Chapter 3

I pulled away from Jack my eyes fluttering open as I smiled at him a blush making its way onto my cheeks.

"Are we a thing now?" He asked and I looked out the window chewing on my lip nervously.


"It's fine, let's get to your party." He said and I sadly smiled out the window as I got out of the car. I closed the door behind me and followed Jack into the backyard of the house we had arrived at moments ago. I walked into the backyard and was immediately greeted by a short girl with reddish-blonde hair and green eyes.

"Hi! So nice to meet you Rose! Jack didn't stop talking about you yesterday, I'm Nicole by the way." She said and I gave her a small smile as she pulled another girl over next to her. I stared at the tall girl who appeared to be the complete opposite of Nicole. Instead of having light colored hair, she had dark brown hair and her eyes were a dark brown with no hint of blue in them.

"I'm Katja, sorry for her over friendliness." She said smiling at Nicole who rolled her eyes and then laughed.

"Well, welcome to the neighborhood! This is Brian's house and he's just out getting some pizzas and then next door is my house then across from my house is Katja's house. I'm forgetting somebody, who am I forgetting?" Nicole said and she looked over at Katja who looked over at Jack.

"Wait, doesn't Alex live down the street?" Katja said and Nicole nodded as they both looked back at me smiling.

"That's it, now come and enjoy the party!" Nicole said and she walked away with Katja making me walk closer to Jack as we walked deeper into the backyard.

In the middle of the yard was a large fire with a few chairs scattered around it. Nicole and Katja each sat in a chair talking as another girl sat with them listening and laughing but not joining in the conversation but just observing it. There was a table set up with pop and chips as well as an empty space for the pizza that Nicole said was coming.

"The other girl is Charlie, she isn't as loud as Nicole and Katja, but she isn't shy once you get to know her." Jack explained and I smiled at him as we sat down on the other side of the fire, opposite to the three girls. I stared at Charlie admiring her beauty, because she is gorgeous. Her dark black hair was pulled back into a ponytail and her green eyes were lined with dark black eyeliner making them pop even more against her skin, that had little to no makeup on it.

"Hi, Rose, I'm Charlie." She said looking over at me as I smiled at her not knowing how to respond.

"Rose as you know." I said and Jack just laughed at me.

"Oh, Rose." He said and I blushed as Katja rolled her eyes and threw a few pebbles at Jack who just laughed.

"Where did you get pebbles?!?!" Charlie exclaimed laughing extremely hard.

"Nicole had them in her pockets." Katja laughed and we all started laughing even harder when Nicole fell out of her seat.

We all quickly stopped laughing when we heard the sound of a car door slamming and group of laughter.

"No, no, no, not tonight." Nicole whispered and she quickly stood up her eyes going wide as she stared at whoever had come to the house.

"Heard you were having a party." I turned around my eyes widening slightly as Jack Gilinsky, Nate, and Sam slowly were making there way over to our group.

"And you know how much I love partying with you, Nicole." Nate said and I looked over at Nicole who quickly looked to the ground hiding her face.

"What the hell is your problem?" I yelled at Nate standing up as Jack grabbed my arm trying to hold me back.

"Rose, it isn't worth it, trust me." He whispered but I just stared at him my eyes searching his face to give me a reason to not punch Nate, but I found none.

"Let her go, Johnson, she's too hot for you anyway." Before I knew what I was doing I was throwing punches at Nate who was easily blocking them as well as blocking me. I felt somebody grab me by the waist and I threw my elbow at them as I kicked trying to get to Nate who was just laughing at my struggles. 

I tasted the oh so familiar taste of blood in my mouth as well as the growing sickening feeling in my stomach.

"Put her down." I heard Jack say and I was turned around to see that he was glaring at whoever was holding me.

"Why, it's not like she is your girlfriend? Right, Johnson, she isn't you girlfriend?" I instantly recognized Sam's voice and I kicked at his legs.

"Put her down now." Jack growled and I ignored the blood in my mouth and bit down on Sam's arm as hard as I could. He dropped me to the ground and I was instantly held by Jack who was rubbing my back softly.

"Get out." Nicole whispered harshly her voice cracking slightly.

"Aw, baby, don't be upset." I heard Nate say in a teasing tone as I dug my nails into Jack's back to keep me from launching myself at him again.

"Come on guys, this isn't even a party." Jack Gilinksy said and I turned to look at him to see that he was standing near the back not doing much.

"Yeah, he's right, Sam, let's go." Nate said and the three walked away laughing every so often until they were long gone.

"If I could kill them I-"

"Are you okay, Rose? Did any of them hurt you?" Nicole interrupted me running over to Jack and I as she kneeled down next to me.

"No, I'm fine, my mouth was bleeding-"

"Which one hit you?" She asked and Katja placed her hand on Nicole's shoulder.

"Nicole, I think she is okay." She said gently and I looked down at Nicole's hands to see that she was shaking slightly. My eyes traveled up to hers and I noticed how wide her eyes were as well as how scared she looked.

"Are you okay?" I asked her and Jack went to talk but Nicole stopped him with a sigh.

"A few years ago I dated Nate and at the time Katja was dating Gilinsky, who was still friends with Johnson at the time, and I was in love with Nate. We dated for two years and over those two years he drasticaly changed. By the second year he was a completely different person, he forced me into having sex with him and would abuse me both mentally and physically. I tried to break up with him but that just led to more violence. I just don't want you to get hurt because I saw how Sam was looking at you and Nate could like you or not he is still going to try to get you. Jack is just as dangerous as the two of them I just don't want you to have to go through the pain I did, or we did." Nicole said and then let out a sigh as she stood up her legs wobbling slightly.

"I need to take her home." Katja said and wrapped her arm around Nicole who looked like she was going into a panic attack from just thinking about what Nate must have done to her. I shuddered suddenly feeling cold and frightened.

"Bye, have a good night." I said as the two of them walked away leaving a confused and slightly upset Charlie.

"Those a-holes ruin everything." She said pouting making me laugh slightly as I looked over at Jack who was clearly upset.

"Jack, don't listen to what they say." I said and he looked me in the eyes making my heart melt.

"Is that why you don't want to be my girlfriend? Am I not good enough?" He asked and I just opened my mouth not knowing what to say, or how to respond.

"Damn, this party sucks. What happened to all of the good senior parties?" I turned around to find a boy with bright blue eyes and dark brown hair styled upwards as he held a bag filled with what appeared to be chips and cookies.

"Shut-up and get in the house before I kill you." A tall boy walked up behind the first boy his hair was also a dark brown and he also had blue eyes, but his hair was curly instead of straight.

"Hey, Brian, why don't you try and be nice to Dylan for once? Surprise, huh?" A tall girl walked out from the side of the house her dark brown hair curled down her shoulders and her brown eyes lined with dark, black, makeup.

"You heard her, Dylan, get in the house." The tall boy, Brian, told Dylan who I assumed was his brother.

"I don't know why I even try." The girl said and pulled Dylan into the house and closing the door behind her.

"So, I am gonna assume the new girl is Rose." Brian said as he sat down in one of the chairs near the fire.

"No, that's Katja, she just got plastic surgery." Charlie sneered and then rolled her eyes and then started to laugh at herself. "I'm so funny."

"Hey, new girl, you don't have to sit on the ground. Jack does because I mean come on, he's Jack." Brian said and I just laughed and I stood up with Jack and then sat down on a chair curling my legs up under me.

"I do have a name, you know." I said crossing my arms over my chest chills forming on my arms.

"Whoa, new girl has a name!" He teased me and he stood up cupping his mouth with his hands.

"Brian, shut-up." Jack laughed and i just giggled and leaned my head on Jack's shoulder as he sat down next to me.

"Hey, Charlie, let's make it two couples." Brian said winking at Charlie who rolled her eyes and made her fingers into a gun putting it to her head.

"Kill me now." She said a pained look on her face as I laughed.

"And we aren't a couple." Jack said and I just shrugged kissing his cheek gently.

"Yet." I whispered into his ear not knowing if I could deny my feelings for him any longer.

But I was trying.

Just not too hard.

"Who wants a drink?" Brian asked and he dragged a bag full of beer towards him as we all looked at each other.

Why not let my feelings run wild?

I grabbed one of the beers as well as Jack and we clinked our glasses and smiled at each other.


I blinked my eyes open staring at the white ceiling in front of me. I rolled onto my side my arm hitting a bare chest. My eyes traveled upwards and I saw blue eyes looking down at me followed by a smirk.

"Good morning." Dylan said and I quickly jumped up, the blankets falling off of my clothed body.

"JACK!" I screamed and I jumped out the of the bed my head pounding as I ran out of the room running into a shirtless, running Jack.

"Goodness, what is wrong, Rose?" He asked holding me in place in front of him seeing as I was swaying slightly.

"What happened last night?" I asked trying to steady myself and get rid of my headache.

"I threw that amazing senior party." Brian said squinting in the light as he stood behind Jack a small smile on his face.

"What the hell happened last night?" Charlie asked falling out of the bathroom next to Brian as she just laid on the floor.

"Yeah, what did happen?" I asked pulling Dylan up by the arm so he was standing next to me and I motioned to his shirtless body.

"You made me take my shirt off." He protested trying to pry my nails off of his arm.

"All I remember is drinking and then I thought I fell asleep." I said and Jack just chuckled and kissed my nose.

"You did not fall asleep, Rose. You danced with Charlie on Brian's table, and then the table shattered and you both just laughed. Then both of you attacked Dylan and took turns kissing him." He laughed and I looked at Dylan who blushed and just looked down smiling. I smacked his arm as hard as I could making him wince slightly.

"And you didn't stop us!" I yelled and I kept hitting his arm as he tried to push me off laughing slightly.

"I should take you home, your mom probably thinks we had sex." Jack said and wrapped his arm around my shoulders pulling me off of Dylan who looked relieved.

"And me, you have to take me home, too." Charlie said getting up and walking towards us.

"Yay! Let's go!" I cheered making her wince as we both just laughed and walked down the steps. The girl from last night stood in the kitchen in front of the fridge her hair pulled back into a messy bun.

"Bye, Shelley, see you soon." Jack said and she turned around smiling at us.

"Bye, guys, hope you had fun." She said and we walked out of the house and into the sun that seemed unreasonably bright. I quickly slid into the front seat of Jack's car stealing one of the many pairs of sunglasses he had. I slipped them on my face and Jack got into the drivers seat as Charlie sat down in the back.

"Hey, you stole my glasses." Jack said and I just rolled my eyes and turned the radio up to block out Jack's voice.

"You stole my heart." I screamed over the music raising my eyebrows at him as he just laughed and shrugged.

"You two make me sick!" Charlie screamed from the back and I just laughed and stared into Jack's eyes.

"Love sick." Jack whispered so only I could hear him the music blaring throughout the car.

I kissed his cheek gently and pulled away instantly regretting pulling away.

I wanted more of the boy I love.


A/N: The chapter is eh, but I still like it(: Thank you for reading and I hope you all enjoyed!






