two close to being the same size but Drew was a little taller but they were both taller than me. 

"I remember him." Drew said making me grip his shoulder tightly my eyes glaring into the side of his head.

"Drew, show some respect, please." I said my voice more stern than I had expected it to be surprising both of us.

"Sorry, mom." He mumbled and Jack chuckled making me smile slightly at him.

"Gotta love kids." He said sheepishly making my eyebrows raise as my smile grew.

"You have kids?" I asked and he nodded shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Yeah, uhm, after you gave birth to twins my now wife, Hailey, gave birth to our son. He's about the same age as your kids maybe just like a month or two younger. Then I have a little girl, she's five and it's pretty fun having a little one in the house again." He said smiling widely before pulling his wallet out of his pocket and opening it slightly. "Want to see them?"

"That's such a dad thing to say, but I will see the wallet size pictures of your kids." I smiled as he quickly showed me the school photo of a boy with short dirty blonde hair and dark brown eyes smiling widely his perfect teeth evident in the photo.

"That's Chris and then this," He flipped the picture over to show a little girl laying in a pile of snow the toothy grin on her face making me smile as a few locks of her blonde hair flowed out from under her snowsuit. "this is Charlotte but I call her Charlie."

"She's so cute!" I squealed and both Drew and Jack laughed at me.

"Yeah, she's adorable." Drew smiled making me look up at him and smile widely.

"Drew should wait and they could get married!" I exclaimed and both boys eyes widened as they shook their heads.

"No, she's five, no." Drew said shaking his head fiercely as I laughed.

"And you are 16, no shame in an 11 year age difference." I smirked making him smack my arm as a little girl ran towards us her short blonde curls bouncing as she ran.

"Daddy, look!" She yelled and Jack turned around catching the little girl as she jumped into his arm clutching to a set of Barbie dolls.

"Nice, Charlie! This is my friend from high school, Rose, and this is her son, Drew, he's Chris' age." Jack explained the little girl giving me a shy smile as I waved and smiled at her.

"Hi, Charlotte! Nice to meet you, those are some cool dolls you have there." I said smiling as she blushed and buried her head into Jack's shoulder.

"Say thank you to Rose." He said patting her back slightly making her look back up and over at me still shyly smiling.

"Thank you." She mumbled out before putting her head back into his shoulder the smile still evident from the side of her face.

"She's a little shy, but this is my wife Hailey." He said smiling even wider as I watched the tall girl walk over to us her blonde hair pulled back into a high ponytail as she gave me a wide smile her blue eyes lighting up.

"Hi, Rose, we had art together senior year, remember?" She said and I nodded smiling at her as I faintly remembered the younger version of her from my senior year.

"Yeah, nice to see you again! I'm glad you and Jack worked out." I said being as sincere as I could be seeing as this was most likely the same girl that he cheated on me with.

"Thank you, we were going to probably head to the park later today, you should join us!" She smiled taking Charlotte from Jack's hands and bouncing the little girl in her arms.

"Well, we were actually planning on going to the pool today but you guys should come with us!" I said smiling widely as the couple looked at each other Hailey nodding first before they both looked back at me.

"Sure! Just the city pool right? But we can meet you up there are like oneish so in an hour or so?" Hailey said shifting her hold on Charlotte so I could see that the little girl was starting to fall asleep.

"Yeah! I'll let you guys go so we can see you soon at the pool!" I turned around watching as Athena walked towards me a bikini set in her hand and a smile on her face. "And this is my daughter, Athena." 

"Hi, I'm Athena." She smiled extending her hand towards Hailey and Jack who politely shook her hand as Drew scoffed.

"You don't know who this is, Athena, do you?" He scoffed and I watched as the two glared at each other making me awkwardly cough, I still didn't have this whole parenting thing down.

"Athena, this is Jack an old friend from high school and his wife Hailey another friend from high school." I said introducing the three as realization hit Athena her smile faltering slightly but she just laughed it off.

"Oh, nice to meet you." She said glancing over at me as I gave a nervous laugh wishing to break the awkwardness. 

"Okay, so we'll see you soon at the pool?" Jack asked and I nodded letting out a small sigh of relief.

"See you then." I smile as they walk away and I stare at my practically empty cart. 

"Mom, mom, mom!" Athena squealed grabbing onto my arm and shaking me whole body. "That was your boyfriend who cheated on you?!"

"Yes, Athena, that was him but it's okay, that's in the past now. We need to get to Grandma's house and get ready for a day at the pool, I'm pretty sure Nate and Nicole are at her house now so we can see them and then get to the pool!" I said pushing the cart towards the check out Drew and Athena following behind me.

"Claire's going to be there right?" Drew asked as I walked over to an open register putting the few cereal boxes and other snacks onto the small conveyor belt.

"Yes she is, she's with Nate and Nicole before she leaves for college. Her flight to LA leaves in like a month so she wanted to see everybody before she leaves." I said setting the condoms and bathing suit onto the conveyor my eyes meeting the the eyes of the young boy working the register. "This isn't the first time you've rung up condoms." I snapped hearing Athena giggle slightly.

"Nursing right?" Drew asked and I nodded pulling my credit card out of my large purse which held way too many things that I never used, it must be a mom thing.

"Yes and why are you so interested in Claire? Do you like her?" I asked looking up as Drew went bright red and shook his head.

"No, no! She's like my older sister, no!" He exclaimed making me laugh as Athena did the same only earning a smack from Drew as I stared at him wide eyed.

"Drew! Do not hit your sister, what is wrong with you today?" I asked handing over my credit card using my best mom glare.

"He must finally be hitting puberty!" Athena squealed before her mouth was covered and she was put into a headlock.

"I hit puberty years ago!" Drew yelled and pulled his hand away from her mouth as she put her tongue back into her mouth. 

"Drew, let go of your sister." I ordered taking my credit card back from the cashier and throwing the bags into the cart.

"No, she's been mean to me." He said and I just let out a frustrated sigh turning around and walking out of the store leaving my children to follow me.

I loved motherhood, don't get me wrong but after having to raise two kids on my own I learned sometimes to just leave it. By the time we got to the car they would be done arguing and it would be a peaceful five minute ride back to my mom's house.

I was clearly wrong.

We were currently sitting in the car as they wrestled in the back seat Drew clearly having an advantage since he was bigger than Athena.

"Are you not going to do anything?!" She screeched as I took a sharp turn onto the street I had once lived on.

"I'm done trying for the day you two brought this upon yourself." I said quickly turning again into the driveway of my house parking my SUV behind the minivan that was crookedly parked in the driveway making me laugh. I sadly had to trade my Honda Fit for a Toyota Rav4 so I could fit my two growing children.

"There's Claire's car!" Drew yelled pointing to the bright blue Jeep next to us as he got off of Athena and quickly fumbled to get out of the car.

"Athena, let's go we have to get to the pool and I really want to see Nate and Nicole without the sun burning my skin." I said turning the car off and opened my door as Athena did the same. I locked the car behind us and made my way up to the house walking in hearing the sound of yelling and the patter of feet as I watched a little girl run past me in just a diaper with a little boy following her their squeals echoing in the small house.

"Holy crap." Athena said and we both stepped into the living room Nicole and Nate tending to all of the kids they had.

"Hey, Rose! Long time no see!" Nate yelled over the sound of crying making me laugh as he just smiled his dimples clearly showing.

"Hey!" I smiled and Nicole looked up at me a smile taking over her face as she lifted the little girl up with one arm and the little boy up in another making me laugh as she sighed.

"You're lucky your kids are older." She huffed as Nate quickly picked up a crying baby rocking the little girl and cooing slightly.

"Are you all done?" I asked watching as the two exchanged a small smile and then Nate shrugged.

"For right now, yes." He said as Lily walked into the room my eyes widening slightly because the last time I had seen her she was a babbling baby and now she was practically fully grown. Claire came up behind her and I felt the tears well up in my eyes as I stared at the girl who I had once taken care of.

"Drew, Athena!" Lily smiled walking over to the two and taking turns hugging them her dark brown hair pulled back into two French braids surprising me since as a baby her hair was blonde. 

"Ahh! I missed you guys!" Claire yelled wrapping her arms around the three her blonde hair pulled up in a bun.

"And how many is that?" I asked Nicole looking away from the older kids and back to the younger ones.

"Counting Claire we have five kids but technically only four." She said the little girl grunting and trying to get out of her grip.

"I want names and introductions." I demanded smiling widely as Nate held the crying baby out towards me, and I gladly accepted holding the little girl as I tried to quiet her. As her crying stopped I just stared into her hazel eyes watching as they calmed down and her cries turned into small coos. 

"Well, that is Maya and she's three months old. This little girl is Bella and she is three and then the boy is Zane and he's five." Nicole said setting Bella and Zane down so she could fix the little girls dark brown hair which was pulled up on top of her head with a small pink rubber band and she fixed her dark green eyes on my face. As soon as Nicole finished her hair she ran off and Zane went to run after her but before he could leave Nicole pushed his blonde hair off of his face exposing his bright blue eyes before she took her hand away and he ran off chasing his sister.

"They are so cute." I commented still rocking Maya her eyes slowly closing as Nate slipped a pacifier into her little mouth her eyes opened before quickly closing again as she started to fall asleep.

"Thank you, I love all of them so much and I'm so proud of Claire and Lily." Nicole said clearly gushing as she wrapped her arms around Nate and he wrapped an arm around her making me smile.

"You guys have overcome so much and I'm so proud of you guys." I said giving the two a one arm hug as I held Maya in my arms tighter not wanting to drop the little girl.

"How long have you been here?! I haven't even seen you and you've been in my house!" I turned around smiling when I saw my mom walking towards me her hair now fully gray and cut short to about her shoulders as I just giggled. I handed Maya back to Nate who gladly took his daughter cooing over her with Nicole.

"Hi, mom." I smiled running to her and hugging her tightly as I buried my head into her chest closing my eyes as she wrapped her arms tightly around me.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." She said kissing my head furiously as I just laughed and pulled away shrugging.

"I only live an hour away." I said causing my mom to scoff as I just looked down a small sigh passing my lips. 

"You are always so busy with work and-"

"That doesn't matter anymore, mom, I want to be closer with you and all of my old friends because I distanced myself and was stupid but I'm different now." I said making her smile widely at me as I turned around and cleared my throat clapping my hands together. "Okay! Who's ready for a fun day at the pool?!"

"Wooo! I am!" Claire yelled making me laugh as I motioned for all of them to leave the room.

"Then go get changed, we will be waiting." I said smiling as Athena, Drew, Lily, and Claire all ran down the hall to go get changed.

"Ew, Drew, get out of here!" I heard Athena scream as Drew laughed and I watched as he ran into a different bedroom his trunks in his hand.

"Drew, stop being weird!" I yelled hearing laughs from the girls as my mom chuckled and draped an arm over my shoulder.

"Ah, the joy of teenagers." She smiled making me laugh as I rolled my eyes.

"Tell me about it.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We finally arrived at the pool and I parked my car letting the silence surround me because I was happy for the moments of silence I had on the way here. All of the kids had either gone with Nicole and Nate or my mom leaving me to stay in the comfort of my silent car. I stepped out of the car and watched as all of the kids piled out of Nate and Nicole's van Claire leading the way with Zane on her back as he laughed loudly. Then came Lily, Drew, Athena, and Bella who was hopping alongside the older kids. Nicole got out of the car with a loud side her large sunglasses taking up most of her face as Nate followed carrying Maya in a carrier.

"Looks like the circus finally came to town!" I laughed locking my car as Nicole fake laughed and flashed me her middle finger before any of the kids saw it.

"So funny, you try handling seven kids in one car!" She hissed making me laugh as we entered the public pool the kids already taking their seats in the sun. I watched as Athena pulled her long t-shirt over her head making me groan and look over at Nicole.

"Does it get easier?" I asked motioning to my daughter standing in her bikini as Claire and Lily joined her.

"Never does." She laughed walking away making me follow her as Lily and Athena jumped into the pool being the first ones to make the splash in.

"Let's go, Drew!" Claire yelled grabbing his arm as the two jumped into the pool making Zane stomp his foot as Nate held him back putting the little floaties on his arm so he could hang with the big kids but not drown. 

"Daddy, hurry!" He whined only making Nate sigh as he pulled away from the little boy who quickly jumped into the pool making his way over to the other kids.

"I wanna swim, I wanna swim!" Bella squealed still jumping as she moved around Nate repeating herself over and over again.

"Okay!" Nate yelled pulling his shirt over his head all his tattoos being exposed as the sun beat down on all of us. He lifted Bella up and walked over to the steps leading down into the pool still tightly holding the little girl.

"God, he's so hot." Nicole whispered making me laugh as I laid down on one of the beach chairs pulling my shirt over my head so I was just in my bikini top, scandalous I know.

"Now I know why you guys have so many kids, you can't keep your hands off of him." I teased her as we both laughed and she sat down on a beach chair next to me. I watched as a blacked out Mercedes Benz SUV pulled into the parking lot, it looked like a Jeep but I knew it wasn't. The car stopped and I watched as the door opened and Gilinsky got out as Katja stepped out from the other end going into the back and lifting out a small girl as Gilinsky came walking towards us with a little boy.

"Holy shit, I didn't know they had kids." Nicole said pushing her sunglasses on top of her head the sun bringing out her faint freckles across her nose. "I honestly thought they would be in Berlin or Paris or Milan or somewhere besides Omaha."

"Bonjour!" Katja yelled throwing an arm into the air as she walked into the pool area the little girl looking over at us her thick dark brown hair pulled back into a small ponytail.

"Paris, I knew it." Nicole whispered to me before smiling widely at Katja and standing up to meet and hug her longtime friend.

"Katja, did you know that Nicole has four kids excluding Claire?" I said standing up and walking over to the two before I wrapped my arms around her.

"No, but now I do. How do you do it?! Two is a handful let alone five all at once." She said shaking her head the sun glinting off of her nose ring making me smile. She had a decent size tattoo on her upper arm near her shoulder part of it covered by her cut off tank top.

"Where have you been the past 14 years? You disappeared." Nicole said as Katja just rolled her eyes and chuckled slightly the little girls brown eyes looking around at everything.

"Jack and I have been traveling. We settled in LA after little Ruby here was born and then when she was one we traveled over to Paris and then Moscow and then Berlin and then we settled into Australia for a bit before heading over to Milan and then back to LA so that the kids could have some normalness in their life." Katja explained making me smile as I stared at Ruby who gave me a wide smile in return.

"And how old are you, Ruby?" I cooed making her laugh and look between me and her mom.

"I'm four." She said showing me four of her fingers as I stared at her shocked gasping slightly.

"Only four?! You look so much older than four!" I exclaimed making her laugh as she looked back at the pool.

"Nate and all of the older kids are in the pool, she can swim and we can talk." Nicole said and Katja nodded her eyes glancing at the pool and widening.

"Holy crap! Claire! Look how old and beautiful you are!" She exclaimed catching the girl's attention as a smile spread onto her face.

"Katja! Is that your daughter?" Claire asked swimming over to the wall near us the smile still on her face.

"Yes, this is Ruby and can you be a doll and take care of her while you swim?" Katja asked and Claire nodded grabbing the little girl who latched on instantly and they started to talk as Claire swam away and back over to the others.

"Ladies, haven't seen you in awhile." I looked up at Gilinsky a wide smile spreading onto my face as he walked over to Katja wrapping his arm around her waist. 

"Nice to see you too, Jack." Nicole said walking back over to her seat and sitting down motioning for me and Katja to do the same.

"Oh! You guys haven't met Xander! This is Xander my son, he's seven." She smiled pulling the boy over to her side my eyes widening as I glanced over at Nicole.

"He looks like Jack." I said which was true, he looked identical to Gilinsky from the hair to the eyes and even the way his face was set up.

"I know, isn't it great?" Katja said laughing before she ruffled the boy's hair and nudged him towards the pool. "Go swim with your sister and cousins, they are all great people."

"Look, Drew, another boy! Talk with him!" I yelled to Drew who just gave me a thumbs up and Gilinsky spotted Nate who was in the pool.

"My bro!" He yelled pulling his shirt off and getting into the pool where he proceeded to have a moment with Nate, Bella was now swimming around him. 

"Did somebody invite Johnson or is this just a coincidence?" Nicole asked and I looked past Katja watching as he got out of a large truck Hailey and Charlotte getting out first followed by Jack and his son Chris.

"I invited them, I ran into him at the store today and said he should come." I said smiling and waving in his direction. Charlie ran into the pool area the floaties already on her arms as Chris chased after her his eyes widening as he looked into the pool. I heard Athena's small shriek making me look over as she stood wide eyed in the pool making me glance between the two.

"Chris." She exclaimed a smile overwhelming her making me laugh as I looked over at Hailey and Jack.

"Guess they are going to be my new inlaws." I teased to Nicole who only scoffed making me laugh even harder. Hailey walked over to us and Jack joined the other guys with Charlie as Chris joined Athena and the others. 

We were all now seated in the chairs which were not very comfortable but it was nice to just sit and bask in the summer sun. It felt great to be back with my two best friends and have normal conversation with people who understood me and knew what I've gone through. I was a stupid teenager and the fact that I thought I loved Sam and he loved me is just plain stupid and I was blinded by his 'love'. I have now felt love through my two kids who love me more than anything and I love them in the same way. I felt love from my mother who has always stuck by me and supported me with everything I have done whether it be good or bad. Nicole and Katja loved me and I loved them because we had all been in the same situation and knew how to help each other as well as be each other's best friends. I looked over at the pool watching Athena smile and laugh with Drew, Lily, Chris, and Claire. I loved seeing my kids happy because if they were happy then I was happy because there happiness is all that matters. I heard the sound of a car door slam and I looked over my eyes widening slightly as I stared at the boy, or now man, walk towards me. In the summer heat he wore jeans and a black jacket making me scoff at his appearence but I felt a small ball of fear form in my stomach. 

"Rose, I heard you were back in town and we really need to talk." He said his hair still a bleached blonde with the normal brown at the roots. 

"Hey! I know you!" Drew yelled from the pool and my eyes darted over to him as he pulled himself out of the pool making me stand up.

"Drew, get back into the pool." I ordered him as he stood in front of me in a protecting manner.

"No, this is the asshole that-"

"Drew, language and get back into the pool." I hissed watching as Sam's eyebrows raised and he chuckled slightly staring my son up and down.

"Drew, I remember when you were-"

"When I was inside my mom and you beat the crap out of her? Yeah I remember it too." Drew growled the two stepping towards each other the anger in Sam's eyes intensifying only making my fear grow in my stomach.

"Drew! Stop!" Athena yelled getting out of the pool and running over just as Drew threw the first punch making me let out a small scream. Nate ran over with Bella still in his arms before he handed her to Nicole and pushed between Sam and Drew as Athena did the same just as Sam threw a punch at Nate. He missed and managed to his Athena right in her jaw making me let out another small scream the tears coming to my eyes as memories ran through my head of when Sam and I were together.

"Athena, I'm so sorry." He said but it was too late and a shocked Athena was crying and holding her jaw. I grabbed her in my arms and held her tightly glaring at Sam over her shoulder.

"I still love you, Rose, and I think about you every day and I have been for the past 14 years. I-I need you in my life." He said tears in his eyes as I shook my head and forced the tears back.

"Well I don't need you in my life."

And with that I felt a giant weight lifted from my chest because I knew that I was no longer damaged but I was fixed and my kids had done that for me.

And I don't need him in my life.


A/N: Thank you all again for reading my story Damaged and I hope you all loved it as much as I did! I appreciate all of you and be sure to look out for another story like this Broken and another story of mine that will be coming soon, Messages. Thank you all again because I cannot thank you enough for reading!! For the last time....(unless you read my other stories...)






