Chapter 7

"Are you okay?" I looked up towards the steps to see Cameron walking towards me a look of concern on his face.

"Yeah, but I should go since you're home." I said standing up just wanting to find Sam and quickly let him take his anger out before things become any worse.

"No, I'll take you home later. Did he badly hurt you?" He asked now standing in front of me making me look to the ground.

"No, I'm fine but I need to go, he can't be angry with me." I said getting even more worried by the second.

"He doesn't control you, you control yourself. Does he hurt you often?" He asked and I didn't answer only looking at my phone to see the time hoping I could escape the house as well as all of Cameron's questions. 

"It's 5:42, I should really get home." I said trying to get my bag from behind Cameron so I could leave.

"So that's a yes." He answered for me and the front door opened causing the both of us to turn and look at Nicole who had fell into the doorway her lips connected to Nate's lips.

"I have to go." I whispered not wanting to disrupt the two, but Cameron clearly had other ideas.

"So I see you two are back together." Cam said loudly making Nate jump and drop Nicole who let a small shriek escape from her lips.

"Cameron!" Nicole yelled obviously frightened and slightly angry. "You are not supposed to be home!"

"Well I am, and it is such a delight to see you once again Nate, after I found my sister practically dead in her room because you beat the shit out of her." Cameron said clearly angry as Nate just ran a hand through his hair and looked at the ground not saying anything leaving us all to stand in silence.

"Well this has been fun-" Nate started but Cameron just laughed making Nate stop talking.

"Did you hit her again?" he asked and I watched Nate let out an angry laugh as he clenched his jaw and stared at the ceiling.

"Don't talk to me about what I can and can't do in my relationship." He growled trying to control his anger as I stood awkwardly listening to the two argue.

"Well I will when it involves the safety of my sister!" Cameron screamed getting in Nate's face as if he was trying to provoke a reaction out of him.

"Cameron, please stop." Nicole whispered as she slipped between the two trying to separate them.

"Just because you are between us doesn't mean he will not try and hit me, he obviously hits you." Cameron said and Nate had obviously had enough because he pushed Nicole behind him and started to attack Cameron.

"Stop it!" Nicole screamed and she went to separate them but I ran over to her holding her back as she just cried trying to get out of my grip. A loud crying started from upstairs followed by loud screams as Nicole just continued crying. Cameron got away from Nate his lip bleeding and his face was all bruised up.

"I have to go take care of something." He said and Nate just glared at him standing in his place.

"Rose, get your stuff, I'm taking you home." Nate said wiping the blood off of his nose with the sleeve of his shirt.

"Yes, sir." I muttered rolling my eyes as Nicole giggled and Nate just rolled his eyes making me smile slightly.

"Sleep well." He said placing a small kiss on Nicole's cheek before grabbing my wrist and pulling me away. I quickly grabbed my bag as we passed it and let Nate lead me out of the house his grip tight.

"Loosen up a bit, jeez." I said and he just chuckled darkly in response and pushed me into the car.

"I plan to loosen up very soon." He said winking at me as he sat down in the car locking the doors.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked as he started to drive down the road speeding up every so often.

"I'm surprised Sam hasn't tried anything with you yet." He said reaching his hand over and placing it on my thigh making me flinch as he just chuckled.

"Get your hand off of me." I said my voice wavering slightly as I tried to push his hand off of me.

"You don't really want that." He said as he quickly pulled into the driveway of his house, not mine.

"I thought you were taking me home." I said but Nate just quickly put his hand as well as some cloth over my mouth making me dive at him as I tried to stop him. I quickly felt myself getting tired and instead of attacking Nate, I just collapsed into his lap causing him to chuckle as I felt myself falling asleep.

"I am taking you home, babe." He whispered into my ear before I quickly fell asleep my whole body going numb.

I swear, when I wake up from whatever I am doing, I am going to personally rip out Nate's balls and make him eat them because then he will be in pain and in disgust. Then after I do that, I am going to kill him because that's how much I hate him right now. I thought about what Nate was saying and how he was acting, and it worried me. Would he take advantage of me in my sleep? Is he really that kind of person? I mean it honestly wouldn't surprise me because to be completely honest, he can be an asshole. Would Sam help me or would he just allow it to happen? I mean he did say that nobody was aloud to touch me and when Nate did that one time Sam completely flipped out on him. What if Sam set this up? Is this just to test me? To see how I react? Well, I can assure you that if Sam is in on this then he will also get his balls ripped off and shoved down his throat as well as dying. I hope that's the reaction he was hoping for because it's what he is gonna get. I blinked my eyes open laying on bed my clothes off leaving me in my undergarments.

"Glad you are finally up, wouldn't want you to miss anything." Nate smirked walking towards me his shirt off, but his pants still on.

"No, we are not doing this." I said sitting up as he reached the bed standing next to me.

"Oh, but we are." He smirked and tackled me to the bed making me let out a small shriek that he quickly covered by chuckling.

"Get off of me!" I screamed trying to throw him off of me, but he just glared at me slapping me across the face.

"Everything okay in there?" Sam asked through the door that was locked.

"Yeah, everything-"

"Sam! Help me!" I screamed earning another slap from Nate making me let out a cry of pain.

"Nate, is that Rose!?" Sam yelled anger evident in his voice. Before I could answer for him, Nate put his hand over my mouth so I could scream, talk, or do anything.

"No, it's just Nicole." Nate said glaring down at me as I cried silently scared at what was going to happen to me in the next few minutes.

"Okay." Sam said and I heard him walk away making me cry harder.

Well, there goes my only chance at getting out of this.

"You were a bad girl." Nate said putting his lips onto my neck as he roughly kissed it making me whimper as he started to bite slightly.

"Get off of me." I whimpered trying to push him off of me.

"Not yet, baby girl." He whispered kissing from my neck down to my stomach making me let out another scream as he got to waist.

"SAM PLEASE! PLEASE HELP!" I screamed as loud as I could causing Nate to smack me across the face, once again.

"SHUT-UP, ROSE, OR I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU!" He screamed and I heard a large bang on the door.

"Nate, when I get my hands on you, you will wish you never laid a finger on Rose." Sam growled through the door his voice giving me chills.

"Your too late, Sam." Nate smirked and he smashed his lips to mine as I kept my mouth tightly close angering him. I felt his hand slip under me and he grabbed my butt making me let out a small gasp letting his tongue slip into my mouth. I bit down on his tongue making him grunt slightly as well as smacking me yet again. He pulled away from me clearly angry as he glared down at me.

"Oops." I whispered allowing myself to smirk slightly even though I was still crying.

"You are going to regret that." He growled wrapping his hands around my neck and choking me. I instantly felt myself becoming weaker than I already was. I closed my eyes a small cough escaping my lips as he let go of my neck making me let out a small cry. I heard the door burst open but I just kept my eyes closed not wanting to see what was happening.

"Get off of Rose now." I heard Sam growl making me shiver slightly as Nate stayed on top of me clearly making no attempt to move.

"But I haven't even finished." Nate said and I opened my eyes to see that he was fake pouting only irritating Sam more than he already was. Before I knew what was happening Nate was ripping his pants off as well as my underwear. I let out a scream as my underwear was now off of me and Sam angrily ripped Nate off of me attacking him. I started to sob closing my eyes not moving but just staying vulnerable in the place that Nate had left me.

"EVER TOUCH HER LIKE THAT AGAIN AND I SWEAR YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO WALK EVER AGAIN!" Sam screamed and I heard him hitting Nate as I just sobbed.

I never should have moved here, I should be back in Ohio, sleeping or doing my homework. I should be talking with my friends, not getting assaulted and abused by my friends boyfriend, or abuser, or whatever he is to her. I need to have a normal life, not this crazy life that allows me to get beaten almost every day of my life. I felt somebody slowly pulling my underwear back up making me let out a small whimper. I opened my eyes to see Sam standing over me as he stared down at me sadness in his eyes as he looked at the bruises that were most likely forming on my face. Without saying anything, he lifted me up leaving my clothes where Nate had thrown them while I was 'sleeping'. He walked down the hall and into his room where he laid me down on the bed making me let out a small whimper. He closed the door and came back over to me laying down next to me.

"Please, don't-"

"I'm not going to do anything to you right now, I just want you to calm down for a bit before I do anything to you." Sam said grabbing my hand and holding it tightly. I instantly broke down sobbing and he just wrapped his arms around me in a hug holding me tightly.

"I want to go home." I sobbed and he just nodded into my shoulder still hugging me.

"I'm sorry for what he did, Rose, I really am. I'm angry with myself and Nate, extremely angry." He said pulling away from me as I wiped my tears away. "So I'm gonna have Gilinksky take you home because I don't want to do anything I'm going to regret, okay."

"O-Okay." I cried shivering because I still wasn't fully clothed.

"I'm gonna get you dressed now so don't worry, I am not going to do anything to you." He said reassuring me as he stood up leaving me on the bed. He grabbed a pair of sweatpants out of one of his drawers and then grabbed a sweatshirt from his closet before walking back over to me. He slipped his sweatpants on over my waist and tied them as tight as they would go seeing as I was much smaller than him. He then quickly put his sweatshirt on over my head and placed a small kiss on my forehead.

"Thank you, Sam, you saved me from so much more pain." I whispered causing him to sigh as he just lifted me up once again.

"I'm gonna have Gilinsky take you home now and please don't worry about it that much, Nate will never touch you like that again." He said and I just let out a sigh not wanting to remember what Nate did to me.

"Okay." I whispered closing my eyes and burying my head into his chest as he carried me down the hall and into what I assumed was the living room seeing as I could hear the TV playing.

"Gilinsky, I need you to take Rose home and don't lay a finger on her except if you are carrying her." Sam ordered and I opened my eyes to see Jack G finished a slice of pizza and wiped his hands on his pants before standing up.

"Okay, just let me put my shoes on." He said and Sam set me down as I stood staring down at my feet that did not have any shoes or socks on them.

"Sam, I don't have shoes." I whispered not looking up at him.

"You can borrow some of Katja's." Jack G said as he started to tie his shoes and looked up at me before looking back down at his shoes.

"I'll go grab a pair." Sam said quickly leaving to go and get me a pair of shoes.

"Do you want something to eat?" Jack G asked me and I looked at him shaking my head not wanting to cry again. 

"Here, I got some sandals." Sam said walking back into the living room with shoes for me. I quickly put them on and pulled the sleeves his sweatshirt down over my hands feeling cold even though it was anything but cold in this house.

"Let's go." Jack G said leading me out of the house and to his car where I got into the passenger seat and buckled myself up just quickly wanting to get home. He sat down in the driver's seat next to me and shot me a smile trying to lighten the mood. He drove down the road in silence just letting me stay quiet and not try to make any conversation. I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the window the coldness feeling nice against my bruised face. 

I can't believe everything that had happened to me today, it was just a bad day. I don't know how I will ever be able to face Nate again seeing as I am now terrified to see him. 

"Rose, we are here." Jack G said and I opened my eyes quickly getting out of his car just wanting to get inside my house. 

I walked up to the front door and it opened easily surprising me that it was unlocked. I closed and locked it behind me and ran into the kitchen opening the freezer. I grabbed the gallon of peanut butter ice cream that my mom had bought last week for me as well as I spoon. I ran down the hallway and into my room closing and locking the door behind me. I instantly started to sob as I sat down on my bed. I ripped the top off of the ice cream container and I started to eat the ice cream my tears never stopping. I hate that I felt so helpless when Nate was taking advantage of me and that I had to be saved. I hate feeling vulnerable and I also hate having to be saved especially by Sam. I shoved a spoonful of ice cream into my mouth nearly choking because of how hard I was crying. My whole face ached and I just want to cry forever and let all of my emotions out through crying, all of my pain, anger, sadness, and happiness. I want to be emotionless so that I can't feel anything, so that nothing gets to me anymore and I never have to feel how I did this morning ever again.

"Rose, are you okay?" I heard my mom ask as she knocked on the door. I dropped my spoon into the ice cream and set the ice cream container on my bed. I ran over to the door and opened it my mom's eyes widening as she saw me.

"Mom..." I cried and she wrapped her arms around me in a hug as I sobbed into her shoulder.

"Who did this to you?" She asked me angry evident in her voice as well as sadness.

"I don't know, I was walking and somebody attacked me." I sobbed lying not wanting to tell my mom what really happened.

"Let's get you some ice, and you don't have to go to school tomorrow. You can stay home and take a day to rest and relax." She said and then let out a sad sigh. "My poor baby, all bruised and broken."

I started to cry harder at what my mom had said, how I was bruised and broken. I wasn't just hurt, but I was broken.

I'm damaged.


A/N: WHO ELSE IS CRYING RIGHT NOW BECAUSE I KNOW I AM! Thank you all for reading and I hope you all enjoyed!






