Chapter 12

I blinked my eyes open slowly as I stared at Sam who was sleeping in a hospital bed next to mine. His body was turned towards me and his mouth was slightly parted soft snores making me smile slightly. He looked so peaceful and young when he slept and that made him about ten times less scarier than he was when he was awake and angry. I looked down and realized that I was still in Sam's oversized shirt making me bend my head down to the fabric as far as I could. I cautiously sniffed the material and inhaled it deeply after I realized it smelled like Sam which smelled amazing. No I do not like Sam, but I love the way he smells.

"What the hell are you doing?" I looked over at Sam who was staring at me and amused smile on his face as he sat up rubbing his eyes. I stared at the cast on his arm confusing me because that was not there before and I would know seeing as I spent the day in an elevator with him.

"What happened to your arm?" I asked and he just rolled his eyes obviously getting frustrated with me.

"I got the elevator doors open and you were falling asleep so I knocked you out and-"

"YOU DID WHAT!" I yelled at him sitting up causing my whole body to ache in pain and my head to throb making me whine and lay back down.

"It's nothing new to you, you have passed out before. Anyways, I got the doors open and I wanted to get us out so we could eat because I was hungry and I assumed you were too. So I climbed on top of the elevator and I had to jump to the ladder on the wall and it was a risk because I could have killed both of us but I didn't care, I was hungry. It was hard to carry you and climb the ladder but I did it even though it took a while. When I got to the next floor the doors opened and there were firemen that were going to get us so they pulled you out and when I came out of the elevator the doors closed and it broke my arm. I'm fine, I mean you have some head injuries because I accidentally smacked your head against the wall one or two times." He said a small smirk on his face as he talked about me getting hurt.

"Yeah, accidentally." I said crossing my arms over my chest as I rolled my eyes.

"You know-" The door opened cutting Sam off as Nate walked in making my heart stop as he closed the door behind him his eyes never leaving mine.

"Pull your shirt up Rose or I might just have to take it off of you." He said licking his lips causing me to quickly pull the shirt up and the blankets up to my neck.

"My arm may be broken but I can still beat the shit out of you, Nate." Sam said glaring at him as Nate just rolled his eyes and walked over to Sam's bed and sat down in the chair next to him.

"Seriously though, Rose you are sexy and-"

"I'm gonna hit you." Sam cut him off as Nate just chuckled and I tried to bury myself in the thin hospital blankets. "Aren't you supposed to be babysitting or something?"

"I dropped her off with Nicole before I killed her. Kids are annoying and difficult, you know? And she already didn't like me because I had to take her away from Nicole. I don't even care though, her crying doesn't affect me like it affects Nicole." Nate said pulling a flask out of his coat pocket and opening it. He took a long sip of it and then let out a sigh letting out a chuckle. "Talking about the little brat makes me drink."

"Are you talking about Claire?" I asked quietly amazed with how harshly he could talk about a child, she doesn't know any better.

"What other kid would I be talking about?" He asked obviously irritated with me as he just rolled his eyes and laughed. He took another long sip from his flask and then closed it shoving it back into his pocket.

"Rose will take care of her when she gets out of the hospital." Sam demanded looking over at me as I just stared at him not knowing what to say.

"Why is she with you, Nate?" I asked confused with why Claire would be with him and not at home with Cameron or with Katja and Jack G.

"I don't know, apparently Cameron is on another business trip and Jack didn't want to take care of Claire and he didn't want Katja taking care of her so I was kind of the last person. I was gonna say no and then Sam's mom came in and I was forced to accept it." Nate said pulling the flask out again and finishing it off. He pulled it away from his lips and just stared at it before letting out a sigh and running his hands down his face. He put the flask back into his pocket and stood up walking out of the room without saying anything.

"Where is he-"

"Good morning, Rose and Sam." I looked over at the door as a different nurse walked in. She had long blonde hair that was in waves down her back and I heard Sam shift in his bed. "I am Haley and I will be taking care of you two today. I'm going to run some tests on you, Rose, and then I'll do the same to you, Sam."

"No problem." He smiled at her his eyes looking up and down her body making my eyes look down into my lap. It's not that I was jealous, I mean Sam can like whoever he wants to its just the fact that I'm not allowed to talk with other guys let alone look at them yet he can do whatever he wants too. I sat staring at the white wall in front of my bed as Haley ran whatever tests she had to on me. I tried to tune the conversation she was having with Sam out as I just held my emotions in not wanting Sam to know that he got to me.

"Okay, Rose you are all done and with your mom's permission you can go home. Although you do have to come back to the doctor in three weeks to make sure everything is okay as well as going to a therapist two to three times a week for about a year or so, until your therapist thinks you are okay to be released. Also, I need you to take two of these pills twice a day and then I want you to take the other pill once a day whenever you would like to." She smiled at me and then walked over to Sam sitting down in a chair next to him. I heard him whisper something that made her laugh and I felt my stomach churn.

Were they talking about me?

I felt my mind start to run wild with ideas of the two of them making my breathing increase slightly. I looked over at the door as Nate walked in with Claire walking behind him followed by my mom who smiled when she saw me.

"Ready to go home?" She asked me and I just nodded standing up out of the bed as fast as I could. She looked me up and down and gave me a small smile as she motioned to what I was wearing.

"I have to change first, mom." I smiled at her as I grabbed my bag from the corner and walked to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and quickly changed into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I walked out of the bathroom putting my messy hair into a bun as I kept my bag on my shoulder. I saw that Sam was on his phone as Nate stood next to him looking angry as Claire held onto his arm talking to him about some dream she had.

"Your mom said we should meet her downstairs." Sam said putting his phone into his pocket as I just nodded and put my hand out smiling at Claire.

"Ready to go home?" I asked her as she stopped talking and her face lit up.

"Yes!" She yelled and ran over to me grabbing my hand as we walked out of the room and towards the direction of the steps and elevator.

"We have to go down a lot of steps." I told her as I led her over to the door that led to the steps.

"No we don't." Sam said pulling me over to the elevator as I made sure Claire was following me and was not lost.

"The elevator is broken, sir." One of the receptionists told Sam as he pressed the down button and stepped into the elevator pulling me inside. He smirked at the lady and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I know." he said and the doors closed as Nate pressed the button labeled one. As soon as the elevator started to move it started to shake until it as fully stopped. Claire let out a small whimper and grabbed onto my leg obviously scared.

"Why would you do this?!" I yelled at Sam moving Claire away from me so she woudn't get hurt.

"Baby girl, I can do what I want with you in a small, closed area." He said kissing my neck gently as I let out an angry sigh. I shoved him off of me and just glared at him not wanting Claire to get hurt in any possible way.

"I hate you so much. You took us in here and got us stuck again just so you could get to me. That is sick and disgusting and I hat you for it." I glared at him as the anger in his eyes increases but it didn't stop me. "I want you to stay as far away from me as possible because I will never love somebody like you."

I felt Sam's hand collide with my cheek and then my back hit the elevator wall as Claire let a loud scream and I let out a small shriek of pain. He forcefully started to kiss my neck making me let out small cries as Claire continued screamed. He brought his knee up to my stomach and I collapsed to the floor in pain as Nate just watched no emotion. Sam went to hit me again but Claire ran over to me covering my head with her body as so sobbed her whole body shaking.

"Kid, you better move before I kill you." Sam demanded and I sat up holding Claire to my body as he towered over the two of us.

"Lay a hand on Claire and I will kill you." I growled causing Sam to raise and eyebrow at me an amused smirk forming on his face.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, sweetheart, but if you haven't noticed I am stronger than you and I always will be." He said bending down as he grabbed a few strands of my hair pulling my head towards him as I let out a small cry of pain making Claire cry harder as I held her. He raised his hand to hit me again, torturing me with how slow he was doing this. I closed my eyes not wanting to see what was happening and see how upset Claire was. I sat waiting and I opened my eyes staring at Nate's back confusing me as to why he was standing in front of me.

"I will not let Claire go through what I went through as a kid. You can beat Rose whenever you want, I don't care, just do not do it in front of a child because it always sticks with them." Nate said calmly making me hold my breath because this was not like the Nate I knew.

"Fine, whatever." Sam said sitting down in the corner as he pulled out his phone completely blocking out us and forgetting about what he just did to me. Nate sat down in between Sam and I and pulled a bag of what looked like Cheerios out of his pocket. He tossed them at me and I quickly caught them as he motioned towards Claire.

"She likes Cheerios." He said and Claire's face lit up and she stopped crying as she jumped into Nate's lap and hugged him.

"Thank you, daddy!" She said happily and placed a small kiss on his chin since she couldn't reach his cheek. I let out a soft giggle as Claire stepped all over Nate's junk making him wince as she tried to reach his cheek to kiss him.

"That's enough." He hissed nudging the small girl off of him as she ran back over to me and jumped into my lap. I let out a small grunt as all of her weight landed in my lap. but Claire didn't even notice as she started to eat the Cheerios out of the bag.

"Daddy, can we watch?" She asked shoving a handful of Cheerios in her mouth.

"Not now, Claire." Nate said not looking at the little girl. The elevator got extremely quiet making me awkwardly start to play on my phone since I had nothing better to do. The sound of loud crunching then filled the elevator as Claire hummed softly as she ate. I scrolled through Twitter not really paying attention to any of the tweets, although a picture of Jack G and Katja at the beach did catch me eye.

"Now, daddy?" She asked and Nate just let out a small groan rolling his eyes as he shook his head.

"Claire, no." He said obviously irritated making me get worried. He had talked so poorly of Claire earlier, would he snap and hit her?

"Pwease, daddy?" She asked looking at Nate her eyes big as she stuck her bottom lip out. "Pwetty pwease?"

"If I say yes will you shut-up?" He asked and I looked over at Sam who was watching the two obviously amused with the whole 'dad' situation between Claire and Nate.

"Nope." She said shaking her head a small giggle escaping her lips until she was fully laughing and falling over in the elevator.

"I don't even know what's funny." Nate said as he smiled a soft laugh escaping his lips making me smile widely because I don't think I've ever seen Nate happy. Sam just shook his head, a smile on his face, as he went back to playing on his phone.

"I love you, daddy." She said and sat down in his lap as Nate positioned his phone so that she could see the screen.

"Okay." He said as Curious George started to play on his phone.

"Don't you love me?" Claire asked clearly upset making me look over at Nate worried with how he was going to answer.

"Yeah, I do." He said trying to get her to focus on the phone instead of his love for her.

"Okay." She said losing interest as she started to watch Curious George not paying attention to any of us anymore. I leaned my face against the cold elevator wall because it just hurt so bad right now. I knew I shouldn't have said anything to Sam, that I should of kept my mouth shut and then I wouldn't be in pain right now.

I looked over at Sam to see that he was staring at me and our eyes made contact with each other causing me to quickly look down. I used to not be afraid of Sam like I was now and I think the fact that if I say one thing wrong I get beat is a major factor for me being terrified of him. I mean, he drove me to suicide and was so angry with me that he didn't call for help while I was dying. Then the fact that he's aloud to do anything to me at anytime he wants scares me because I can be chilling at home and he could just walk in and force me into anything right there. The elevator started shaking again and it slowly started to move downwards causing me to let out a sigh of relief. Soon I would be out of here and safely at home. Claire got off of Nate's lap and walked over to Sam who was on his phone. She crawled under his arms and wiggled herself into his lap as she laid her head on his chest.

"Get off of me." Sam demanded making my blood run cold because I was terrified he would hit Claire, and one hit would either kill her or hurt her badly. Yet I knew that he wouldn't stop with one hit, he would keep going and kill the one thing that Nicole lived for.

"Claire, come here." I said gently not wanting her to throw a tantrum in the elevator. She looked over at me and crawled out from under Sam's arms and walked over to me confused. She jumped into my lap and cupped her hands over her mouth and put them up to my ear along with her lips.

"Why is he grumpy?" She asked and even though she had meant to be quiet, I knew that everybody had heard her. Nate let out a small chuckle and looked over at me.

"Because he can't get any pussy." He said giving me a wink as I stood up holding Claire in my arms as Sam just smirked at me.

"What's pu-" Claire started but I covered her mouth not wanting her to repeat what Nate had said.

"You'll learn when you are older, just don't say it, understood?" I asked her and she nodded making me take my hand off of her mouth. The elevator doors opened and we were faced with an angry receptionist and about five or six firemen.

"You knew the elevator was broken and you risked the life of a child." She yelled at me and snapped her fingers as two policemen came towards me. "You are under arrest for child endangerment."

"What?!" I yelled backing up into Nate as I held onto Claire tightly. "I tried to take the steps b-but I couldn't."

"Yeah, she didn't do anything." Sam said stepping forward as he put his body in front of me and Claire almost on top of me.

"Then, sir, you are under arrest!" The old receptionist screamed and I heard her stomp her foot angrily.

"Ma'am, we cannot arrest them for using an elevator." I peered around Sam to see that the two police officers were trying to explain to the receptionist as she seemed to just get angrier.

"Then arrest them for child endangerment!" She yelled and the female officer just shook her head and looked over at us.

"If you are all okay, you are aloud to leave." She said and I nodded from behind Sam as he wrapped his arm around me and led me out of the hospital with Nate following us.

"Are you okay?" Sam whispered into my ear as I just nodded not knowing what to say. I was almost arrested.

"I'll take Claire in my car, I have her car seat." Nate said and I unwillingly handed Claire over to him.

"And besides, we have someplace to go." Sam said pulling me over to his car as I tried to keep up with him so he wouldn't drag me through the parking lot. We reached his car and I sat down in the passenger seat as Sam got into the driver's seat.

"Where are we going?" I asked quietly not knowing if I was aloud to ask where we were going.

"Well, I have never taken you out on a date so I thought this would be a good time for us to go on a date together." He said and I just looked over at him as he drove down the road his eyes never looking over at me.

"Are you joking?" I asked louder than I probably should have since Sam looked over and glared at me.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" He asked and I shook my head looking down at my lap. He let out a sigh and grabbed my hand out of my lap holding it in his large one. "I love you, Rose, I really do."

"I know, Sam." I whispered looking out the window as he kept my hand in his.

"I promise you that one day this will all work out. We will be living in a house together and be married and your life will be perfect." He said making me close my eyes at the thought of spending the rest of my life with Sam.

I don't love you, I love Jack.

I could never tell Sam I didn't love him because he would only get angry with me.

I could never live a normal life again.


A/N: Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and thank you all for reading(:






