Chapter 21

I held Claire to my side her head buried in my neck as she breathed softly onto my neck small snores escaping her lips every so often. We had both stayed and talked with Nicole who would just listen and smile to Claire's delight. Nate had driven Sam home and I had taken Sam's car home with Claire. It was nice to talk to Nicole and know that she could hear everything we were saying. I held my keys up towards the sky hoping the moonlight would help me to find the key to the house and since nobody had left the outside lights on, I was struggling. I finally found my house key and quickly unlocked the door and stepped into the house closing and locking the door behind me. I walked up the steps and into the kitchen slowly making my way through the house. Claire slept in Nate's room and to be completely honest I was still scared to be anywhere near his room. I walked over to the door and placed my hand on the doorknob and slowly turned it pushing the door open with my hip. The lights were off but the blinds on his window were up so I could faintly see the outline of the crib. I walked past Nate who was sleeping on the bed the blankets scattered around his body. I set Claire's sleeping body in the crib and put the blanket over her small body. As soon as she felt the blanket on top of her she grabbed her small teddy bear and pulled it to her chest curling up with it. I smiled and leaned down placing a small kiss on her forehead being careful that my stomach didn't smack against the crib. I leaned away from the crib and just watched Claire sleep for a few minutes. It's crazy to think that in a few months I would be staring down at my own two children sleeping in their own cribs. I walked away from the crib and slipped out of the room silently closing the door behind me. I walked next door to Sam's room and opened the door the dim light in the corner of the room causing my eyes to adjust slightly. I closed the door behind me and jumped when I saw Sam stand up from his desk in the corner of the room. 

"Decided to finally come home?" He asked his words slurred slightly as he took drowsy steps towards me. 

"What? Sam are you drunk?" I asked and he stopped in front of me the smell of alcohol prominent on his clothes and skin.

"Because you would know...bitch." He said pushing me against the wall causing me to let out a small gasp of shock and pain.

"Sam, stop, you don't know what you're doing." I spoke calmly not wanting to anger him any more than he already was. 

"But I do know what I'm doing." He said giving me a sly smile his eyes glaring at me causing chills to run down my spine. "I don't want your little slutty babies all because you couldn't keep your legs closed. No, you don't even deserve kids, you fucking slut."

"Sam, stop." I begged the tears running down my face as he paced back and forth in front of me. I didn't care if I got hurt but I was carrying two unborn children who didn't deserve to die or feel any pain because of my stupid actions. I can't believe I trusted Sam, how could I be so stupid? I watched as he grabbed a beer bottle off of the ground and threw it at me causing me to duck as the glass shattered on the wall above me.

"You like that, bitch? You like that?!" He screamed walking over to me and towering over my small body as I covered my stomach.

"Get away from me!" I screamed standing up and trying to get out of the room only for him to grab my arms and pull me back.

"You fucking slut, you don't deserve anything good!" He screamed in my face as I sobbed his grip on me hurting my arms.

"Stop, Sam, you're drunk, please." I begged and he threw me into the wall another scream escaping my lips as I fell to the ground wrapping myself over my stomach as I tried to shelter it. 

"You don't deserve kids!" He screamed and another beer bottle shattered above my head as I screamed again some glass falling into my skin. The door burst open and I looked up staring at a confused Gilinsky and a tired Nate.

"Take me home!" I sobbed looking up at Nate who instantly woke up his eyes widening as he saw me.

"G, take care of Sam, I'm gonna get Rose home but I'll take Claire with me. Make sure nothing happens to Katja and keep him in the room. Try to sober him up." Nate ordered and he bent down grabbing me by the arms and helping me up. "Sorry to say this, Rose, but I can't pick you up with that stomach." I let out a small laugh the tears still flowing down my face at rapid speeds.

"Fuck you, Nate." I chuckled crying even harder as he pulled me into his room and setting me down on the bed.

"What happen?" Claire asked standing up and leaning against the crib with her teddy bear in her arms.

"Nothing, Claire, go back to sleep." Nate ordered picking some glass off of my back small pricks of pain running throughout my body.

"But, I scared." She whispered and I looked over at her wiping the tears away from my eyes as she leaned against the crib her small hands digging into the teddy bear.

"Everything is fine, Claire." Nate said walking over to the small girl and lifting her up so she could rest on his side. I could hear Gilinsky and Sam yelling through the walls and I knew that that was what was scaring her. He grabbed my wrist causing me to stand up as he led me into his bathroom pointing to the toilet which I gladly sat down on.

"Blood." Claire said pointing down at me and I went to say something when I heard the bedroom door open quickly causing everybody except Nate to jump.

"Where the fuck is she!" Sam screamed and I started to sob again as Claire was set down in front of me. She ran behind me grabbing onto my arm as she let out small whimpers.

"Sam, leave, you don't know what you're doing." Nate said calmly as he stood near the entrance of the bathroom his arms crossed over his chest.

"I do!" He yelled and I watched as Gilinsky dragged him back out of Nate's room and into his own room. 

"I'm gonna take you home." Nate said turning around to look at me as I wiped the tears away from my face. I nodded and stood up my back hurting in the process seeing as Sam had slammed me into the wall so many times. He grabbed my hand holding it gently in the way a father would hold his daughter's hand, not in a sexual way. "He doesn't know what he's saying or what he's doing."

"Drunk words are sober thoughts." I whispered as I followed him out of the bathroom and out of his room. Claire ran after us still clutching onto my arm as I followed Nate through the house. I stopped outside of Sam's door letting Nate and Claire walk ahead of me. I slowly slipped the beautiful ring off of my finger and gently slid it underneath the door knowing the somebody would see it. I continued walking to the steps and put my shoes on as I waited for Nate to finish putting Claire's coat and boots on. As soon as we all had on shoes and jackets we went outside and got into Nate's cold, snow covered car. He started the car after he put Claire in her carseat and then went back outside to push the snow off of his car.

"Cold." Claire said and I turned around to see her shaking slightly in her carseat her lips trembling. I turned the heat up and leaned over as far as I could to grab her small, cold hands to try and  warm them up. Nate got back into the car and turned around to look at the two of us.

"Cold?" He asked and I nodded looking back over at Claire who was still shaking slightly. He leaned over me causing me to sit back in my seat as he grabbed a small blanket out of the glove box. He then turned back around and draped the blanket over Claire giving her a small smile to try and calm her down seeing as she was still shaken up from what happened not so long ago.

"Thank you." She said the smile in her voice evident making me smile slightly as I wiped my eyes still feeling as if there were still tears there. Nate backed out of the driveway and quickly drove down the road his eyes never straying from the snow covered mess in front of him. The car ride was silent and seemed like it took forever even though it was only like five minutes. Nate parked the car in my driveway turning the lights off so they didn't shine into the house.

"Do you want me to walk you in?" He asked and I shook my head my eyes focussed on the garage in front of me. I got out of the car turning around to stare at Claire who was looking at me her eyes wide and scared. I didn't know when I would see her next seeing as I planned on never speaking to Sam again after what just happened, I was stupid enough to trust him. I felt the warm tears run down my cheeks as I watched the car leave with Claire still staring at me from the back seat. I quickly walked up the front steps and to the front door knocking on it loudly hoping my mom would answer the door eventually. I started to cry even harder my whole body shaking as I waited for the door to open and when it did I fell onto my mom wrapping my arms around her.

"Rose, baby, what's wrong? What happened?" She asked worried as she pulled me into the house closing and locking the door behind us.

"He didn't change." I sobbed burying my head into her neck as she held me up her arms wrapped tightly around my waist.

"Rose, please tell me what happened." She begged sitting down on the couch as I sat down next to her.

"S-Sam tried to kill me." I sobbed holding onto her because she was all I had left.

"Oh baby, really?" She asked her voice cracking slightly as I just nodded and closed my eyes letting the tears run down my face.

"I-I wanna drop out of school and finish online." I said opening my eyes to stare up at her face as she pondered over what I had just asked.

"Is that what you really want?" She asked and I nodded slowly, I never wanted to go back to school and have to see Sam and I honestly didn't care that I was missing prom, it was just a dance. "Okay, I'll go to the school tomorrow morning and get the papers and fill them out so you will be out before winter break."

"Thank you, mom." I said giving her a sad smile as she returned it and pushed my hair out of my face.

"Get some sleep, you need to rest. I'll take you to the doctor tomorrow to make sure the twins are okay." She said and I just nodded standing up ignoring the burning pain in my back.

"Good night, mom, I love you." I whispered placing a small kiss on her cheek as she kissed my forehead her lips lingering on my head.

"I love you too, Rose, and I never want him to hurt you again. He will never hurt you again, I can make sure of it." She said and I just nodded pulling away as she grabbed my hand holding it gently in her own hand.

"Good night, mom." I said pulling my hand out of hers as I walked down the hall to my room. I closed the door behind me and immediately pulled my shirt over my head and stared at the dried blood all over the back of the shirt. I felt the tears run down my face again only making me cry harder as I put the shirt in the garbage can. I grabbed one of my many old t-shirts and pulled it over my head letting it loosely hang on my body. I took my pants off and put on a pair of comfortable pajama pants. As soon as I was finished changing I sat down on the edge of my bed letting my legs hang off the side. I stayed like this for a couple of minutes before I laid back down on the bed my eyes staying focussed on the ceiling as a few tears ran down my cheeks. I wiped them away and pulled the blankets over my body as I closed my eyes a small sigh escaping my lips.

It's all going to be okay now.

I will never let him hurt me again.


I woke up the sound of crying echoing throughout the room. I blinked my eyes open slowly and sat up grabbing my glasses off of the side table seeing as I didn't have my contacts in. I walked over to one of the two small cribs and stared down at the small, little, crying girl. I picked her small body up and held her to my chest rocking her slowly as I stared down at her crying face. She had light brown hair and bright green eyes that never seemed to fade.

"Shh, Athena, it's okay." I soothed placing a small kiss on her little head before I looked over at the other small baby sleeping in his own crib. "Why can't you sleep like Drew?" I stared at the little boy with his dark brown hair that was already curling slightly and I could just imagine his chocolate brown eyes staring at me with a goofy smile on his face. I gently placed a light pink pacifier into Athena's parted mouth causing her to instantly stop crying and suck on the small object. I smiled down at her and sat down on the bed pushing her hair back away from her face and placing another small kiss on her head.

I hadn't seen or spoken to Sam in six months and I can honestly say that I didn't mind that. I ran into Nicole about a month ago only to find that she was in a wheelchair until her legs fully healed up, but at least she could take and do most things she used to be able to do. She told me how Sam was back to his old ways and drank way more than he used to, so much that Nate didn't feel comfortable with him being with Nicole and Claire in the house. Sam had to move back home with his mom and supposedly hated every second of it which made me smile, he doesn't deserve to be happy after what he's done to so many girls. He supposedly graduated completely drunk and almost fell off of the stage after he got his diploma, but I didn't care. I was living a decent life with my mom and two babies, and even though I had no social life whatsoever I was happy and I had finally graduated from high school which was a big thing for me. I stared down at Athena's small face her little eyes closed as she fell back to sleep the pacifier slowly falling out of her mouth. I gently pulled it out and set her back down in the crib draping the blanket over her seeing as my room was cold in the summer heat. I looked over at the small clock staring at the red, blinking numbers.


I let out a small groan and walked into the bathroom quickly washing my face with warm water and some soap my mom had given me after the pregnancy. I dried my face off and walked back into the bedroom where Drew laid in the crib his eyes wide awake as he waited for me. As soon as he saw me a happy grin took over his face and he let out a small happy yell. 

"Good morning, Drew!" I exclaimed quietly scooping him up in my arms as I placed a kiss on his forehead his smile spreading onto my face. I carried him out of my bedroom and down the steps to the living room where my mom was sitting reading the paper as she does every morning.

"Morning, Rose!" She happily chirped peering over the top of the paper her eyes lighting up as she saw Drew. "And good morning to you too, little Drew!" I smiled and sat down across from her in a small rocking chair as I gently rocked back and forth my legs tucked under me.

"Do you mind if I take Drew out to the store with me? I think it would be good for the two of us to get out and I do not want to wake Athena, so could you watch her?" I asked giving my mom a smile as she just nodded and then shrugged.

"Why not, I'll be home anyways." She said giving me a smile which I gladly returned and stood up handing Drew over to my mom.

"I'm gonna get dressed and then I'll get him dressed and put a new diaper on him." I said and she rolled her eyes making me walk away so I could get ready.

"I'll take care of Drew just get ready." She called after me and I walked back into my room grabbing a pair of black running shorts and an old, red Ohio State t-shirt. I walked into the bathroom and quickly changed before I threw my hair up into a messy bun. I grabbed my purse, keys, and phone running out of my room praying that I didn't wake up Athena. I walked into the kitchen smiling at a dressed Drew who was ready to go in his dark blue car seat, which was a gift from my grandmother who also got Athena a light pink car seat. I picked him up and grabbed the bottle off of the kitchen counter carrying everything out to my car. I had a diaper bag in the back of the car which I rarely used seeing as I barely left the house. I put the car seat into it's place in the back of my car, strapping it in and whatnot. As soon as I finished that I got into the driver's seat and started the car setting the bottle in the diaper bag next to me. I drove down the road letting the radio play softly so I wouldn't get distracted and do anything stupid. I drove with the twins once and I was so terrified to get in an accident or injure either of them that I drove under the speed limit the whole way home. 

We finally reached the local Target and I parked the car near the front, dropping the keys and Drew's bottle into my purse. I put a packet of baby wipes and a diaper into my purse just to be on the safe side because I hated hearing the sound of Drew cry, it made me sad. I grabbed the car seat out of the back and held him on my arm as I closed the door and then struggled to get my keys out of my purse to lock the car.

"Ma'am, do you need help?" I looked over to see one of the Target workers standing next to me his brown eyes looking down at Drew.

"Oh, um, yeah, sure." I mumbled handing him Drew's carrier which he politely held for me.

"He's cute." He said and I grabbed my keys out of my purse to lock the car. I gave him a wide smile and nodded dropping my keys back into my purse and extending my arm so he would give Drew back to me.

"Yeah, he really is." I said as he handed the carrier over to me letting it gently fall onto my arm.

"This is a weird question but did you just graduate? Weren't you dating Sam Wilkinson and all that drama happened?" He asked and I looked down shifting Drew on my arm.

"Yeah, that's me, but I'm trying to put my past behind me, okay?" I said looking back up at him as he nodded his eyes wide.

"Yeah, sorry for offending you." He said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck as he stared at the ground.

"It's cool, I'm Rose if you didn't already know." I said and he extended his hand out for me to shake a wide smile forming on his face.

"Dylan." He said and I shook his hand a small blush forming on my face.

"It's hot out here, so I'm gonna go shopping now. Maybe we will see each other again." I said and he nodded smiling before he looked over at the parking lot surrounding us.

"Yeah, I have to do my duties and keep this parking lot looking nice." He said making me laugh as he chuckled slightly. "Bye, Rose.

"Bye, Dylan." I said and then walked away the smile still on my face as Drew let out a small gurgle making me laugh. "Yeah, I liked him too." I walked into the store letting the cool air send chills down my spine. I grabbed a shopping cart and gently set the car seat into the cart letting my purse fall next to the car seat. I walked through the store Drew sitting in the car seat silently as he looked around his eyes wandering everywhere.

"ROSE!" I turned around when I heard my name my eyes widening as I wondered who would be yelling my name. My eyes met Katja's and she ran at me wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug causing me to let go of the cart and hug her back.

"Hey." I said awkwardly, I didn't know what to say I left for 6 months and hadn't talked to her since.

"And what's this little cuties name?" She asked pulling away and smiling at Drew who gave her a blank stare his eyes wide. He looked over at me and then started to cry his loud screams echoing throughout the store.

"Drew." I answered lifting him out of his carrier so I could rock him gently as I stood in place with Katja standing in front of me.

"Has Nate seen him yet? And didn't you have twins? Did something happen?" She questioned and I opened my mouth to respond when I saw a familiar face walking towards me a girl attached to his side.

"Rose." He said trying to hide the shock in his voice as he stared at me. I didn't know how to feel, he had obviously moved on seeing as the girl had many hickeys along her neck and he had his hand placed on her butt.

And I know that I had moved on, but I couldn't help but to have a little bit of jealousy towards the girl in front of me. I shouldn't feel jealous, he hurt me so bad but there was one thing I missed, the one thing I was craving from somebody. 

I missed his attention.


A/N: HEY HERE I AM WITH ANOTHER UPDATE SO WOOP! The pic above is Dylan who I wanted to be played by Dylan O'Brien because he's hot and adorable so(: Hahahah but I hope you guys all liked this chapter and thanks for reading! 






